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Posts posted by carbine1125

  1. I am here long enough and understand Thai's enough to know betting is illegal :-)

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    they are not getting to the root of the problem , as soon as an elected government is in power I give it 6 months before we are back in the same corrupt kleptomanic cycle

    Wow only six minutes for the first negative post!

    Lets face it , the truth might hurt, but the proof is in the pudding , would you like to place a small number $100 on it happening , you don't know Thai's very well if you think they can sustain this charade for more than six months, my money is on TerryP.

  2. This is great news by the NCPO and it encourages Thai's to travel over the long weekend. It highlights that they are sincere about rebuilding the Thai economy and making the people happy at the same time.

    If only 1% of Thai's travelled in this 4 day weekend that would equate to the French tourists that enter Thailand in one year. Heck, if only 0.5% travel and take holidays it would equate to the Philippine tourists in a one year period.

    Encouraging news and well done General Prayuth. It is good to see Thailand on the road to recovery.

    I wonder how many people will die in road accidents on your road to recovery

    Run away run away the sky is falling!

    • Like 1
  3. Ah well that is an oxymoron isnt it? using America and thinking in the same sentence.

    Being an American I have the right to praise or criticize the actions of my government.

    Washington continues to review other programmes and engagements and would consider further measures as circumstances warrant, Marciel said.
    "Our hope is that this strong international message, plus pressure from within Thailand, will lead to an easing of repression and an early return to democracy," he said.

    I expected a certain level of condemnation of the coup from the US but not to the extent displayed currently. I have yet to determine the true reasons for the US escallating the rhetoric and threats toward Thailand. Since 1949 the US has actively supported at least thirty eight coups or regime changes worldwide either by direct military intervention, CIA subversion or financial support even to the extent of replacing democratically elected governments with military dictators who favored US foreign policy.

    Through communication with the American Embassy in Bangkok and other sources the US state department is fully aware of the events leading up to the coup. Compare the US reaction to their full support of the coup lead by the neo-nazis in the Ukraine where Sen. John McCain and Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland literally traveled to the Ukraine joining the protests. The US was not alone in the destabilization of the Ukrainian government. They were joined by Germany, France, Britain and other NATO powers. The new coup-led government was selected by a rump session of the parliament when many elected members could not show up to vote for fear of physical attack. It is filled with fascist and semi-fascist forces, as well as powerful billionaire oligarchs. The fascist forces promote hatred toward Russians, Jews, Poles and other minorities.

    Something just doesn't add up here. The truth has a way of coming out in time. I guess we'll just have to wait until that time.

    Maybe its because with the level of knowledge the US will have of Thailand, through channels we can only dream of, they know that the Coup is nothing to do with reform, reconciliation and cleaning up corruption. Perhaps they think the Coup was for more nefarious reasons, hiding behind the reform, and as such will not support it, as they know long term it will come to bite them on the ass, when eventually people are allowed to vote again.

    Having said that i really cannot understand the stance they have taken with Egypt which for me is really strange. I presume their fear of the Muslim brotherhood outweighs there desire for a non military Government.

  4. Hi all, does anyone have a Laos nanny working for them? If so is it possible they have friends or relatives looking for work here in Thailand? I live in Minburi and require a nanny for my young son. If you can help please PM me here on Thaivisa. Thanks in advance

  5. On Monday, the EU decided to suspend mutual official visits after the military's power seizure in May, and said the exemptions would continue until Thailand has a democratically elected government in place.

    Blackmail in it's purest form. Why doesn't the EU and the rest of the West make the same play until China has a democratically elected government ?

    ​Countries enforcing their democratic agenda onto others make me sick.

    Just means no 'jollies' for the officials in question, bet they are the sick ones!

    • Like 1
  6. Will this mean another run at the banks by the Bangkok people, if the banks decide to just hand out money to the farmers just from out of the blue?

    No, this will not happen again, there is now a sensible junta administration, moreover Thai banks will not get involved in silly financial activities.

    Sensible junta?????

    I think world history has shown this to be an oxymoron.

    Yeah something similar to sensible

    posts here on TV

  7. all the good things are happening now the junta is in control, i wouldnt believe for one second its not trueblink.png

    Going by that statement, unless the PTP is responsible for Thailand' socioeconomic successes then you don't really want to see Thailand move forward if someone else is responsible.

    Though I have no idea where the link between the Junta and this OP is.

    Good luck to the RoEt farmers. Organic rice was always a good option to get a competitive edge. May they do well and prosper without the need for government support.

    Going by the recent posts here it seems a lot of visitors to this country don't want to see any good come of the crisis! must have had a hell of a childhood or massive paper round!

  8. What is it with foreigners on this site! Surely the proof of the pudding is in the eating, let's give them a chance before slating every idea the Thai authorities come up with. Ah maybe it's because they can't be bar stool politicians after 10 pm so nothing else to do only post drivel!

    • Like 1
  9. LOL..."The Pentagon is reviewing military relations with its SE Asia Ally". What a joke. The US has been licking Thailand's boots for years now, trying to keep it's influence and not to loose out to China. Now they are trying to threaten the Thai military cheesy.gif

    If I was the Thai General, I would have the following message to the US and it's Western Allies..."DILLIGAF"?

    As usual, you would be overstating the significance of Thailand to US interests. It hasn't been of any strategic importance since the Vietnam War ended..

    As in use it abuse it then leave it? don't see too many friends of the GREAT old US of A around here, well maybe the Philippines and you can have that!

  10. There is a lot more to come. A LOT MORE. No one knows why this General who has shown restraint thus far and had the country already under his control with the Military Martial Law needed to do this. Why now capture all ministers and politicians? I have been doing a little research and the last coup did not have a full lock down of the country. It did not cut TV stations. Movement was not restricted.There is more to come folks... watch this space!

    Research harder!

    • Like 1
  11. Posters here seem very selective in their criticism of the US foreign policy.

    When it comes to foreign ownership of Thai houses & businesses, we complain to our embassies.

    If the coup (or a different coup in the future) were to start expelling foreigners and nationalising foreign assets, would we quietly allow the Thais to do so?

    Just because this coup has not affected us much, we should not condone a coup.

    And I don't hear a lot of complaints when the US denounce North Korea (and, in the past, South Africa) - so we are fine with some types of interference?

    Thailand need the US more than the US need Thailand.

    Hahahh your here long enough to know better!

  12. Weep tears for Thailand - weep tears for the stooped old lady planting rice in 40 degree sun for 300 baht a day , weep tears for the poor , dispossessed toiling sons and and daughters of Thailand who are taught they are born and live in paradise - no foreign shores retirement and bar stool barracks for them - days grind on endlessly and now they know they just don't count - so they must keep their heads down and pray for a better rebirth - coz it sure ain't happening in this one.

    One day on one of my walks around Bangkok I happened upon Sirajaj Hospital and was wondering round and took a shortcut through a building which turned out to be the AE admissions - or should I say a corridor filled with trollies of the dying and surrounded by saddened loved ones as they saw their kith and kin slipping away and harassed overworked doctors and nurses rushing around trying to halt this tide of dying humanity. It was then that I truly understood this place and what it means to have no money and live on the edge.

    This song's for you ...

    Send the link to Taksin he is the one responsible but am sure he will shed no tears!

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