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Posts posted by phutoie2

  1. I see on the other thread the yellow dem junta cheerleaders are salivating and drooling over every headline about Yinglucks inevitable impeachment by a military regime which has taken the the country via force and placed it's stooges in key positions to do the bidding of the puppet master.

    It's nothing more than a kangaroo court and the head of this kangaroo court has truly shown his yellow colours by his open bias to the Shinawatra family.

    It's not only a sad day for democracy it's a sad day to see the minority yellow supporters on here actually believing she got a fair go.

    You guys and the junta deserve each other .

    Absolutely shameful decision and should be condemned and not recognised worldwide !

    parrot, get off your high horse for a minute and read Forum Rule #2, I won't bother quoting it here so just read it.

    And would you mind telling me who these salivating and drooling yellow dem junta cheerleaders are, and if my name is on that list I will report you for stuttering bs ! Getting fed up with your constant squarking insults.

    your name is at the top of the list, under the heading "barking". As for insults, stones , glass houses?.

    • Like 1
  2. I have it on good authority that the Thai Army are building an indoor driving range.

    Unrelated, but... there's currently an outdoor range by the golf course, right? Anyone know hours and prices?

    30THB for a tray of golf balls. Open pretty much all day long. Young Thai Army soldiers run the range. You can park right next to it too. Good ex pat crowd at yesterdays golf meet. Lots of Scandi's, might have to have a cull soon.

  3. The avocados I bought from Makro have a sticker on saying "New Zealand". I put them in a bowl next to some apples and they have softened up. To be honest I'm not sure what to make of them taste wise, despite putting some salt/lemon juice on them. The wife has just come in from the market with a nice bunch of bananas and ripe mango's. We eat a lot of fruit in this house.

    • Like 1
  4. Anyone who doesn't process information and reach a Jayboy approved conclusion must be thick, brainwashed or uneducated. He has said so on many, many posts.

    Will all TVF posters please note. He his never wrong and only his opinions represent the intelligent balanced view of true facts. whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1SW1

    Sadly, that detracts from the occasional post in which is comments are correct.

    I would rather read jayboys posts any day of the week instead of the same tripe you continually post day every day. Stick to commentating on the golf forum.

    • Like 2
  5. Avocados, so what's the big deal? are they imported?. Picked a couple up at Makro, 60THB each. Not ripe so waited a few days and cut one open. First time I had eaten one but I thought they were a bit bland. Read up on them and folk say put salt or vinegar on them.

    I have highish BS levels and just about every Diabetes site I read they are one of the worlds No 1 fruits.



  6. I have it on good authority that the Thai Army are building an indoor driving range.

    If that's the case, it would be a good idea to allow civilian access to facilitate teaching road-craft. At the moment most just pointlessly aim their vehicles.


    oops, sorry buddy, I meant golf driving range, as the building in question is not far from the Thai Army barracks and golf course. Concur about the driving ability, or lack of.

  7. So Toyota did not change your tyre with the spare and they did not wash it properly.

    Stands to reason as they are neither a tyre shop or car wash.

    My Toyota dealer always ask if I want the truck washed after the service, I decline as it would put a few more hours there waiting. My truck has bigger tyres/wheels on and they tell you if they think something is wrong. I had to replace some wheel nuts on the last check. Had the aircon service done recently too, 1600THB. Put a K & N filter in and never pay f or another air filter again. Just wash and oil it up once or twice a year.

    K&N filters rarely need cleaning or oiling...As I recall after 100,000 miles it might need a refurb......

    Pops, things have moved on since your day. K&N recommend cleaning every 40,000 miles. Over here when dry and dusty I clean mine more often. I have the same truck as you, that filter gets dirty, frigging look after it.

  8. So Toyota did not change your tyre with the spare and they did not wash it properly.

    Stands to reason as they are neither a tyre shop or car wash.

    My Toyota dealer always ask if I want the truck washed after the service, I decline as it would put a few more hours there waiting. My truck has bigger tyres/wheels on and they tell you if they think something is wrong. I had to replace some wheel nuts on the last check. Had the aircon service done recently too, 1600THB. Put a K & N filter in and never pay f or another air filter again. Just wash and oil it up once or twice a year.

    • Like 1
  9. I maybe wrong (often am) but I don't think the USA execute folk for drug smuggling.. Most countries in the world take a dim view of other countries executing their citizens. Incidentally the Dutch guy was not smuggling he had a factory making the stuff.

    Last Friday the Saudis cut a Burmese women's head off and made a botch job of it by accounts. I have not checked if the Myanmar Ambassador, if one has commented.

    • Like 1
  10. A very shrewd move. This will be shown around Lanna & Isaan before the verdicts come up, thereby incensing her supporters even more.

    You wish ! I think it has got to the stage where most of her supporters have tired of her nonsense and the only ones to worry about being "incensed" are the redshirts and they will not lift a finger unless there is a dollar in it for them.

    Personally I would like to see them try something, but I can't see those toothless tigers doing much. Opportunist cowards the lot of them.

    you think too mut, so how many YS supporters do you know who are tired of her?. As usual you are spouting rubbish again.

    • Like 2
  11. bought my mazda bt-50 3.2 auto in may 2012. ordered in April and got it 5 weeks later. Never had ay problems and think it is great,. Never considered a ranger as I like the looks of the mazda . the ranger looks very ordinary to me if you look from the back, if it was not for the big writing you not know what it was. If I was looking for a new pickup now I think I wait for the Toyota as they have lost a lot of ground in the last few years and I think the replacement will be a good one.

    Lost ground, well the sales data would suggest otherwise, Toyota is still the big daddy of 1 ton pickup trucks here. I 'll stick with my 5 year old Hilux thanks.


    I think he means in terms of styling, engine, safety and so on, not sales......

    Yep, I kinda knew that, the 874 bods who purchased a Mazda truck in November must be very astute.

  12. bought my mazda bt-50 3.2 auto in may 2012. ordered in April and got it 5 weeks later. Never had ay problems and think it is great,. Never considered a ranger as I like the looks of the mazda . the ranger looks very ordinary to me if you look from the back, if it was not for the big writing you not know what it was. If I was looking for a new pickup now I think I wait for the Toyota as they have lost a lot of ground in the last few years and I think the replacement will be a good one.

    Lost ground, well the sales data would suggest otherwise, Toyota is still the big daddy of 1 ton pickup trucks here. I 'll stick with my 5 year old Hilux thanks.


  13. If things are that desperate you have to rely on hand-outs then you shouldnt be here at all.

    If you are not desperate, then one can only assume you want to be accepted by those around you by doing the same as them and wanting to be treated the same as them, which is a sign of your insecurity.

    If you took it just because you felt entitled, and it was free, then shame on you !

    I think he is the type of foreigner they are trying to get rid off with the tightening of visa's allowed.

    Strewth, thought this had been kicked into the long grass. Once again, I made it all up, it was a parody.

    "type of foreigner they are trying to get rid of" Jeez, another village missing its idiot.

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