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Posts posted by phutoie2

  1. Well hope they are much improved from the early 90's models. In 1995 I paid some 44KGBP for a V8, plenty of power, comfort and some amazing memory seats but it had some electrical gremlin and was in and out the dealers for all sorts of trivial things. Pissed me off no end, and took no end of stick from our reps in Ford Mondeo's that I traded it in for a Stuggart taxi.

  2. Just about to pay the final payment on our truck, 60 payments and with Kiatnakin Bank. The registration costs for the blue book, (green is for mo-cys), apologies if that has been pointed out, is 1500THB. The truck is in the wife's name. Previously some time back now had a loan with SCB for a truck and if I recall it was about the same price. At least when going to tax it we will now have a proper reg book and not a photocopy when going to the local DLT.

  3. You forgot to mention that Major General Khattiya Sawasdiphol (Sae Daeng) was killed on orders of either Thaksin or the red leadership after he had come out and said the had talked to Thaksin and Thaksin had made him the leader of the reds, sacking the previous leaders for agreeing to disperse in exchange for elections (which they had been demanding).

    This was doing 4 things ; 1/ It was exposing Thaksin as the true leader of the riots for it was saying he had the power to hire and fire the leadership, something that had been denied.

    2/ Whether true or not it was a huge loss of face for the red leaders an if true a loss of paid position as well.

    3/ It was pitting Sae Daeng (and his MIB) against the red leaders and setting up an internal power struggle.

    4/ It was causing disruption in the red ranks as the rank and file were not to know if it was true.

    All these things played into the hands of the Govt and the military so they had every reason to want Sae Daeng alive at that time to continue to disrupt.

    On the other hand Thaksin and the red leaders had ample reason to want him silenced.

    I would not be surprised if proof of this was included in the new evidence or the evidence already presented by Abhisit and Suthep.

    He has mentioned Sae Daeng was killed. Though on orders on Thaksin is pure conjecture on your part once again. The rest of your post is pure garbage too. One day those yellow spectacles will fall off your head and you will see Thailand for what it is. Talk about throwing my coffee over the keyboard after reading this piffle -Jeez.

  4. Lt Gen Manas complained that he was unable to sleep because of the unfamiliar surroundings and food that he was being served.

    Not a very tough soldier is he? Wonder how well people eat and sleep on slave boats?

    Well he is actually, one tough cookie with a lot of blood on his hands. The Krung Se mosque incident alone. Went from Lt Colonel to 3 star General in rapid time.

    There is a difference between being tough and just being corrupt/evil.

    In Thailand it's very common for many officers to rocket through the upper ranks like the general officer ranks. Thailand must have about a million military and police generals (yea, I'm exaggerating)....according to a Oct 13 Bangkok Post article the Thai military has 1600 active duty military generals, the second highest in the world. Expect the number of police generals is even higher. Generals are a dime a dozen in Thailand.

    This guy just wasn't just tough he was conducting his own one man war in the southern provinces and that was the main reason he was promoted quickly. Despite whatever goverment was in power at the time, nearly all were prepared to turn a blind eye to his methods. There are only 3 grades of General in the RTA, based on the British Army system, 1600 out of a standing Army of over 190,000 is not all that disproportionate.

  5. Lt Gen Manas complained that he was unable to sleep because of the unfamiliar surroundings and food that he was being served.

    Not a very tough soldier is he? Wonder how well people eat and sleep on slave boats?

    Well he is actually, one tough cookie with a lot of blood on his hands. The Krung Se mosque incident alone. Went from Lt Colonel to 3 star General in rapid time.

  6. I think he was totally unaware of Thai custom duty on imported goods. Came on a single ticket with visa and max luggage allowance so decided to have the clubs mailed out. Golf clubs are expensive if you are a good player, (he is , 5 handicapper). Apparently the driver alone cost a few bob, has some super dooper shaft on it. Expensive lesson I agree, looks likely that he will pay the duty and lesson learnt.

  7. >>Due to Thailand’s strict lese majeste law, which criminalizes insulting the monarchy, Khaosod English is unable to elaborate on the comments he made in the interview.<< Quote

    What a stupid and sad old man Mr T is!!

    Even a farang arrived yesterday would know better than to insult the institution.................

    Thaksin is a wily old fox and knew that interview would get right up Prayuts nostrils. Seems to have worked, Thaksin certainly won't be losing any sleep on what farangs write on TVF. Best to go back to your bar stool.

  8. Buddy of mine had his set of clubs posted over from the UK and now he has been informed that customs want 28K THB before releasing them. They are a reasonable set, bag, woods and irons worth about 2500 GBP new, now over a year old.

    I told him if he doesn't pay up he is more then likely to see them strapped to someones buggy on our next game in Bangkok.

