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Posts posted by Boater

  1. The comments section below the article would put anyone off going to Samui. coffee1.gif

    oh dear ! , and these are holiday makers coming from the horses mouth !

    I just love these fluff pieces spouted by some hack on a freebie advertising a box of <deleted> as if it were Terry's Gold.

    Samui, "that fabled island" ia like any other resource peddled by the Thai to earn as much revenue as possible from a market which to varying degrees is as clueless as a Koala bear looking for a mate in McDonalds.

    The beaches are nice as indeed is the topography, but from afar. Close up and you get hit with that unmistakable stench of rancid urine mixed with faeces. The problem is, there is no functioning infrastructure. Thai don't do urban planning or anything that won't yield an immediate profit. Thus, all those beautiful people visiting that fabled land take a dump and with all those other unpleasant bodily functions the product has to go somewhere. Mostly, it's into a cesspit. The cesspits overflow and on rainy days the effluence flows down onto those paradisial beaches and thence into the sea where the tides wash the dross back onto whichever beach is next in line.

    Best make sure you get your Hep A before you go swimming.

    But then, beautiful people paying stupid money for ersatz paradise might think they're immune from their own crap.


    You have it spot on there. I have just returned from a week there and can clearly say that if you like holidays in an overpriced cesspit then Samui is for you.

    After even the shortest rainfall the place stinks of raw sewage and the sea is covered in a brown sludge. The beach around Chareng is like a giant ashtray. The infrastructure simply has not kept pace with the massive increase in hotel rooms.

    The food and drink is way overpriced, far more than we pay here in Hong Kong. There is no public transport system and the taxis are run by a "mafia" with extortionate fares demanded for even the shortest visit. Negotiate with the driver? You must be kidding!

    I really do wonder is Michelle Chan has ever set foot on Samui, because what she is writing about sure isn't the place I have just returned from. (and will never go back to).

    What Ms. Chan also fails to point out is that there is absolutely no rule of law there. The foreigner has no rights whatsover, you are on your own, with a totally corrupt police force.

    i would like to see what the TAT has to say about this ... such a rave review for samui as well, which has backfired !

  2. The comments section below the article would put anyone off going to Samui. coffee1.gif

    oh dear ! , and these are holiday makers coming from the horses mouth !

    I just love these fluff pieces spouted by some hack on a freebie advertising a box of <deleted> as if it were Terry's Gold.

    Samui, "that fabled island" ia like any other resource peddled by the Thai to earn as much revenue as possible from a market which to varying degrees is as clueless as a Koala bear looking for a mate in McDonalds.

    The beaches are nice as indeed is the topography, but from afar. Close up and you get hit with that unmistakable stench of rancid urine mixed with faeces. The problem is, there is no functioning infrastructure. Thai don't do urban planning or anything that won't yield an immediate profit. Thus, all those beautiful people visiting that fabled land take a dump and with all those other unpleasant bodily functions the product has to go somewhere. Mostly, it's into a cesspit. The cesspits overflow and on rainy days the effluence flows down onto those paradisial beaches and thence into the sea where the tides wash the dross back onto whichever beach is next in line.

    Best make sure you get your Hep A before you go swimming.

    But then, beautiful people paying stupid money for ersatz paradise might think they're immune from their own crap.


    You have it spot on there. I have just returned from a week there and can clearly say that if you like holidays in an overpriced cesspit then Samui is for you.

    After even the shortest rainfall the place stinks of raw sewage and the sea is covered in a brown sludge. The beach around Chareng is like a giant ashtray. The infrastructure simply has not kept pace with the massive increase in hotel rooms.

    The food and drink is way overpriced, far more than we pay here in Hong Kong. There is no public transport system and the taxis are run by a "mafia" with extortionate fares demanded for even the shortest visit. Negotiate with the driver? You must be kidding!

    I really do wonder is Michelle Chan has ever set foot on Samui, because what she is writing about sure isn't the place I have just returned from. (and will never go back to).

    What Ms. Chan also fails to point out is that there is absolutely no rule of law there. The foreigner has no rights whatsover, you are on your own, with a totally corrupt police force.

