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Posts posted by TEFLMike

  1. Too late, some people already know what you are really like! biggrin.gif


    I can always meet you in Big C then ????? :D I will let you choose

    I told ya! Find me in the Animal planet :o

    Ok, I will set off walking to meet you, right this minute. :D

  2. I'll meet you in Tesco. What a brilliant idea! :(:D

    Tesco ..... :o

    Find me in the Animal Planet channel :D

    Where? Never heard of it. I have heard of Pet World

    errr.... animal planet channel ... on ubc!


    errr.......... still never heard of it. Maybe due to the fact I do not have a TV. I still prefer Tesco Starbucks to meet up.

    since when there's Starbucks in Tesco?

    only KFC, MK, Mister Donuts and something c-r-a-p i have seen in there

    monks' shopping place huh :D

    Depends which Tesco you go too. Is it Black Canyon Coffee Shop? I know that Tesco in the UK have now started leasing space to Starbucks Coffee Shops into their stores. My nearest Tesco in the UK now has a Starbucks.

  3. I'll meet you in Tesco. What a brilliant idea! :D:D

    Tesco ..... :o

    Find me in the Animal Planet channel :D

    Where? Never heard of it. I have heard of Pet World

    errr.... animal planet channel ... on ubc!


    errr.......... still never heard of it. Maybe due to the fact I do not have a TV. I still prefer Tesco Starbucks to meet up.

  4. no more jokes about the temple please ... tho i'm not a good buddist i still dun wanna go to the deeper hellio :(

    neway ...it's not a good idea to find a nice girl in the temple.

    cos SHE'S HERE!


    EDIT : Just Kidding :burp:

    I'll meet you in Tesco. What a brilliant idea! :P:D

  5. What? The place or the girl? :D:P

    errr..... the place? :D

    er........ better try going to a temple then. Where do you suggest?



    hehehehe you like bald men whom clothes are yellow like they are on fire huh?? [i know it. i know it! :o ]

    LOL Doh! Nooooooooo. To meet a ncie girl, surely there are girls who go to the Temple? Or am I mistaken? Looks like the Temple is now crossed off my list :D

    hehe :D

    i would say .. to meet a nice mature lady, you should go to a temple ..... you may meet my granny there :D

    well .... I'm a nice girl but i don't go to the temple! :(

    Where do you go? :burp:

  6. What? The place or the girl? :D:D

    errr..... the place? :D

    er........ better try going to a temple then. Where do you suggest?



    hehehehe you like bald men whom clothes are yellow like they are on fire huh?? [i know it. i know it! :o ]

    LOL Doh! Nooooooooo. To meet a ncie girl, surely there are girls who go to the Temple? Or am I mistaken? Looks like the Temple is now crossed off my list :D

  7. I recently had to do a 30 hour return trip from Chon Buri, via the new Bus Station in BKK to Surat Thani. I was only in Surat Thani for 5 hours. The VIP Buses are brilliant. Very well organised, and the price of the fare even included snacks and drinks on the bus and a hot meal, at service areas, in both directions.

    The fare each way was 720 baht. We are unable to book a return ticket. It is slightly cheaper from Surt Thani, back to Bangkok

  8. Well then I suggest you stay in bed and content yourself with your dreams. As a well established major global company here I suspect that the 300 plus expats we employ are perhaps somewhat more realistic in their aspirations than yourself.

    Not my aspiration mate I ACTUALLY get more than double your lowest figure working for a well established global company here, and as I said I'm the lowest paid Farang in the whole company. :o

    My ASPIRATION is to work for the company in Laemchabang that is CURRENTLY paying their Farangs $1,400 PER DAY and providing accomodation, transport and airfares etc. :D

    Have you got an Application Form please? :D

  9. DOH! And TEFL Teachers get from 30000 baht per month ? It certainly does not add up. At this level of money talks, that 30000tb should be per school child.

    I have heard that some teachers are on well over 100,000 Baht per month, I wouldn't know if this is actually the case, some Teacher told me in a bar one night. :o

    I too, have heard this story, maybe it is true, maybe not. However, I have yet to meet a teacher on that kind of money.

  10. DOH! And TEFL Teachers get from 30000 baht per month ? It certainly does not add up. At this level of money talks, that 30000tb should be per school child.

    I have heard that some teachers are on well over 100,000 Baht per month, I wouldn't know if this is actually the case, some Teacher told me in a bar one night. :o

    I too, have heard this story, maybe it is true, maybe not. However, I have yet to meet a teacher on that kind of money. T

  11. ...that's much more than a Commercial Airline Pilot earns.

    If you are still comparing high paid jobs to airline pilots, I'm afraid the world has passed you by...



    So you would consider an Commercial Airline Pilots job to be low paid ?

    I think the world must have certainly passed me by..

    I still cannot believe that a company would relocate a Projects Manager to Thailand from US on a fabulous salary + benefits to hire Janitors, grasscutters and bugkillers.

    Just don't add up.

    Then again, he said the Salary was 58,000 USD a year, and that's considerably less than what an Airline Pilot will earn.

    Kinda on Par with what some English Teachers claim to earn in Bangkok.

    Anyway, I'll just have to scrape by on 10,000 baht per hour. :D

    DOH! And TEFL Teachers get from 30000 baht per month ? It certainly does not add up. At this level of money talks, that 30000tb should be per school child.

  12. If possible I would move or they would.

    Distance breeds fondness in many cases when it comes to the in laws.

    Remember the golden rule "He who has the gold , RULES " , you appear to be a neccessary evil living in 'Their ' house , inlaws belong on the outside where they remain inlaws , move them inside and they become outlaws .

    Your wife is or should be the mediator here , forget Thai families ancient way of living , she needs to be on your side and help you by explaining what they are saying to or about you . It is so easy to be smug and just tell you to learn the language , but that may not be practical , some of us are tone deaf which makes it extremely difficult for us to learn Asian languages , in any case , it takes many years for most to learn the language to an extent you can pick up on all their nuances .

    Put your foot down with a firm hand , either they move out or you do , be resolute in this or you will drive yourself crazy or become ill , you DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE THEIR BS , niether do you have to furnish them with alternate housing , send them back to the straw hut they came from .

    May I suggest that the next time this occurs, you pick up a notebook and pen and sit down with them all and ask your wife to write down in English what the conversation is all about?

    Just a suggestion. :o

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