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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. The other paper we cannot name here is reporting that protesters are preparing ammunition of 'fish bombs' and faeces.

    Sorry to say, but if I was in charge of keeping tabs on this 'peaceful demonstration' and someone threw a 'fish bomb' or faeces at me, I would feel more than justified to respond with a volley or two of water cannon, tear gas, or rubber bullets. Seem fair?

  2. Let the paid workers possibly sacrifice themselves, while their so-called leaders flee like rats. Cowards one and all, if they believed in themselves and were sincere about wanting only peaceful protests, they wouldn't be running. Bunch of liars and thieves.

  3. I think both sides need their heads banging together and then hopefully an adult will come into the equation who has qualities such as accountability, bravery and responsibility.

    Hopefully any violence will bring the cretinous filth on both sides of the political divide, who lead their brainwashed followers by very poor example, to their knees and a new dawn will bring in people who truly believe in taking the country, rather than themselves, forward. The chances of this occurring remain very distant.

    I find the government being extremely cautious so far, they have promised the Red Shits a place to gather and protest, providing they do it peacefully. It is the reds trying to stir it up.

  4. It is needed. Well done.

    Stop talking rubbish, this is thailand and the thai,s have a right to demonstrate how they chose fit,this is one sure way of over reaction, when will us farang just keep our mouths shut and mind our own business,

    Oh yeah....free to shoot unarmed civilians, threaten to blow up gas trucks, roll publicly owned vehicles towards people and things, attack public officials, disrupt and threaten the security of international conferences, threaten to kill, bomb, shoot, destroy.

    Have you so quickly forgotten last Songkran?

  5. Tipco 100% fruit juice does not contain added sugar. It is full of natural sugars, so probably not a good thing for those with high blood sugar levels.

    As that stuff is pasteurized, all the live enzymes within the fruit have been killed and basically you are ingesting pure fructose, which really isn't much better than the sucrose or HFCS that is loaded in most snack foods here.

    If you want juice, your best bet is to buy a juicer, and have the juice of a couple oranges and a farang....at least then the nutrients and enzymes are still alive and it digests in the body much better. I know it is a bit spendy, but if you need juice then this is the healthiest way to have it. Otherwise, just eat the fruit itself.

  6. hey guys, big red shirt protest this evening on Pahonyothin Road, at 11:00 p.m. Was leaving Central Lad Prao and had to uturn because road was blocked up to Ratchadapisak. Lots and lots of cops and protesters out. Of course, nothing on the news or anywhere else.

    I'm thinking George should set up a protest alert thread we can add to when something like this happens. Was scary, lots of yelling and loudspeakers,,,,,very chaotic too.

    A lot of noise is typical for any political rally in Thailand on any side. Not necessarily scary because it's noisy; we get stage rallies by the Reds a lot in and around Chiang Mai. It's usually a lot of yelling, some music, then more yelling, etc. From watching ASTV before the PAD rallies were pretty similar.

    I remember seeing a peaceful PAD rally marching down Sukhumvit, people cheering them on. This however was an ugly gang of taxi thugs screaming at us to uturn, and shouting and cursing all over the place. I was extremely happy to get away from there. This was not a demonstration but an attempt at violent overthrow.

  7. hey guys, big red shirt protest this evening on Pahonyothin Road, at 11:00 p.m. Was leaving Central Lad Prao and had to uturn because road was blocked up to Ratchadapisak. Lots and lots of cops and protesters out. Of course, nothing on the news or anywhere else.

    I'm thinking George should set up a protest alert thread we can add to when something like this happens. Was scary, lots of yelling and loudspeakers,,,,,very chaotic too.

  8. There is an intersection near my home that leads to expressway. Whenever the police is there he let the cars in and out of the expressway while the other side of the traffic to wait for red light to change. Sometime we have to wait for 20 or 30 min.

    I swear he is being paid to let the cars go into the expressway so the toll way make a lot of money. I see many examples like this. It is not about better traffic is about making money

    I think they are holding everything up for Very Important Thais (VITs), either military, politicians, or possibly the really really important ones that nobody is allowed to talk about. Used to happen around my old neighborhood all the time, and there were VITs from all three groups living around there.

  9. Good on the Reds, if they disagree with the verdict they should by all means fight for what they believe. :)

    agree, can't wait to see a sea of red.....running down the street.

    I thought it was illegal to question a Thai court verdict. As such, isn't it very outrageous for a foreigner to be whipping up revolutionary sentiments?

    Hmmm, well I was trying to be sardonic, not sure about britmaveric....

  10. And what about discounts and bargaining ? What would be a reasonable discount ? How to negotiate a good deal ?

    Prices are fairly set at computer shops, as far as I know. And they are all quite competitive......just go around and get the prices from different shops and share your info, I'm sure you can work a deal at one of them. Also, most shops will install Windows if you want it, but it won't be original.

  11. Laksi Plaza IT Center, on the way to Zeer, before the old airport on Vip. Rangsit road/changwattana road, is pretty good....lots and lots of laptops. Zeer is good but pretty far away, you should try to buy as close to home as possible, in case you have problems.

  12. Yellows are much more dangerous..... they actually kidnapped, assaulted, killed people at the airport.... not to mention taking over govt buildings. Total nutters the yellows are when compared to the Reds.

    Haha somebody's been hitting the wacky weed early! Nobody killed, assaulted, or kidnapped at airport. Completely peaceful. Unlawful, I 100% agree. But none of the things you just claimed....go smoke another bowl!

  13. Still waiting for the iPhone killer, haven't seen anything even come close yet....except.... for the new google android phone, but need to wait at least another year before it catches up with anything close to iPhone. Then the iPhone will probably be different, and maybe a few steps ahead.

  14. Hey All

    Was looking at different calorie and nutrient counting apps last week and came across 'myfitnesspal'. Totally free, you sign up for a free account, make a short profile, and start logging in your food intake and exercise. You have to be connected to the internet when using the app, but most of us here with an iPhone are anyway already. The app has a clean and easy interface and keeps nice records, and you can also log things in on the website, as well as do several other things like take part in their board (which is so-so) or do a blog, friend other members, etc.

    What's nice is you can 'make a meal', which is to log in several food items (such as the ingredients for a plate of som tum :) ) and then save that particular item as a meal which can be easily pulled up. So I have my spicy gao lao soup, tom yum gai, som tum, nam tok, etc all saved as meal sets and don't have to log in all the ingredients separately....neat! You can also make custom foods, so if you want to log in ant larvae or bird's nest soup, or Strawberry Pocky and have some nutritional data on it, go for it. It already has a quarter of a million entries inputted, so you can usually always find what you want.

    It's totally free, seems to be an ad free app as well, which is very nice. Certainly this is the only app I've found of this kind that is this good. Check it out!

    Oh, and I am in no way associated with this app, just find it cool and want to share it with all you guys. Even if you don't have an iPhone, the website is still really good, though the syncing between phone and computer is niccceeee.

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