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syd barrett

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Posts posted by syd barrett

  1. I attach a photograph copy of the One-2-Call 100 baht top up card. Why is this Nazi salute allowed? I think in Germany this is illegal?

    How about YOUR avatar then? :o

    Arms stretched above head is not the same as a Nazi salute.

    There is something very fishy about these 1-2-Call phonecards.

    In fact I have a 300 Baht card in my possession which stretches the limits of common decency and I am consulting with seniors whether or not to post a photograph of it in the Bedlam section.

  2. If you pick up a free copy of 'Pattaya' magazine, on the back page there is a generous 10% discount ticket which you can cut-out and redeem at 'Food Wave' on the upper floor of the Royal Garden Mall.

    Offer ends February 28th 2009.

    Fill your boots!



  3. they do a daily beer promotion that is 130 baht for any 3 beers, a 10% discount card is also available for repeat customers, no money off the cheap beer and food though :o


    Is that 3 small bottles of beer for 130 baht? Is that promotion only during the day? Thanks.

  4. ..when i first looked I thought it seemed so silly to think that there is anything to do with Nazism in the graphics ....but the surgeon image is really ODD!

    If you wanted to go down the subliminal route, you could say the cloud images are mushroom clouds.

    Notice the accommodation block with gas pipes entering them from both sides. Then observe the three dogs following the VW Automobile (One bitch and two puppies).

    Need I say more?

  5. Stopping selling alcohol, at garages for example might help, but if people know sales of alcohol during songkrawn are restricted they will just stock up and fill their fridges. The annual death toll has come down during the last few years, but it is just a sad fact of life; people drink and drive.

  6. From the Pattaya People Newspaper dated 11th October 2008

    Every day we report the news from Pattaya – we do our best to inform you about what has happened, what will happen – and what consequences it will have for your life. But this amazing city also holds a lot of stories, which are never told. Like the one we will present to you now – the tale of a happy man with a simple life and a beautiful mission.

    If you are a regular visitor to Pattaya or even a resident, you have probably seen: THE MAN ON THE GOLDEN BIKE. Who is the character that puts colour on the Pattaya scene every day – and why is he doing it? When THE MAN ON THE GOLDEN BIKE passed by the Pattaya People Media Group building in Soi Day and Night – we didn’t hesitate to jump out in front of him and persuade him to give one of his very rare interviews.

    Even though we manage to engage in a question and answer session with THE MAN ON THE GOLDEN BIKE, he would not talk direct to a micro-phone or camera. As you can see he is a British, male Caucasian in his mid-thirties. When we asked himTHE GOLDEN MAN The Man on the Golden Bike for 5 years. His route starts every day when the sun starts to go down. Simply because: “it is too hot to ride a bicycle in the middle of the day” he explained.

    Many people think that he is promoting some event or business – but that is actually not the case. He only rides his gold bicycle – for non-commercial reasons. WHY? What makes a normal, sane and well-spoken guy ride around in a gold suite on a gold bike with flashy lights and effects – EVERY DAY? THE MAN ON THE GOLDEN BIKE told us that he had two reasons:

    Secondarily he wants to live a healthy life with regularly exercise and a body in good shape. He also enjoys swimming and taking long walks. Primarily he wants to make the people of Pattaya happy. He explained: “it gives me great satisfaction to see people smile and laugh. When I come in my gold suite on the funny bike, people notice me and think it is something very different – I meet a lot of nice people everyday when I am out on my route. ”THE MAN ON THE GOLDEN BIKE is certainly making Pattaya a more colourful placeto live. Thank you for that! His name, he pointed to a plate on his bicycle that stated: JAMES BOND. He told us that he has been riding the streets of Pattaya for five years. LINK BELOW--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Pattaya People Golden Man Link

  7. I think that the biggest hazards in Pattaya are the so called 'Zebra-Crossing'. They lull people into a false sense of security and the accidents are horrific. Tourists actually feel 'safe' and then they are hit by baht buses or private cars. (Motorcycles usually avoid a collision).

    There have been many such deaths in Pattaya during my time here, but they go unreported because they are not suspicious deaths, just accidents.

    In my eyes, they are more than accidents, but TIT.

    My only advice is, beware of traffic, look both ways always, and never be impatient crossing the road here.

  8. Who remembers the days in AC of Blow Road,12 pesos a beer in Margaritaville,Johnny Hammer (RIP),Thunderstruck, Swagman Hotel,etc etc etc

    When that all got to much it was down to Subic and the Midnight Rambler

    Good times.


    I have a lot of happy memories from the Philippines. Manila entertainment districts Malate/Ermita were great before Mayor Limm closed them all down. Maybe there are still a few places left in Pasay City or Paranaque.

    So, Angeles is the only alternative for 'gentlemen' seeking pleasure and fun.

    In the mid 1990's before the politically correct fascists came onto the scene, the best guide to the Philippines was Lonely Planet, written by Jens Peters. He included a helpful chapter concerning Angeles which was about 12-14 pages long. Then he was sacked.

    Now, there is no helpful chapter regarding Angeles City in the Lonely Planet guide. The new author is a woman with a short haircut and an attitude.

    Progress? :o

  9. There are many good brakfast places in pattaya but the best for me after coming to the resort for 18 years is JIMMY MACS in soi 6 (on the left hand side going down to the beach).Very cheap and run by a very polite thai family.All the expats in the know use this cheap and convenient resturant in the area.You can basically request your own breakfast choice well worth a visit.

    Thanks for the heads-up x846nua. I will give it a go tomorrow, when I visit Soi 6.

  10. Thanks for the heads-up HB. I will check out these Thai ladies sausages tomorrow.

    I used to buy sausages from the street vendors a lot, but over time it seemed that the quality went down. I started finding bits of bone or cartilage in the sausages. However, if they were good, then they were very good, especially barbecued over charcoal rather than fried like they are in the western restaurants. Worth a try, anyway, but I have only eaten a couple in the last 6 months, and wasn't very impressed. :o

    No bone or cartilege in the ones I bought yesterday morning.

    Went there this morning and she wasn't there - neither was the BBQ guy. Maybe they're a Monday-to-Friday job, or arrive after noontime.

    After posting the above I walked back past the market and she was there - say 13.30 lunchtime.

    I noticed that in Friendship Supermarket, hidden away on the level refridgeration section (as opposed to hanging up on nails) that there is some quality sausage to be found. It is pre-packed and labelled 'Breakfast Sausage'.

    This is worth a look,

  11. Jimmy Mack's Soi 6

    Good Bacon, good banger & good cuppa splodge!

    Then, straight into the King Kong Bar to curl one out.

    Happy days.

    I'll check this place out.

    Thanks for the heads-up. The bacon sounds really good and in an ideal location as well.

    No bacon in King Kong - plenty of pork sausage, though.

    Apex buffet have just introduced a better quality sausage, for those interested.

  12. Worst Secrets Soi 14. Awful place ugly girls and unpleasant management. This is were the former manager of FLB Kerry refers to ended up. Can we name names?

    I agree 100%. Secrets is so bad.

    I saw the place advertised on Pattaya News Television and gave it a go with some drinking buddies.

    Totally crap. A rip off joint and the management are a disgrace. In fact I have never heard a good word for the place. They will go bust soon.

  13. I like it.....I've been wanting to do something like that for years....wonder if he needs a riding partner...wonder what I could wear.....i like capes :o . A cape is sexy


    Next time you see him, suggest that you club together and buy a tandem.

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