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Posts posted by phutoie2

  1. My wife's sister has sent her a new LG D 160 mobile phone from Europe. Its an android and appears to be a nice phone, It was set up in German, I have changed it over to English as there is no Thai on the Language settings,

    No good to my Mrs as she cannot read English.

    I have put my AIS sim card in from my current phone and its a no go. Is it as I suspect a non starter.

  2. OP here, the Tessabaan were indeed handing out free blankets, it was announced over the towns speaker system.

    The remainder of the post is complete fiction, anyway thanks for the replies. Once again confirmed what type of ex pats who live here.

    c'est la vie.

  3. can we have the laymans version.

    If you have diabetes, cut back on the potatoes, rice, sugar, bread and all other high carb foods. (Applies to those with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.)

    Thanks, I am type 2, have a handle on most things. I am also a baker, so always have issue with the bread. Though I bake Rye yeast and sourdoughs for myself.

  4. ginjag quote - Just look at all the women and men in 70% of Thai rural areas every day idling around.

    What are the other 30% doing? Please enlighten one.

    READ AGAIN I said AREAS NOT 70% of the people that live there. think a bit. try not to twist my post. doe's not do you any favours.

    Ok Ginjack I will correct tukky's question. What are the women and men doing in the remaining 30% of Thai rural areas?. We are all intrigued to know and further more, how was your research conducted?.

  5. The Judge dismissed the case, there is no jury system in South Africa. The state prosecution witnesses were a bunch of lying Walter Mitty's. They should have checked that all out before their haste to extradite Dewani. I suspect the OP like the British tabloids found him guilty before he walked into the courtroom.

    This topic should be moved to the World news forum.

  6. Looked this one over.Much improved.attachicon.gif2014-12-02 10.02.41.jpg

    I had a look at one yesterday and I agree. However, at nearly 1 million for the fully optioned double cab it was more than I wanted to spend.

    That'll be the top of the range 4 x 4. The 4 x 2 double cab should be matching the likes of Ford/Mazda 4 x2's in price.

    Not everyone here wants to be wading through streams,

    Looked at the new double cab 4X2 yesterday, nearly 950,000 baht.

    wow that is expensive for a truck. Think I'll keep the Vigo till it falls apart, then it will be some small eco jobby.

  7. I am Diabetic for past 16+ years, the problem here is Sugar Free stuff comes and goes, sometimes weeks you cannot find Pepsi Max.. No Sugar used to be on 2 different types of Orange Juice cartons, then they disappeared or rather same catrons but without the Sugar Free info.. even Yogurt or drinks some brands has twice the amount of sugar in.

    Couple of months ago noticed there was Pepsi Max + buy 2 for 45 baht, [1.45 lt bottles] asking how many packs they had, total 12 delivered yesterday was the reply [That is 12 packs only for a large Supermarket !!] , unopened 10 packs + the few left on the self, yes bought them all.. it is so hit and miss here, shopping on Tuesday last NO bottles, OK I still have 6 packs but is time to start looking again.

    Did notice there was a Ice Cream Company that had 3 different Sugar Free types, also vanished or not seen for about a year.

    Do you drink alcohol at all?, I am type 2 and after my last check up at Sara Buri hospital the Doc has told me to pack up drinking and put me on Metformin 500mg. My last FBS was 169mg/dI.

    I used to try and control my BS with diet & exercise etc but the kgs have been creeping back. So far two weeks now with no Leo and all is good, but I find it really difficult when at the local market and golf club when all your mates are drinking.

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