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Posts posted by TEFLMike

  1. I read this post and changes with interest.

    I am currently having a mess of a time attempting to put this information, not only to schools, but also to language centres. It will just not be accepted that we were correct in our assumptions. I am referring to the article a team wrote recently in the Bangkok Post. The article was correct and absolutely perfect, in every way.

    I have to get back to Thailand, as I love teaching, and no, it is not easy.


  2. I am not ranting, but ThaiVisa forum is full of the posts that all foreigners (not just farangs) are marrying bargirls. :D

    Do you all believe sincerely, that all foreigners marry bargirls, prostitutes etc.?

    Is there anyone who marries to a nice girl? I believe a lot. But why we immediately assume that ALL Thai girls are hookers?

    I strongly believe that there are a lot of good Thai girls and many foreigners marry those good girls, especially those who are NOT white skinned!

    I am expecting a lot of attack due to this post. But I am completely :D so please forgive me if I touched your Achilles vein. :D

    So what about those guys who have a decent gf/wife and all of you believe that this girl was a hooker in the past, although she is NOT. :o

    The guys who marry bargirls never admit they were bargirls, But its bloody obvious!

    May I put my 'two penneth' in ? I have had a quite scary time this last 8 weeks or so and there was a girl who was taking care of me. Not 'care' in the sexual format, but my interests and my health. She came to the 'city' to work with a friend in a store. however, it never transpired as she was more concerned about I. She never asked for money, she used to buy the nicest and cheapest food for us both, obviously, with my money. I always got my correct change, accompanied with a receipt, esp from the convenience shops.

    In fact, she has now returned home to the North to work on her father's little rice farm and MSN's me frequently, at the moment.

    In fact, she was my 'ANGEL'. Maybe, I was lucky, I am unsure. Or was this meant to happen?

    I do not know if I have any feelings for her, but if I decide I do, I already know, she is too young for me.

  3. I am back on ThaiVisa! I thought my profile, which I had deleted, had been deleted. I am sure I removed it all. EVERYTHING is still there !

    I am not going anywhere, however, I am back in the UK, at the moment.

    I have many private messages to reply to.

    I am trying to trace snep , has anyone seen 'snep' online recently, please?

    Hello George. I hope you are well.

  4. keddy, I am not a lawyer, but as it has been explained to me, Thai law is totally different. You can lose a defamation lawsuit even if you prove that your statement was true. Also, I have heard that there is no 'tort law' in the English tradition, in Thailand.

    I am back on ThaiVisa! I thought my profile had been deleted. I am sure I removed it all. EVERYTHING is still there ! I have sent you a Private Message.

    Off topic a little, but is it really? I have gone through the same problem where, at a school, I taught well!

  5. The best one I have, seriously Is 'When u birthday'? :D

    I always tell them the truth 26th June not number 6 une heheh :D

    Eh up lads and lassies! Do not throw

    anything at me ! :D

    I am too busy answering emails and electronic cards from the UK. :D

    Then it is back to my essay . :o

    Then I will have to phone my mum at 2pm. :D

    I found out what that train was at BKK station.

    Thanks all the same, re a previous enquiry a few days ago :D See you later........

  6. He added that if the debates managed to convince the coalition partners to switch camp to support the Democrats, he may set up a 'street gang' to voice his criticism of the new PM.




    Poor senile old fool, seems like Samak is looking for an even worse place in history instead of accepting his failure even as a nominated PM.

    His Al Jazeera interview is all you need to see to evaluate (in micrograms) how much credibility this man has, manipulative, lies, threatening to the journalist, belches without apologizing even seeming not to care he did, fits well in Thaksin's zombie zoo.

    Believe it or not, I have Photograph of Thaksin, on an InterCity Train from Manchester to London or on the return I do not know. :D

    He is with a friend of mine stood in the aisle of the carriage. If I am running, he is running that extra MILE! :D

    Am I sitting on a fortune here? Trouble is, I do not want my friend's face on it! :o

    Oh NO! Another board going , into MY FAVOURITES. It takes me 30 minutes to get one from one end of the the list to other

  7. I came in here to took for something SERIOUS. :D

    And now I have decided to RUN A B****Y MILE! :D

    The only trouble is, I am unable to run. :D I am getting too old :o

    Plus I have been running round on other things, :D a few of you know about


  8. I have a phone Card here at my side.

    A Train pulling out of a Station that looks very similar to Central Station Manchester. It is the BKK Main Station!