  3. The 'other channel' for local news reported this incident, with photos, about 15 hours before PG got it's act together. That aside, not without irony that the 'guilty party' chose to stay, and the driver of the tour bus did the ethical Thai thing (i.e., run away). Again from the 'other channel', I believe that brings the total number of fatalities in this particular small area just north of Phuket, to 14 in just the past month (and many more casualties, some very serious also). Questions at the very highest level would be asked, nay demanded, in most places in the world.

    the mini bus driver fled the scene , but handed himself into a local police station ...

    but all these crashes need to stop, there is just so many now !!!!, and 99% i believe are down to just bad driving !!

  4. Not sure how the 9gems got mixed in with the 5 star hotels mentioned in the article. Isn't the 9gems on a hill above Bandon Hospital/Makro?

    maybe because of the prices they charge !!, 450 a bottle of beer if i remember correctly, and 40 K a room !

    Hardly luxury these days. Rumour has it Rooo charges 1k Baht a beer...Archa at that! biggrin.png

    Last time i was at the Roo residence , drinks where free !!! .. but beer wasnt wasnt on the menu

  5. This is the fabled island where we came 20 years ago for cheap beach-shack lodgings and full-moon parties – and in search of that beach. Long known as a destination for backpackers, Koh Samui is sprucing up its image to appeal to a different kind of independent traveller: stylish, well-heeled and looking to be cosseted in a villa with butler service and world-class spa treatments, rather than party all night and crash out next day with a copy of Alex Garland's dark debut novel.

    The change is conspicuous all over Koh Samui. At the airport (now served by direct flights from Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore), I noticed as many smartly dressed British families and honeymoon couples from Seoul as I did Australian backpackers. Some luxury resorts are developing private residences to sell as upmarket second homes to these wealthier and more discerning visitors.

    The shift of gear began five years ago, when a Four Seasons opened on the site of a former coconut plantation. It was the first property on the island with access to a private beach, and each of its 74 hillside villas, designed along traditional Thai lines, had its own infinity pool.

    Since then a swathe of high-end hotels has opened, including Le Méridien, a Banyan Tree, the W Retreat and, last autumn, Conrad Koh Samui. It's evidence that the island as we knew it, with its cheap bars and run-down hostels on Chaweng Beach, has moved on and up.


  6. The Bangkok police come down and drag the Chalong police down to the house ( imagine the loss of face to the Thai police if the Bangkok police didn't even bother with the Chalong useless police who have done nothing it seems to investigate this) and presto there are some remains in a basement all together with her ID card and her gun.

    And is it not disquieting to know the Chalong police obviously made zero attempt at investigating?

    Is it not strange the Thai policeman she married did not even report her missing?

    Is it not strange that a long time after her death her stuff is still all around the Norwegian's guys house?

    Is it not strange only bits of her body have been found so long after - I mean if he was dispensing of the body bit by bit would it take all that time and at least would he not dump the other personal stuff of hers?

    The Relationship with the Thai Policeman, so I understand it from different News sources, had been over already,

    I not sure if she was divorced so.

    But he had no interest in following her disappearance as it was over and he had nothing to gain from her anymore.

    Their Baby together was with her parents, he seems not to have much interest in this either, if different he would stay with the child.

    From own experience I can say, some Thai Policeman look for Thai Ladys with rich Falangs who they prey on and try to participate on that money.

    This Policeman have sometime more ladys and a marriage or a child is no problem for them, that is part of the game!

    They live in the house of the Falang (when he is in Europe working) for years, drive with the car and motorbike the Falang bought and lives from the Falangs money. -I saw that with my own eyes here in Isaan.-

    And always look for new pray, one found than my GF as a second,

    younger possibility, (Mia Noi) to his 8 year relationship to a to a Falang married Thaiwoman.angry.png

    Regarding the Phuket police did do nothing, so I would presume -Katabeachbum- had connections to police in Phuket and money.rolleyes.gif

    Why he kept belongings from her in the house and her body, at least in parts too, I think, its a possibility that he was a bit insane and loved her so much, that he could not let go her completely. Is a theory.

    i have seen this in samui as well

  7. makes no sense that he admitted though. Why would he admit to murder when thai investigators are lazy and horrible and would never be able to prove it was him? He'd be stuck in detention for a year tops and released for lack of evidence.

    There is something really fishy with all these murders accusation where they admits everything right off the bat. Doesn't happen elsewhere

    You do have a point there ! , nobody in the west EVER confesses to a murder !, you are told by your lawyer that is the first thing you never do ...

    quick one - Are you even given a lawyer here when arrested?

