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Posts posted by phutoie2

  1. Why does the Thai press spell Mo Chit as Morchit? The BTS spells it Mo Chit. Why can't Thais get these spellings consistent? It's troublesome that they even spell their own names differently all the time.

    I think its because its named after a Thai doctor who donated the land for the original bus terminal. I have always referred to it as Morchit myself.

    Consider this, we have just had a brand new court house built here. in English it has signs at the entrance saying Provicial Court House and Offit of the Attornev Generat. We all know what they mean.

  2. What did she get last time? She got the most!

    And the time before that? Well, she got the most then as well.

    And if there's another election? Guess what, she'll get the most again.

    Most, most, most, most.

    YES most trips abroad---most shopping---most failures to attend parliament---most evasive to answer questions----Most of the time having makeovers--- most of all she wasn't elected she was positioned.

    Bit rich coming from a Brit.

    A certain Mr G Brown just stepped into No 10 when Blair went. Cannot remember anyone voting him in.

  3. I'm lazy. I like the electric smoker. It has a burner like a hot plate in the bottom, comes with a pan for the chips, has a thermostat and thermometer and is so easy to use.

    One pan of wood chips is enough. I dampen them, and by the time they have burned up, the smoke is already in the meat and it's just a matter of letting it slow cook until the meat is done.


    Interesting, what about flavour, do you salt the meat up before the smoking.? We have an ex pat Brit who sells bacon but it has no taste when cooked, its just like thinly sliced pork to me.

  4. Busy body tony. Thai have democracy the thai way. Nothing to do with farang; especially British.

    Thailand's entire Democratic system with the King as head of state, is copied from the British. The British set up Thailand's communication systems, railways, Post Office, the entire legal system etc etc. Thailand today has a LOT to do with the British and other farang. Would you rather Thailand was eating sushi and watching Sumo wrestlers?

    Well said, the Thai Police were modeled on the Brits, but maybe keep that one quiet. Thai Royal family have served in the British Army, though a long time ago. Lots of rich Thai kids are educated in the UK and they have been buying up London property for years. Plus the odd football club - Leicester City.

    • Like 1
  5. Some guys around here must have really pulled the short straw if they think she's hot. bah.gif

    She's 47 y o. There are some pics floating about on Thai social media of her in her modelling days. Always been a looker.

    Whats your Thai chick going to be looking like at that age.


  6. In a country where fox and other wild animals and birds hunting is a major sport, should look at it's

    self first before criticize any one else, people who live in glass houses.....

    Fox hunting was banded a long time ago

    For an animal loving nation Brits have one of the worst records on animal cruelty. Badger cull springs to mind and dont the Royal Family hunt? And yes im a Brit btw

    Yes, Einstein, we also used to bait bears, and ponies in pits, plus the odd canary too.

  7. "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
    Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
    At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
    We will remember them."

    I could never keep a dry eye when those words were read out. Oh those cold mornings in November at the Cenotaph.

    • Like 1
  8. A lot of us in the south of Phetchabun would like to use NS too, instead we have to go to Phitsanulok. Good job I like driving in the countryside.

    Well it is better than Nan, which thankfully I only did once.

    Phits are still issuing "under consideration 7 day stamps" for retirement extensions, saying its because of martial law. Plus this week a friend from Wichien Buri was asked for a google map to his house and photo's of his house and him standing outside it etc. Unusual for retirement extensions. He is a youthful looking 51 year old and they at first did not believe he was old enough too.

  9. I think ubonjoe hit the nail.

    There is not much use for a UK bank statement at the Thai Immigration.

    (assuming that this is your intention)


    Interesting contribution. Now we know.

    Immigration can ask anything, I know of someone who has 3 UK pensions which are paid into his UK bank account. As far as I know he does not have a Thai bank account.

    On providing the Embassy income letter the Officers dealing with his extension wanted some proof of spending THB.

    He was tempted to point at his wife adorned in some serious Thai gold. Instead he showed some UK bank statements and ATM slips.

  10. This situation is more likely born out of pure incompetence rather than out of a conspiracy per se.

    The main motivation for moving overseas passport issue to HMPO from the Foreign Office was in fact ostensibly 'for cost saving and increased efficiency of issue'.

    The need for 2x round trip journeys to the capital is specific to Thailand and just a few other countries; most overseas UK Citizens in other countries can apply on-line and get the replacement passport couriered direct to their home address.

    What is worrying however is that the 'new' HMPO integrated within the Home Office may come up with even more stupid ideas to further save money and 'increase efficiency'.

    I am not personally filled with hope that things will continue to get somewhat 'better'.

    We may yet end up as fourth class citizens, I pray not.

    I'm not holding my breath for any "improvement" in passport renewal procedures for us long-suffering expats living in LOS either.

    On the contrary, it would not surprise me in the slightest if, in the interest of further "cost savings and increased efficiency", the With-It Tower operation was closed down altogether and we expats were forced to submit our renewal applications and collect our replacement passports in person at/from the ex-HMPO Glasgow office - which would be just as awkward for most of us to get to from within the UK just as With-It Tower is for most of us here in Thailand!xangry.png.pagespeed.ic.Cla6z9sEn6.png

    What is With-It Tower?

    Trendy = With It. Overheard someone call it Trembly Building as well. Bit of a minefield for aging Brits I guess.

    • Like 1
  11. of course it was. anything that can feed into how different (read strange) thais are to the western model of so called rationality is fodder for thr thai bashing so popular here.

    You have a very low threshold for what to interpret as thai bashing.

    you have a very high oblivion threshold when it comes to recognizing thai bashing

    wind your neck in, nothing wrong with Thai bashing when appropriate, far too many on here with thin skin. Thais are well equipped to look after themselves and certainly do not need foreigners pontificating here.

    • Like 1
  12. You show us proof where he was ignored ???? show us proof where he was shunned by the Int-community. If you read he had conversations with UK Japan and a host of other countries. But you care to overlook these, your rhetoric prevents you from telling all.

    Apparently he was seated next to "call me Dave" at dinner and according to the UK press this was to discuss the situation on Ko Tao.

    Interestingly the UK press still refer to Gen P as the military dictator in charge of the junta running Thailand. Clearly they are not aware that he was voted in as the the new PM.

  13. I use HomePro. I bought some 90 degree brackets to put up a shelf and a power drill no problem. I use Lazada and Lotus almost weekly. I don't have any problems finding people to do the proper job. My wife builds 50 ton structures with Thai labor and materials and ships them all over the world with no problems. Sounds to me like you have a problem. Have you tried getting new spectacles?

    Put some brackets up with a drill, that's good. Well I have built two houses over here using my wife's family as labour, all farmers but attended the local DIY college. They have not fallen down yet despite some dodgy cement mixing.

    On 12 Jan 2008 my wife's youngest brother fell from 40 floors off a Bangkok building. The S Korean construction company paid the family off with 80K THB compo. As a family we have moved on, but do not get me started.

    If you fancy a trip over to Phu Toei to advise me on choice of spectacles, come on over, love to meet you.

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