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syd barrett

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Posts posted by syd barrett

  1. The reds violently stopped the gay parade in Chiang Mai this weekend from even starting. A great force for freedom and democracy. Be afraid. They are a bunch of THUGS.

    Maybe the reds were confused who side you lot was on with your rainbow flags.

    As long as they don't block my passage, when I escape Songkran at the airport, I don't care if they are red, yellow or rainbow.

  2. Pattaya dentists, like other businesses here, follow cartel-like price fixing. That is clear from the fact that they all charge about the same prices, in nice round numbers. And those prices are relatively too high, especially for farangs.

    Now, the price at a PTY clinic for teeth cleaning supposedly starts at 400 baht. I take great care of my teeth, and they hardly need a 6-month cleaning, so that's what I should pay. Yet inevitably, after a quick routine cleaning, I'm charged 700-800 baht. (Forget BP or PI hospital prices, which reach 1,200 with a lot of little tacked-on charges: the cotton, the water, the needle, mileage on the drill bit, laundering the face covering, whatever).

    This kind of constant sharp pricing in PTY is wearing and I like to try to beat it whenever possible.

    Which I did in this case. Banglamung Hospital has got a dental clinic, so I got my teeth cleaned there for B280 and got three small cosmetic fillings for B600. The quality of the work was as good I've gotten in a clinic. The only downside is that you have to get there early, about 8:00 AM, as they only take 40 patients per day, and it must be on a weekday; and you'll probably wait about 2 hours. I spent my 2 hours, each time, reading a book and listening to my MP3 player.

    To use a Thai public hospital such as Banglamung, it really, really helps to speak basic Thai or go w/ a Thai friend, but you could probably survive w/o either if you're well-mannered, tolerant, and patient, and maybe have phrase book to show phrases in Thai. All my experiences at Thai public hospitals have been pleasant, except for the getting up early and waiting. Most doctors do have a smattering of English.

    Now, as a recent thread attests, many of our besotted PTY punters will be highly concerned about the cuteness of the dentist. We need a site for comparing photos, do we not? I can tell you that I had a root canal done at St Louis (BKK) by a HOT young thing and not only did she overcharge but did lousy work to boot. An incompetent dentist can do a helluva lot of damage. So I don't give a shit what a dentist, or a surgeon, looks like. But at Banglamung--sorry, guys (and lesbians I guess)--I just couldn't see much behind the dental masks and head coverings, though the "fillings" lady, a Chula grad, had very nice eyes. If those aren't good enough for you, then you'll just need to drool elsewhere (pun intended) and pay 3-4 times more for said drooling. What about fixating on some young female patients out in the waiting room? The public hospitals usually have large crowded waiting rooms, so there's bound to be one or two there.

    Anyway--take THAT, overpriced Pattaya private dental clinics and hospitals! :o

    A fair report.

    But I consider dental treatment in Pattaya to be very affordable for my budget (and I'm a Cheap-Charlie). So I would not queue up at Banglamung government hospital to save a few hundred baht without feeling some guilt.

    Hospital treatment is a different matter. I cannot afford BKK-Pattaya Hospital rates, so I would use Sattahip Hospital.

  3. By this time his drinking was seriously out of control, never sober, he had become mean ,petty, loud, abusive, and the way he treated his staff!! including his wife (Linda) Well I've seen a mangy cur treated better.

    This guy has a serious problem, when it comes to petty meaness, I watched as he took away the staffs rice ration for 3 days , all because he caught the staff in the kitchen eating chips from a customers left overs , another time for using "his " teabags for a drink ( he had live in staff then, sleeping all together in one small room on a mattress on the floor 4 of them ).

    I think that your above reports are credible, and I for one will be boycotting the place until I hear that he treating his staff and spouse with dignity and respect.

    Thank you for you feedback, on perhaps one of the most loathesome individuals in business in Pattaya.

  4. Like most people in Pattaya, I know quite a few people here who exist on UK benefits. I think in many cases, they are able-bodied enough to work in the U.K.

    They have found a way to 'cheat' the system. If they choose their life like this, then that is their choice, but they do risk being discovered one day and might pay a penalty of fines and/or imprisonment.

    But, I also know of many 'registered alcoholics' who have the Doctors blessing to claim their weekly allowance of 84.50 pounds until the end of their life or until they quit the alcohol.

    I am concerned that perhaps there are some genuine alcoholics here in Pattaya who are NOT claiming this weekly allowance due to them. As previously stated, the recipient of this weekly allowance (paid every 2 weeks directly into a bank account), can 'visit' overseas for upto 26 weeks in a rolling 12 months.

