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syd barrett

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Posts posted by syd barrett

  1. I bought a cling-film sealed pack from Villa Market Supermarket, priced 67 baht (two pieces) English Breakfast sausage.

    Verdict: Very good Indeed!

  2. My Thai bank account ATM card has a VISA logo on it, does that mean I can use it for a worldwide signature purchase? Does anyone know about this?

    Plus, my card has a 3 digit number on the back, does that mean it can be used online?

    A VISA debit card will enable you withdraw cash at ATMs and also pay for goods. I think you will find that most transactions will be electronic (rather than signature) vi athe use of your PIN. The card will debit such amounts straight through to your bank account - unlike the VISA credit card where you get deferred credit.

    Does that mean if I use my VISA debit card in for example a supermarket in Thailand I enter my PIN or sign a receipt. I thought only chip & pin was for PIN purchases and my card does not have a chip?

  3. <snip>

    Their new found fame as a WS Hero is the perfect release for them to flex their muscle without getting a back hander from the Mrs, at the same time knowing they have "'protection"' from the Thai Police in walking street incase their heroics backfire on them and they bite off a little more than they can chew.



    The whole psychology of their 'role' is questionable. What normal clear thinking person, with self esteem, would stoop so low as to dressing in black commando gear, and stroll up and down Walking Street six abreast with his buddies, whilst on the way, having sagely chats with bar girls, flashing their utility belts and badges (for parachuting?) and pistol loading?

    It beggars belief. Watching the You-Tube clip was painful. It was embarrassing that fellow British citizens want to do this. As I said before, the volunteer farang ambulance men are doing a very worthwhile job, and if there are any genuine farang translators/linguists working as police volunteers, all well and good.

    I don't think that I am alone in suggesting that the vast majority of these volunteers only speak a few words of Thai, can read or write no Thai and indeed struggle putting pen to paper or creating a reasoned written response. The paragraph of nonsense proffered by 'you-know-who' earlier was, quite frankly, pathetic.

  4. This paragraph from a Bangkok Post report on the Pattaya Volunteer Tourist Police last month includes all you need to know about the mindset of people who join up to serve and protect:
    Mr Miller says new recruits undergo three days of training before the three-month probation period and are from countries as diverse as China, India, Norway and Pakistan. Some undergo further training to qualify as parachutists and undergo a practical pistol shooting course, said Mr Miller, although these skills are not necessary for the job. A few of them even sported badges showing they had qualified in these areas on their uniforms.

    Badges, cool. Couldn't hack it as a Boy Scout, then join the Pattaya Tourist Police.

    Spot on mate :D

    Its probable that some of these guys volunteer their time for the best of reasons, but unfortunately i think all the bad press is somewhat deserved.

    I personally find their costumed posturing rather irritating and pathetic, definately giving off the completely wrong vibe in relation to their purpose.

    Whilst the town is awash with serious crime, why oh why are they so interested in the poor Uzbek girls? I suppose the free shag had nothing to do with it! :o

    In the same Bangkok Post article: This is straight out of spoof publications. LOL !!!


    While some might see the black uniform worn by the foreign assistants and the military boots and berets of their Thai counterparts as intimidating, Mr Miller argues they are practical. ''Because the climate in Pattaya is very hot, it is not practical for us to wear a white or light-coloured shirt as they will show sweat and stains,'' he said. ''Black shirts look smart and they do show a little bit of authority.''

    Link below to hilarious article in Bangkok Post.

    Bangkok Post: Men In Black

  5. Good report from Duangta above.

    My question would be, just exactly how much of a torso is available to be seen in a passport photo. The absolute maximum would be bare shoulders, which can't be that uncommon, because I am sure many western women have passport photos taken with stringy tops.

    I can only conclude that this is an old passport approaching its ten year lifespan and somehow our victim managed to provide (and get accepted) at his local passport office, circa 1999 a passport photo with him bare chested, showing bare shoulders and perhaps as he wished for; a bit of bare upper arm muscle?

