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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. A question for y'all!

    I use AIS, have a monthly account with them (have had it now for several years) which I am happy with. Up til a couple weeks ago I used my Nokia N51 as my portable modem for my computer (works great as everyone knows).

    I now have an iPhone which is wonderful but does not have the same ability to act as modem for my com (I think if you jailbreak it you can get some programs that allow it but I am not interested at all in jailbreaking my iPhone, at least not for the time being).

    So what I want to do is buy a prepaid sim for my Nokia with data download option via edge, which I can use pretty much just for that when I need it. Then I can just thow my tiny Nokia in my com bag and if the need arises there it is.

    So, if I go to the shopping mall or 7-11, can I buy a prepaid sim card that I can plug right into my phone, activate, and use? Will it give me a phone number automaticially? I should know this but like I said I've never used the prepaid cards before.

    What exactly would I be asking for in a sim card? If you could give me names and option plans, off the top of your head, that would be great. I don't even know if they give you a number, or do I have to buy a number from somewhere?

    Thanks for your help.


  2. Old thread, but still no music to be downloaded at the Thai itunes store??

    Anyone have any idea if this will change or stay this way?

    Not sure exactly what you mean. I am able to download music and videos (paid stuff) from the iTunes Store (USA) and I live in Pattaya.

    Yeah you need a credit card with an address in a country which allows music downloads, outside of Thailand. They also restrict what free apps you can get for the iphone too, which is kinda shitty.

  3. A question for y'all!

    I use AIS, have a monthly account with them (have had it now for several years) which I am happy with. Up til a couple weeks ago I used my Nokia N51 as my portable modem for my computer (works great as everyone knows).

    I now have an iPhone which is wonderful but does not have the same ability to act as modem for my com (I think if you jailbreak it you can get some programs that allow it but I am not interested at all in jailbreaking my iPhone, at least not for the time being).

    So what I want to do is buy a prepaid sim for my Nokia with data download option via edge, which I can use pretty much just for that when I need it. Then I can just thow my tiny Nokia in my com bag and if the need arises there it is.

    So, if I go to the shopping mall or 7-11, can I buy a prepaid sim card that I can plug right into my phone, activate, and use? Will it give me a phone number automaticially? I should know this but like I said I've never used the prepaid cards before.

    What exactly would I be asking for in a sim card? If you could give me names and option plans, off the top of your head, that would be great. I don't even know if they give you a number, or do I have to buy a number from somewhere?

    Thanks for your help.

  4. Does anybody know where i can get a 3g IPhone Unlocked.. i have used a few turbo SIMS but they seem to work/not work..

    So i am looking to get it completely unlcoked so i can just put any SIM in..

    Thanks in advance

    Any Istudio will do. LEGALLY unlocked, ready to use!

  5. The Thai soldiers and the mobs of the Red Shirt Thailand faction. The situation right now is extremely terrible and horrible. At this moment here (13/April/2009 – 2100 GMT+7), the soldiers in Thailand are killing civilians with their weapons after the evening, and they do not report about the deaths of the mobs. The media announce that there are no deaths among the mobs, but that is completely false intel. As a witness, I am looking out of my windows, completely witnessing all the firing of weapons from the soldiers against the mobs. One by one, the individuals of the mobs have fallen. We need your help from all over the world, to know the situation that is happening in Thailand. We only want peace for our country, so I hope that by this e-mail, the truth will be revealed.

    pics or it didn't happen.

    :o nice one...

  6. My E51 was a very serviceable modem for internet. Now I have my iPhone, and it appears there is no way to use this as a modem? In essence it is a computer in its own right, but still it would be nice to have it available. Anyway, just takes a sec to swap cards....or maybe I should just go get another card for the nokia.

    What pre-bought package would you recommend as a throwaway for my nokia, if I was only going to use it as a modem?

  7. Dont use the Thai apps store!

    Are you installing from itunes right? Change the country setting in Itunes to U.S. or something like that, then you can access more apps.

    Thanks, haha I thought I had to use the Thailand store here. I'll give it a try.

    Well I tried that but no joy, whenever I switch over to the US site and try to download it detects me and sends me back to Thailand. It appears you need a US credit card to join the iTunes store there. I can't figure out why they don't offer google apps like Earth, strange.

  8. Dont use the Thai apps store!

    Are you installing from itunes right? Change the country setting in Itunes to U.S. or something like that, then you can access more apps.

    Thanks, haha I thought I had to use the Thailand store here. I'll give it a try.

  9. I too would be most interested as I am planning some travelling in the region.

    I use a Sierra edge card with my lap top and a separate AIS sim on which I subscribe to a monthly AIS GPRS/Edge option. I have no idea if this works out of Thailand. If not I could put my contract AIS sim in, but presumably I would then just pay the regular overseas rate for calling Thailnad from wherever I happen to be.

    Anyone know?

    You probably have to add a roaming option to your account, then it would work. But how much I don't know.

  10. Hey there

    Just got to Saigon today for biz and the hotel wants about $40 a day for internet....plus I checked their signal for wireless and it is horrible, so I decided not to do it.

    Then I tried using my roaming AIS account, connected to my com by USB with my Nokia E51 and it works a charm, very good service and fast.

    But is this expensive? I'm not going to stay on too long, because I have no idea how much it is costing me. I'll probably check in the morning to see if there are any answers...if it is not too much though, I will definitely use it. Anyway, has to be less than what the hotel wants to charge. I don't mind if it is even a few hundred baht an hour, as I don't have to be on for very long, just download mail and do a little surfing.

  11. This is so cool. I threw quite a few articles from the web at it, and of course it is not perfect but did a good enough job that I could understand it. Also threw some academic stuff I've been writing into it from English to Thai, and sent it to a Thai friend, and he said it was very clear and understandable to him (but not perfect). Way to go, Google!

  12. If someone eats not enough his body will go into starvation mode. That means all it will slow down and store calories into fat. Its something that used to benefit us long ago.

    This might be true if you consistently eat a low calorie diet day in and day out; however, our ancestors didn't eat "three squares" a day or do the many small meals a day. But spending some time being hungry can have some health benefits. Search on "intermittent fasting"--lots of interesting info.

    IF is the bomb! but it is hard to convince any of my friends how good it is.

  13. There is a lot of evidence that intermittent fasting has lot's of benefits, and can help us turn to fat burning for energy. Google "intermittent fasting" and "paleo diet" and you'll find lot's of good information.

    I agree! I've been experimenting with intermittent fasting how for about two weeks, have lost a lot of weight, and feel great! I'm not going to explain what it is here, just Google the terms. Takes a couple days to get used to and I suppose some amount of willpower at that time but now it's easy peasy for me.

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