  5. Does anyone remember a few years back when Crazy Dave tried to drum up support to change the name of the Soi to guess what...................................................................'SOI CRAZY DAVE'


    Ha, that makes me laugh because yesterday I actually overheard someone trying to explain where the bowling green was, and they said "Next to Soi Crazy Dave's".

    I have not been there for a breakfast for a while. I hear that it has gone upto 70 baht, it's about time I revisited.

    Anyone been lately?

  6. Basically, I have visited most Indian tailor shops in and around Pattaya and they all seem more interested in selling any old shirts instead of listening to what you actually want, which is the difference between a sales man and a tailor.

    When I visited Next, I took a look at their materials (which were all mostly second rate crap), I told him I wasn't really keen and I wanted a quality material and wouldn't mind paying extra if he could get hold of some. I even had an example with me of a shirt from England. With this, he just tried again to offer me a shirt, with the material I didn't like, and tried to haggle the price down.. twice.. With this I made an exit as he clearly wasn't listening to me.

    I then went to Burda, K. Wanchai (the owner) took one look at my example shirt that I had, told me what was wrong with it(which were exactly my thoughts), then told me he didn't have any of that material, however he could get some, but it would cost me more for the better material.. All of this was said, without me really saying too much..

    He has since made me some really good quality shirts and I am very, very happy with them.

    Spot the difference!

    I said to the gent. to mention my name, as then Wanchai (Burda) would probably assume that he would be looking for quality also..

    Thanks for the heads up. What sort of price are we looking at for a suit at Burda's?

  7. Go buy a Generator, much less <deleted> about.

    you could even hook it up to the mains to kick in if the power goes down.

    It seems that is the way to go, if I want emergency power for outages.

    It seems these cheap inverters are only any good for low power needs.

  8. I understand that the rain burst in Pattaya and surrounding areas three days ago was caused by a fleet of Thai men in aircraft, casting out their 'seed' to induce rainfall, and it worked. I am somewhat of a sceptic, is this really possible?

    It created a great inconvenience to me, because I wanted to mow the lawn, and before I knew it, the Thai men up above had soaked my lawns with their 'seed'.

  9. The Sportsman has come to the end of its era i'm afraid. The food is crap. Used to be ok, sans Greg chef era, alas the old toad that runs the gaff thinks its an establishment that will continue with a washed out reputation.

    Geggs stole his customers from day one, and rightly so. He cooked the stuff. Although i do not give him too much service, as he is up his own ass and expensive ta boot.

    Shenanigans beats both by a mile. But do yourself a favour and miss the rest of the crap they have on offer during the week. Cheap curries, chillie,steaks etc. crap.

    Pig & Whistle is good, as is the Ritz on Yamoto.

    Winchester at Jomtien...free sunday lunch still ? :o

    Yes, I agree, time for a change for tomorrow lunch.

    Where are the best 'Sunday Lunch' places now in Pattaya/Jomtien?

    Any positive feedback?

  10. I made a purchase of boursin cheese today at TOPS supermarket (Pattaya Klang). The first time that I have seen it for sale in Thailand.

    I love most cheese (knob-cheese being the exception).

    Happy to hear it. The bacteria in cheese are quite different than those found beneath your prepuce.

    Has anyone ever managed to find Wensleydale?

    Foodland has Wensleydale.

    Thanks for that heads-up. Westerner. :o

  11. You suggested, that a 300 Watt inverter would 'keep my fridge running for a few minutes' . This is incorrect information. A 300 Watt inverter would not power my fridge at all. Facts are important on open forums, if the poster is to be deemed respectable and valued.

    you seem to be a real smartàss my friend. if somebody buys a 300watt inverter for £25.- and mentions in the next sentence "fridge" one has to assume it is a minifridge especially when the sentence is phrased like yours:

    quote: A 300 Watt inverter costs 24.99 at Aldi in the U.K. I hope that this is adequate power in Thailand for my fridge freezer

    there are minifridges available with compressors drawing not more than 0.2 runing and 0.6-0.7 starting amps. these could be well driven by a 300W/240VA inverter connected to an average size car battery. facts are indeed important, i mention facts and you counter with fiction, assumptions or twisted facts.

    next "intelligent" posting please :o

    I stated clearly I was needing power for a fridge freezer.

    You are just digging yourself deeper into a hole.

    You have lost face here, Naam.

    Accept it.

    Plus it is a bit rich for YOU (talk about the Kettle calling the Pan black-àss) to accuse me of being a smartàss! LOL!

    Game over.

  12. Other people had raved about Robin's Nest but when I tried it last week I was disappointed. Far better breakfast, albeit more expensive, at the Pig & Whistle.