  6. called 'Pattaya Grapevine' where can we buy this one syd ?

    'Pattaya Grapevine' is also a free publication available at Friendship and other supermarkets. Issue 3 (March) went like hot-cakes, so you have to be fast!

  7. I was in Pattaya recently(now live in Bangkok) and thought I would try to find a copy.

    Nowhere. Is it still being published?

    The magazine "pattaya expat" seems to have vanished too.

    Anyone got the scoop on this?

    Pattaya Expat is still publlished bi-monthly and is freely available at Friendship Supermarket, Pattaya Tai.

    The best recent new free magazine is called 'Pattaya Grapevine'. This is a quality glossy publication and is highly recommended.

  8. Obviously I don't expect anyone to believe this and I now don't get involved with FTPA related posts on any forum anymore because they normally contain so much BS that any attempt by me to give my side of the story is normally a fruitless task.

    The incident began when it was pointed out by one of the Thai Tourist Police Officers that a man sitting in the front of the Black and White Bar next to the Mobile Unit appeared to be taking some sneaky pictures of us. He told me to go and have a word with him as he was not happy. I VERY POLITELY approached the man accompanied by Mr. Harrison who was not on duty and had come down to see me. He was not in uniform and was not wearing his ID badge. I POLITELY asked him what he was doing and saw that my approach frightened him so I became even more polite in fear of upsetting the guy who, at this point, was shaking a bit. I asked him why he was filming us in that manner and he denied that he was filming in a covert fashion. I suggested to him that he was and told him that if he wanted to take some better pictures of us, he could do so, all he had to do was ask as most people do. He agreed to stop filming and that was the end of the incident.

    At no point did I put my hands on his camera or person or did I order him to stop filming. I politely suggested that filming in that manner was not good and was upsetting the Thai Tourist Police Officers who initially spotted the man. Because if this I wanted him to stop to avoid them from approaching the guy which may have caused an unnecessary scene.

    And that was itā€¦.much to do about nothing and another incident blown completely out of proportion by people who know nothing about what we do and how we have helped thousands of people over the years.

    I will not be responding further and fully expect the usual idiots to come out and play on this thread. If it makes you happy then go ahead.


    Okay. Time I introduced myself. I'm the guy who was confronted by Mr. Miller and his "friend".

    First of all, I'm 55, a long time resident of Pattaya and I'm raising a family here. I consider myself an ordinary, responsible, easy going guy enjoying life in Thailand. I've never been in any trouble, nor have I had any altercation in or outside of Pattaya. I sample the nightlife occasionally and frequent the bars.

    I must thank Mr. Miller for taking the time and trouble to respond.

    I'm a keen videographer and photographer. Some of my work has been used commercially in the past but I'm no papparazzo and I've never filmed or photographed "covertly" (however you wish to define the term). Everyone in Pattaya, however, is being "covertly" filmed by surveillance cameras which are becoming more and more prevalent, including in the bars. I've never seen any signs warning of CCTV, and my permission has never been requested - but, there again, it really doesn't bother me.

    Walking Street is a major international tourist attraction. Every night you'll see hundreds of videos and photos being taken. I myself, and no doubt all of you, have featured in many of them, knowingly or otherwise. For most people this is no big deal.

    Before I continue I must make a few things clear:

    - This is the first video I have posted on Youtube

    - I very rarely partake in Internet forums. In fact this is my first time on Thai Visa

    - I've got nothing against Mr. Miller personally, and I have no ulterior motive

    - I acknowledge that the Volunteers' intentions are generally good and that they have no doubt helped many tourists

    - My original communication was sent to the Pattaya Daily News as the two other major Pattaya news sites are owned by the team leaders of the two groups of Pattaya police volunteers

    In reply to Mr. Miller's comments:

    If one of the "Thai Tourist Police Officers" was not happy with my filming why didn't HE accompany you to speak to me instead of your civilian clad sidekick who had nothing to do with the situation. Perhaps you can provide me with his name so I can contact him personally and he can confirm that what I was doing is illegal, as you yourself have chosen to avoid this question. I will take take this opportunity to apologise to the Thai Tourist Police should I have caused them any worry or upset as Mr. Miller states.

