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syd barrett

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Posts posted by syd barrett

  1. Soi 13 Sprtsman. The regular breakfast is fine but the mega one is a real gut buster, just what you need after a night on the pop. Yes the sausages are not the greatest on Earth but even in the UK it is getting more and more difficult to find real good bangers. My only slight, quirky admitted, criticism is that it is difficult to get a seat outside. I am no fan of a/c (why travel to the tropics to surround yourself with cold air? :D ) and like to sit outside as much as possible especially after three months of Korean winter :D . However the outside seating is always taken by smokers, being the only place they can sit. I've no problem with smokers but they are taking up all the outside seating (whilst indoors it is almost empty :D ). So let the smokers back indoors then I can get an outside seat easier :o .

    I agree, 'The Sportsman' on soi 13 is a very good breakfast. But they must attend to their sub-standard sausage problem. I leave mine on the side of the plate now, because it 'repeats' on me all day because it is highly spiced.

  2. With an inverter, how long would a fully charged car battery power:

    a) A floor standing fan

    :o a decent size fridge-freezer

    Those are the only things that are important to me really. TV, computer and Air-con are way down the list.

    Also, there are quite a lot of power outages where I am. Even a 5-6 hour power cut can be a pain.

  3. Never went to New Orleans for an omlette in New Orleans(I will go) the other food is GREAT.

    Greg's Place on 2nd Rd before Alcazar has quite good and juicy omelettes.

    Agreed! I love their tomato, mushroom and anchovie omlettes with the okra side-dish.

  4. The Continental does execellent English breakfasts (although not English bacon :o )

    including baked beans, orange jucie, tea/coffee and 4 slices of their lovely bread all for 95 Baht.

    I used to go to Jomtien for mine, but now I go to this location as I can walk it from where I live. Owned by a Thai lady, don't know where she learnt to cook all these different styles of breakfast?

    Yes, agreed, but I am still looking for a good breakfast place with black pudding? Any ideas?

  5. ...of course you wouldn't have a clue because you're hiding "for the entire day" on the dark side. From there you're not even qualiifed to comment on Pattaya's Songkran.

    Ahh, so only people living west of Sukhumvit are allowed to comment on Pattaya affairs. Thank you so much for clearing that up for us "Dark Side" hillbillies. I sincerely hope you get cancer.

    This thread is just a fight between you; Hobgoblin, and Tropo. Why don't you just meet up on some wasteland off Pattaya 3rd Road and fight it out. Tropo is dead tough, because he is a body builder, but you might catch him off-balance and lock-him and make him submit, when he shows off his unarmed combat in front of his Flip girlfriend. LOL :D:D:o

  6. I don't know where you can buy them in Thailand, but the next time I go to the U.K. I will buy one.

    A 300 Watt inverter costs 24.99 at Aldi in the U.K.

    I hope that this is adequate power in Thailand for my fridge freezer during power outages to chill my beer and keep my sausage and eggs chilled.

  7. I usually go to the Butcher's Arms on Soi Boukhao or Pig and Whistle. They are my fav haunts but i've had good one's elsewhere. There's a good one in Jomtien up Soi 4 or 5 i think. Run by a brit.

    My main "must" is that the bacon is good and the sausages. Not them Hot Doggy type sausages. Darn it. I'm hungry again :o

    I agree! :D

    The 'Butchers Arms'on Soi Bukhow serves a great English breakfast and is much better than Crazy Daves a block away.

    The Pig & Whistle, I've not tried for a while, any updates anyone?

  8. I think I am right in saying that if Sizzler did not offer an 'all you can eat' salad buffet then it would not hold the same attraction.

    The new Sizzler at the Central Festival Centre on Beach Road has a queue outside at weekends.

    When I pressed my eyes and nose against the window and observed the diners, they all looked like greedy types, many eating like pigs with their hands, and with food caked all over their face and food debris scattered across the table.

    I will give the place a miss.