    With, what I am told , is an Engine with 111, meaning 10? in Thailand It appears like the entire train is here at the moment, at least for a week or more. People have the opportunityto go for a ride on it , maybe many chances of rides.

    A Steam Engine. The image on the DTAC Card is in Black and White. Showing a little animated man in overalls, and cap, similar to a UK Old Uniform. The man appears to be saying, with his fingers up counting quickly up to 92, , on one finger meaning, I think, the train is 92 years old. WOW

    What Engine is it? HELP !

    I may need help keeping trace of this post please :o

  9. Hello,

    This is a co-incidence.

    I am currently teaching two students who want to be judges . I am not saying any more than that.

    One person involved works in the Police in a well known City, I think. Even after talking to him about, how the girls are doing with English. He likes the way I teach them.

    I could, POSSIBLY, soon find out his full name and number. That is IF (is a very BIG word), he is prepared to discuss.

    I do have both the students emails addresses. But you must PM me, and not ask in the Forum. I am still having trouble locating the message activation alert , Really stuck . I have been into MY CONTROLS more times than I have dunked bread into a bowl of Soup. LOL

    He seems a nice chap . :o

  10. The UK, and indeed, Europe, were given orders to have more 'Down-Direct' Lighting on all roads. The previous lighting on all roads and Motorways were,killing the night sky off.

    That was a few years ago, and now , many motorways now have 'Down-Direct' Lights .

    The lighting is quite fascinating , it is quite powerful, without shining upwards, and it s like driving in dayight, weird, but true.

    Many countries are now adopting this sytem of lighting.

    Just thought I would share this, as I wonder if Thailand has adopted this system. I note that on Motorways, the giant advertising boards, can be quite frustrating. Do they really need them so large?

    Is there a reason for it? Explanations would be welcome please

  11. If you did not have your name and address emblazoned all over them, nor had a keyring with a Photograph on, then I would not worry. The other thing I thought of is as follows>>>

    Did you check to see if anyone was following you back to your residence?

  12. WE had this topic not long ago,. Someone asked about the bikes and how good they should be. Because he had pedals drops off etc. I am unable to exctly remember what make of bike it was. Someone may still have the make of the bike too hand

    I used to be a cyclist years ago, even travelled over many parts of the UK, Youth Hostelling, alas, not anymore


  13. May I ask if any member is using 1 2 Talk? The Thai Girls swear by them. Better than DTAC. Is

    1 2 Talk ,ok for phoning and texting the UK?

    I am about to get a Sim Card and keep my DTAC Sim Card also

    I have had my DTAC Card over 12 months and they refuse to allow me any credit for my Birthday on 26th June HUMPH!


  14. This question reminds me of the year 1976, when I was on Holiday in Jersey, Channel islands.

    A very well known TV Comedy and COM SITU man , he died quite some years ago, was staying at my hotel on holiday.

    One night, he went out for a walk . On his return, his wife said to him ...' Where have you been all night?

    He replied, 'I decided to go out and have a ponder where the Sun went at night, and suddenly, it DAWNED on me!'

    :o ....very true story. Though better and hilarious in true life . The dining room was full of guests at breakfast, they could not eat for laughing .

  15. BEENTHEREDONETHAT, if you click on options you can select the normal view and join the rest of us again. :o

    Weird. I downloaded the new ToolBar, It was only a few hours ago. I decided to un-install the new ToolBar.

    Before I did that I was asked to why I wanted to un-install it, I gave very good reasons as to why I had chosen that option..

    By NON- Litigational means, I too, find my first visit, back to the Forum , a lot better, and the system works with great ease.

    I add I am using my AOL Browser and not IE version 2008 Platform

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