    I repeat again, I was NOT taking sneaky pictures. I held the camera on my lap as I always do when sitting down because it's heavy, easier to support and hold steady, and more comfortable. How I hold and use a camera is my own business, and certainly no concern of yours. If I wanted to take "sneaky" pictures, I could have done so quite easily, and you would have been none the wiser.

    I didn't say you weren't "POLITE" (Miller's capitals). I didn't say you were abusive or offensive, if you were I'd have told you to &lt;deleted&gt; off. I said you were arrogant, authoritative and intimidating - which you fail to deny in your reply. You were instructing me emphatically what I could and couldn't do. At no time was I informed that I was breaking the law or breaching any regulations

    Mr. Harrison was not in uniform, had no ID and was not "on duty", so why was he with you? Again you fail to answer this and I think it was a bad judgement call on your part. He said he was "Tourist Police". Which he is not. Was that a slip up, or is that the general way you identify yourselves to the public? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe impersonating a police officer is a crime in Thailand. Also from his past exposure in the media I'd have thought Mr. Harrison would be keeping a low profile and certainly keep away from any off-duty situations. Or perhaps he thought I was working for the media, and he was the one to instigate your actions, and which is why he accompanied you? I merely speculate.

    You say your approach "frightened me" - yes, I admit I was startled and taken aback at being approached by 2 guys, one in a black uniform covered in quasi official emblems and insignia and a belt full of bells and whistles, and another guy who, well I didn't know who he was. And yes, you bet I was shaking. I was very angry at being embarassed in front of a crowd of people, in whose company I had to remain after you left.

    Both you and Mr. Harrison were continuously talking over each other. Your manner was nothing short of harrasment. Your main concern was that I was working for the media, and that you would be subject to more bad pubilicity.

    Mr. Miller may think this is much ado about nothing. It may have been a small incident, but I think this is just one symptom of a big problem that concerns many expats and tourists alike, as is clearly indicated by the interest generated every time the issue of the Police Volunteers is raised. Sooner or later this will have to be addressed.

    Good post. I agree with everything you have said.

    The problem with these so called volunteers, is that they are unregulated, and are on some sort of uniformed 'power' trip. At heart they are just bullies and cowardly bullies to boot. They are no stranger to nefarious activities in Pattaya and probably volunteered for 'hidden perks' in the first place.

    I doubt they volunteered for altruistic reasons, if they were back in their home countries, they would be attempting to join the volunteer police force there and would be rejected at the first stage. In fact they probably wouldn't even be given a scout leaders uniform.

    The only volunteers in Pattaya doing a good and worthy job are the volunteer ambulance men.

  9. So if I open accounts with Ladbrokes, William Hill, Betfair et al here in England I can bet in Thailand? Good news for me.

    Betfair (even ifyou are an existing customer and/or have credit with them already) will NOT operate in Thailand.

    If anyone knows a way around this PM me.

    The other big 3 all work O.K.

    Gambling in Thailand is illegal, but almost impossible to stop for online punters or indeed account holders phoning the U.K.

  10. People will have their opinions no doubt but just to let you know Pizza Company is doing their "buy one get one free" deal again up until the end of this month, makes their pizza's pretty good value. :o

    Is that on delivery only? Eat in only? or both?

    Delivery only it says in the advert.

    What's the catch? Are they as good a Pizza Hut?

  11. It is a joke. I swear that the main reason this liquid rubbish was introduced was to justify the high rents charged at airports by forcing people to buy more overpriced rubbish, like water, once past the security. Don't even try and tell me that the water they sell at airports has been through stringent security and never left unguarded for even a minute !