  9. well i picked up my new revo today and i must say im impressed with it ,many new features as standard and a nice drive ,i would sat a vast improvement on the champ and they gave me a decent part ex

    so no complaints from me so far

    Good , we need reports like this, 2.4 or 2.8L engine?. Model?.

    Trying to convince my Mrs to trade our 6 yo Vigo in, but looks like a no go - "truck not old" etc

  10. Stoneyboy's post sums it up, zillions of flanges, sorry farangs up here here in Phetchabun and most wouldn't give you a nod in the desert. Try walking around any of the big 3 stores south of the city and see if you get any response, I've seen old codgers dive head first into the frozen fries freezer instead of walk by and say hello.

    Good crowd of mixed nationalities at the golf club, meet Tuesday and Friday, at age 68 you will be a mere young un. Its not mandatory to play golf either.

    I stopped going to the place called Toffees near the Isuzu dealer in town, too much BS to wade thru and some old Yorkshire git having a pop at me for daring to retire young over here.

    Let us know how you get on.

    edit for spelling before any of the Phetch Teflers see it.

  11. It does not matter at this point who is to blame, a life has been lost again. The hi so bimbo crashed into a mini bus on the expressway and was responsible for the death of 9 people. The judge decribed it as an accident. The Chilean cyclist was mown down and the pickup truck driver was fined 7500Baht.. This is Thailand not our own countries, all be careful.

  12. See they have binned the air scoop on the bonnet, where have they put the intercooler?, air filter box is a new design and interestingly gone for chain driven cam. Six speed auto box now and something about improved leaf suspension?.

    The one that would interest me would be the 2 door petrol one, bet thats a flyer, is it mated to an auto box?

    The intercooler is now in the front. It has longer leaf springs at the rear ala D-Max/Colorado. The Gasoline engine is not available with AT.

    it is according to the link you have provided all but in double cab version - 2.x 4, 2.7E AT - 895,000 THB. Just wondered if it was vailable in the 2 door. No worries I more than capable of popping over to the Toyota garage to find out myself.


  13. See they have binned the air scoop on the bonnet, where have they put the intercooler?, air filter box is a new design and interestingly gone for chain driven cam. Six speed auto box now and something about improved leaf suspension?.

    The one that would interest me would be the 2 door petrol one, bet thats a flyer, is it mated to an auto box?

  14. I'm surprised that anyone would go Chevy when there is Isuzu ...

    Why? The top of line Chevy, has more options, bigger engine, cheaper and is in stock, isn't that enough?

    Dealership locations maybe a factor, for example in my province the nearest GM, Ford and Mazda dealers are over 120kms away. Two mid size towns a lot closer all have Isuzu, Toyota and Nissan dealers.

    • Like 1
  15. Ghostnigel, on 04 Apr 2015 - 11:25, said:
    janpharma" data-cid="9267600" data-time="1428110502" data-date="Today, 08:21 said:

    The yellow book simplifies life...you can buy a car in your own name...it also counts for proof of address...it's easy to get through some administration processes.wai2.gif

    My car is in my name, and I haven't got a yellow book, no need

    Do you tax and Insure your car every year Nigel?

    Who's name is your electric bill in?

    Who's name is your internet bill in?

    Do you have a store card in your name to collect the benefits and discounts.

    What documents do you take to Immigration as proof of address?

    Should I continue?

    The point being Nigel although there are other methods to prove one's address, it's repartition and copies of various documents all the time.

    One book, one copy, works for everything.

    Nobody needs it.......but it sure comes in handy and saves a lot of time and effort.

    Just done my 9th retirement extension,never once been asked for proof of address. Just write it down on back of TM7.

  16. I use mine when renewing/extending my Supporting Thai Wife visa.

    When I did my extension the IO asked if I had one, when I said yes she then asked to see it, she then wanted a copy and attached it to the documents.

    Obviously it is not a requirement, but it does make you wonder why they ask.

    They can ask for anything. I am from Wichien Buri, and last week at Immigration for my extension the Officer said "where's my chicken?"

  17. Is any bread healthy? Thai or otherwise, questionable. I am a baker and also type 2 diabetic and rarely eat bread these days, apart from doing the odd taste. I let the wife proof test most types I bake now.

    There is a huge difference in baking commercially in a bakery and making the odd loaf at home. I would suggest to amateur bakers to do some research on bakers percentages, it will give you a useful insight into ingredient ratios. Most people never use enough water, the "wetter the better", once you get the hang of working with wet sticky dough.

    With all the modern instant yeasts available now, you can get away with very quick fermentation/proof times. This is Thailand,no need for warm water, if you are using a mixer that will heat your dough up, I always use cool water, about 18c, and never allow the internal temp of dough to be over 26c.

    The quality of the flour is not as good as European/N Americas, most of the bakers I know use imported types from Australia. I stick with AP and bread flour from the United Flour Mill, plus Rye and Whole wheat from Kim Chua Trading. Happy Baking and watch those carbs.

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