  9. Another vote here for Pizza, Pizza. But, it's personal taste, and I like Neopolitan pizza, not thick crust pizza.

    That waitress in yellow, serving the pizza looked hursute!

  10. Since I like the type of pizza they make at Stone Oven and Pizza Pizza, I also want to mention La Grappa at the back of Woodlands Resort (down the soi on the south side a bit before the main entrance). I had the pepperoni there today, and to me that was as close to perfection that I can get. Thin crust, wonderful sauce, cheese, spices and toppings. Also with some fresh green leaves on top I assume is italian basil, but my knowledge of botany is nothing to write home about. My g/f had a lasagne, also very good according to her. Give it a try. Not cheap, but wonderful taste!

    The Stone Oven Pizzas on Beach Road Soi 6 and 6.1 are very good. You can also take away if you can't manage to eat it all.

  11. The Football Club hidden behind bars in the corner of pattaya klang and beach road.

    Only place I will ever go for breakfast in Pattaya now!

    A excellent recommendation!

    A fine quality sausage with chosen style eggs and outstanding baked beans and tomato and fried bread.

  12. Pizza, Pizza at the Avenue – located under Shennagans

    Agreed. Pizza, Pizza was the best pizza I had in Pattaya, maybe Bangkok too, along Bella Napoli and Scoozi. Actually, Pizza Pizza has the same chef as Scoozi and it's owned by the same person who started Scoozi in Bangkok. Highly recommended :o

    I also agree. Without a shadow of doubt the finest pizza available in Pattaya.

    Here is a review from Pattaya People Newspaper

    A wonderful new Italian restaurant recently opened in the Avenue Center Mall on Second Road. It’s called Pizza Pizza. But don’t let its name fool you; it’s much more than just a pizza place!

    Yes, Pizza Pizza’s menu sports 25 varieties of pizza in three different sizes, ranging from a small Margherita Pizza at 95 baht to a “super family size” Meat Lover Pizza at 2,090 baht that will feed 10 to 15 people. There’s also Calzone (stuffed pizza with spicy Salami, Artichoke, Champignon Mushrooms, and Black Olives) for 320 baht.

    But the extensive menu also includes a wide variety of interesting, authentic Italian appetizers, salads, soup, and 23 pasta dishes. The drink list includes Paulaner premium German beer, and nice house red and white wines, as well as a variety of coffee and tea. Pizza Pizza is the first restaurant in Pattaya to serve Mokador coffee, made from top quality South American ground beans that are roasted in Italy.

    The best thing about Pizza Pizza is that everything is homemade – including the pasta -- using only top quality, fresh ingredients, many of them flown in from Italy. The salads are made with fresh, hydraponic vegetables. As soon as you walk in the door you’re enveloped with the wonderful aromas of fresh spices that fill the air. That’s because the kitchen area is open, which also means that you can go and watch your mouth-watering selections being made from scratch. You can even see the pizzas and lasagna cooking inside the two huge wood-fired ovens.

    The recipes used at Pizza Pizza were handed down by the mother of the restaurant’s founder, Sam Armenio, husband of Thai TV star Yanee Chongvisuit. Sam himself learned to make pizza in Naples. He was in the fine dining business in Bangkok for seven years before opening the first Pizza Pizza restaurant in March at Central World in Bangkok.

    “We like to think of ourselves as the modern face of Italian food,” says Scott Tanner, the very personable manager of the Pattaya Pizza Pizza. “We call it gourmet fast food.”

    We sampled a variety of dishes from the menu. First up were two fresh salads: the Insalata “Tartufo” (Truffle Salad), made of mixed garden greens drizzled with Gorgonzola and warm Truffle dressing (180 baht); and the Insalata “Francesco,” mixed garden greens topped with Smoked Norwegian Salmon and drizzled with hot and spicy seafood dressing (200 baht). Simply delicious!