    This charging for bags is just scandalous.

    Yes, spot on. Buxton still water sold at WH Smith (Airside) in two sizes 500ml and 750ml 1.49 and 1.99 respectively.

    Rip Off Britain.

  12. ... and all roads will lead to the operating theatre for an unnecessary appendectomy.

    There is no such thing as an unecessary appendectomy... I personally have had six. :o

    The statistics for unnecessary appendectomies are available from all U.K. hospitals. I challenge BPH to release its statistics of the same.

  13. Well who knows who tell the truth, the newspaper or the spin doctors from BP. Fact is there has been so many outrageous stories from BP that I for one have lost confidence in them. :o

    Exactly. It's not even a very professional press release.

    BPH is only interested in making money, I will never use it because I have heard so many bad, really bad, reports. Mis-diagnosis is rife (or on purpose) so that every conceivable medical test is performed to bump up the bill.

    Patients who attend the hospital, let's say for acute abdominal pain, will be scanned, blood tested, NOT asked about their history and all roads will lead to the operating theatre for an unnecessary appendectomy.

  14. Voice reader Simon Burrowes, from Wembley, north London

    Burrowes said: ā€œIā€™m a black man

    The same black Simon Burrowes from London? :o

    International Karate and Kickboxing Academy, London

    Simon Burrowes - Instructor

    Simon has over 15 years Martial Arts and Amateur Boxing Experience in the UK.

    He is a Black Belt 2nd Dan ECKA Karate and kickboxing Instructor.

    National Sami contact champion , Bronze Medallist in 2007 WPKA world kickboxing championship in Greece.

    It appears it is....The same person really doesn't like to wear shirts I guess... not even for...


    Simon Burrowes is a fan of:

    * Tiger Muay Thai & MMA Training Camp, Phuket, Thailand


    It seems he is a pretty tough guy. So he will be able to protect his ring if he gets two years bird.

  15. I don't think that there is any doubt that the man was rude and swore at immigration officials.

    My guess is, that had he kept calm while they scrutinised his passport he might have been allowed to board his plane and not jailed.

    This is a warning to everyone who reads this story, that in Thailand you are at the mercy of higher powers so must never resort to rudeness and swearing at Thai officials.

    Did he deserve jail for 3 weeks? Yes, I bet it taught him a lesson he'll never forget.

    Does he deserve 2 years jail for rudeness? No, send him home and bar him from Thailand.

    Do the British Embassy staff ever help? Rarely and only if you are an OE or a peer of the realm.

  16. Caticlan Airstrip: Panay Island for Boracay Island. Asian Spirit.

    I did this on a 18/19 seater in bad weather. It is the first time in my life I have actually fouled my pants in fear.

    If you ever go to Boracay Island from Manila or any other Philippine city choose Kalibo as the airport for Boracay.

    yeah true !

    and just a few weeks ago, a ZEST AIR plane that was actually NOT suitable to use this airport had a crash-landing there.

    If you sit in a plane that has been made for take offs and touch downs on short runways, everything should be fine.

    SEAIR operates DORNIER and planes which are good for that, but the infamous ZEST AIR (ex: Asian Spirit) uses newly bought Chinese planes that are way too clumsy for that.

    here is the report:


    and here a pic:


    I dont think there is a need to fly to Kalibo to get to Boracay, just fly a RELIABLE airline even it is a bit more expensive. SEAIR is something like the BANGKOK AIR of the Phils...... recommended. though, PAL EXPRESS is okay too, but they use rather big ATR-72 to get to Caticlan (as does Cebu Pacific)

    Wow! Thanks for those great links. I was right Caticlan is a crazy airstrip. Imagine that? (In the news report) restricting the number of passengers on a plane for safety. That is amazing and so dangerous. Thanks. :o

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