    I am guessing that you mean the Robins Nest on Soi Diana. But yes, I agree their budget meal offerings are barely adequate. I was disappointed with their breakfast, in fact it is probably better to keep walking and grab a cheap breakfast at KISS on second road.

    Kiss make so many breakfasts, that you know it will always be passable and cheap.

  13. I don't know where you can buy them in Thailand, but the next time I go to the U.K. I will buy one.

    A 300 Watt inverter costs 24.99 at Aldi in the U.K.

    the gadget you describe is definitely enough to keep your fridge running for a few minutes maximum and you might sip your icecream together with a lukewarm beer

    The 'gadget' you speak of so disparagingly is a DC to AC power inverter which would power an incandescent light source and a personal computer. It has been advised to me that a greater power than 300 watts is required for my refridgeration system. So I shall consider a 2kW unit.

    did i say anything else? if yes, please quote when and where.

    You suggested, that a 300 Watt inverter would 'keep my fridge running for a few minutes' . This is incorrect information. A 300 Watt inverter would not power my fridge at all. Facts are important on open forums, if the poster is to be deemed respectable and valued.

  14. The OP clearly meant that he was looking for a 12 Volt- 220 Volt DC-AC inverter since a standard wire-wound transformer would not power AC appliances.

    you must be a mindreader to know what the OP meant. why not let him explain? by the way, a standard transformer will bloody well power 220V AC appliances if the input is 12V AC.

    Sometimes in life you have to use your brain and think logically. I am not a mindreader, but I used my knowledge and common sense to realize that the OP was talking about a DC 12 Volt source.

    Where would one obtain a 12 Volt AC source in Pattaya?

    There is no need for the 'bloody's' in reasoned argument. Thank you!

  15. Shennannigans offer a decent traditional 'Fish & Chips' meal. Priced at 360 baht, you are paying over the odds for an air-con and clean and peaceful environment and the free Wi-Fi well away from the 'Cheap-Charlies'. Not that I have anything against 'Cheap-Charlies', I am one myself, but I don't enjoy their company.

    The chips are made of a quality potato, straight cut and hot. Salt & Malt Vinegar are available as well as HP Brown Sauce and Tomato Ketchup.

    The fish arrives battered in two tubes. The fish was good quality, also served with a slice of lemon and tartre sauce.

    The decorative green sprig cannot be eaten, and must be returned.

    Cuttlery and crockery was clean and hygenic.

    I give a solid 8/10 and salute the excellent service from the Shennannigan girls. Recommended.

  16. Guiness Update in Pattaya

    There is a bar on Pattaya Klang named 'Brascos' that sells Guiness during happy hour 11am-11pm at 150 baht per pint. A Chang costs 35 baht.

    It is located next to that outstanding Indian Restaurant Ali-Baba.

    Cheap isn't always good. I had their happy hour priced Kilkenny pint also at 150 at that place and it was very flat. Much better taste at Pig and Whistle. Maybe their Guinness is better but once burned.

    Fair comment, but what is the cost of a pit of Guiness in the Pig & Whistle?

    There is an excellent pint of Guiness in Shennannigans at 'The Avenue' but priced at 220 baht. So a typical day session there costs about US$ 62

  17. I don't know where you can buy them in Thailand, but the next time I go to the U.K. I will buy one.

    A 300 Watt inverter costs 24.99 at Aldi in the U.K.

    I hope that this is adequate power in Thailand for my fridge freezer during power outages to chill my beer and keep my sausage and eggs chilled.

    the gadget you describe is definitely enough to keep your fridge running for a few minutes maximum and you might sip your icecream together with a lukewarm beer :o

    by the way, the OP did not ask about an inverter but a transformer. two different kind of animals! depending on the planned purpose different gadgets are available but not necessarily in Thailand. a simple transformer 220 to 12 volt will input/output reversed also transform 12 to 220 volt.

    The 'gadget' you speak of so disparagingly is a DC to AC power inverter which would power an incandescent light source and a personal computer. It has been advised to me that a greater power than 300 watts is required for my refridgeration system. So I shall consider a 2kW unit.

    The OP clearly meant that he was looking for a 12 Volt- 220 Volt DC-AC inverter since a standard wire-wound transformer would not power AC appliances.

  18. :D all i can say guys is it dont take much to please you ......

    there is a plaza facing mike mall on 2nd rd go to the top of it

    and there is a cafe on the right called The Little Wonder run

    by a cockney guy called peter quite a nice guy any information

    ask him if he can help he will anyway he does the best breakfast

    in pattaya bar none :o

    I agree, the 'Little Wonder' breakfast is good. It is located at the end of Central Shopping Plaza next to soi Diana, opposite Papa Gayo's

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