    Four pasta dishes demonstrated the breadth and depth of the menu. First was Al Porcini, a rice-shaped pasta tossed with Porcini Mushrooms and Parmesan in a creamy Butter sauce (200 baht). Next was Quattro Formaggi Gnocchi, a Potato-based pasta in a smooth blend of fresh Mozzarella, Parmesan, Asiagio and Gorgonzola cream sauce (180 baht). Scott says Thais love the next offering, Al Granchio, a spicy Spaghetti dish with big chunks of fresh Crab meat (240 baht). The top specialty of the house – which also turned out to be the favorite of our party – is the Ravioli Foie Gras in Truffle Cream Sauce (Ravioli stuffed with imported Goose Liver and sauteed Wild Mushrooms blended with Truffle cream sauce), 290 baht.

    Rounding out the sumptuous meal was Sam’s Special Pizza, topped with shredded Ham, Champignon Mushrooms, spicy Salami, Shrimps, and dried Chilli (350 baht for the regular size).

    Although Pizza Pizza has only been open for less than a month, it was packed on Tuesday evening. And as a measure of just how authentic the food is, Scott says a lot of Italian tourists have been coming back day after day.

    Pizza Pizza is open daily from noon to midnight, with plans to stay open until 2 am in the near future. Telephone: 038-723-929. Enjoy!

  13. I'm trying to get logged onto Asiaroom.com but am experiencing problems here in Thailand, anyone else have problems?

    Are you sure Asiaroom.com is what you want? I just see pictures of decomposing bodies.

    Yes, you are right, I was looking for asiarooms.com

  14. I set out to try this place earlier this week but hit a problem. The seafood (Mongolian Style) buffet (350 Baht as much as you can eat) is scheduled from 6pm-10pm. I arrived too late at just after 9pm and all the Hungry Horaces's had devoured the best spread.

    So next time I will arrive on the stroke of 6pm to make sure I get the freshest and best choice.

    Watch this space for an update.

  15. I am sick and tired of the Mrs. lying around all day watching useless soaps and comedy programmes on Thai Television Channels.

    I really need to get her motivated to start some simple business.

    So I have this new idea to buy a wooden handcart, with some hot cooking surface, so she can stroll around the busy streets of Pattaya in the evening and sell sausages, chicken legs, etc. etc.

    I have an idea to decorate the handcart with flags and colourful pomm-pomms just like the glitter man on the bike. And I also have the idea to sell lucky tips in envelopes for the next (bi-monthly) lottery.

    Plus, I have an idea to offer a Thai-English translation service. (written). The Mrs. speaks good Thai and English, and I do the writing into Thai, in my spare time. Plus as an extra bonus, I have a great idea to sell PG-Tips Tea Bags and cans of Boddingtons bitter on this hand cart as well. Which farangs would love.

    Any advice or suggestions welcome. What do you think?

  16. :o:D

    Where is the best Pizza in Pattaya. Two categories here, delivery and restuarant.

    Noticed some new places in Pattaya, but are they any good?


    This is getting tiring to read. Really. Why don't you all just listen to what the people say... and go over to Pizza Big in Naklua and have a pizza you won't (probably, although I can't be 100% sure...) be able to complain about? Great taste, nice crust (unless you prefer what I call, "the inedible" Chicago style, deep dish pizza) and fair price (about 260 baht for large with 2 toppings)- enough for me (5 slices) and my tirak (3 slices) And, both IM (full)! Hey! I'm an east coast American guy, and I figure I can give a reasonable opinion here, so... SHAPE UP! Stop complaining and go to Naklua... you'll thank me in the morning!


    Where in Naklua is Pizza Big?

  17. There is a Qatar Airways Offer of 356 GBP Return LON-BKK. Suppose I bought a ticket, but did not fly out LON-BKK but attempted to return BKK-LON.

    Would they honour my return leg of the ticket?

    How about this?

    I have a flight London-Dubai-Bangkok Return. On the outward trip I don't check-in in London, but attempt to check in, in Dubai, because I'm already there. Will they honour my flight ticket portion?

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