  8. Shall we have a poll and see if he was guilty or not?

    JT will probably start one shortly,

    But on a serious note, i do hope there is a full investigation here, not just the ' he said he do , case closed '

    yes we all know he was a bit of a nutter in his posts ect, but the un answered questions need to be answered, and as a ex tv mod, i am not to sure what the police may think what they have on there hands, as this might have more publicity then they could ever have imagined and will be closely watched

    I'd make you right there, but the confession rather sums things up. Its not the actions of an innocent man. Far too implausable to suggest a set up 3 years down the line.

    Sorry but this guy is imo a total lunatic who has lost the plot.

    Killed her then had no plan of what to do afterwards and has been living two lives ever since. No wonder he is somewhat relieved.

    The problem we all have when trying to second guess people is that we are on this side of sanity.

    Smokie knows about the State Hospital at Carstairs, Scotland. It's full of our criminally insane. I have a boyhood friend who works there, and has done so for 30 years.

    He told me there is no point trying to work out the reason why, there is no reason why. He says forget about why......just stick to "it happened".

    There are psychiatrists spending all their lives trying to work out why.........and failing. So do I believe this guy is capable of going about his semi-normal life while his gf's remains rotted in the basement? Yes.

    Do I believe he's guilty?......I don't know.....luckily that's why we have trials. In the meantime someone wake up Jingthing and tell him to set up a poll biggrin.png

    suppose you make a point there, look at the likes of fred west, able to kill , but lead a normal life and nobody knew anything more !

    but if the case, he done it well !,

    but again, down to investigation by the police, A - did he commit the crime - B - where there any more victims? , cases like this, there always are !

  9. Shall we have a poll and see if he was guilty or not?

    JT will probably start one shortly,

    But on a serious note, i do hope there is a full investigation here, not just the ' he said he do , case closed '

    yes we all know he was a bit of a nutter in his posts ect, but the un answered questions need to be answered, and as a ex tv mod, i am not to sure what the police may think what they have on there hands, as this might have more publicity then they could ever have imagined and will be closely watched

  10. do you think the Thai Police investigators will examine all he 10,000 plus posts? , there must be something in there to suggest what he had done, or accused off? remember he only ' murdered ' her 5 months after joining TV ...

    alot of this doesnt make much sense, as there are friends on his facebook having a good time in his house, and as another poster mentioned, was this house for sale? , the whole BIB being involved adds a twist to it .....

    and last question, if he did have afight with her, she fell down the stairs, ect ect, why was there a car NOT AT THE house with her blood stains on it after she went missing?

    Cos he shot her. The guy is a total nutcase.

    would be intersting if they done a full CIS investigation .....

    Quick note, as there is a police officer involved , maybe not directly , does a seperate governing body also have to investigate the crime , like the west , to ensure no cover ups? , just a question

  11. do you think the Thai Police investigators will examine all he 10,000 plus posts? , there must be something in there to suggest what he had done, or accused off? remember he only ' murdered ' her 5 months after joining TV ...

    alot of this doesnt make much sense, as there are friends on his facebook having a good time in his house, and as another poster mentioned, was this house for sale? , the whole BIB being involved adds a twist to it .....

    and last question, if he did have afight with her, she fell down the stairs, ect ect, why was there a car NOT AT THE house with her blood stains on it after she went missing?

  12. I heard that her police husband killed her and hide the body in the guys house as he was somehow familiar with that house, the search in the tank was a decoy.

    Thats why the police was not interested in the case the first time it was mentioned.

    She got the gun because husband was a policeman.

    Police man maybe jealous that wivey visit ex boyfriend ?

    Thats why she was found there, and he changed the story under the pressure of the heat.

    But to you all out there.... who was it ?

    and who was the source?

    • Like 1
  13. according to his facebook, he is engaged to another lady, and they have a child? ( might not be his ) , but wouldnt she have known about the body, or smelt it?


    Uh, if I am not mistaken I know who he bought the green Ninja (bike) from...small world.

    Note: And the engagement was announced on Facebook the 23rd of Jan, says his profile.

    So new girl living in the house, while left-over remains of the old one is in the basement...

    another news source source mentions they have been living together 6 months !, so she or someone must have seen the bin !

  14. The nude jumpers are murders from one of the foreign gangs that I won't mention here. Stripping them of their clothes is their signature.

    It's the jumpers who are found with clothes on that are the mystery.

    care to expand?

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