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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. The online Apple store also has a delivery date of February. I just ordered one with all the options ticked ... THB 350,280.giggle.gif Annoying they don't have the 4K displays available yet on the site. I would have ordered three of them.

    The boxes in Esplanade were most likely demos to be setup.

    Is anybody here on TV interested in buying the new Mac Pro?

    boxes at esplanade specifically not for demo as i asked. unusual to think many people would simply buy it unable to test drive a demo.

    i have configured many a hackintosh and also own real macs. the engineering is very nice but short of having a reliable business use for it, price too high. i recall an online review of a higher end round mac pro was only 8% faster than a CTO imac

    an osx86 with current 6 core i7, fast ram, pcie ssd, and 2 gpu's will be very competitive for less and won't incur the cost for external thunderbolt mandatory peripherals. thunderbolt and usb3 already available on mb.

    I know it is a cool piece of equipment, but what are you doing to require all that firepower? Or is it just because you want it and you can afford it? :)

  2. Yingluck two days ago: "There is absolutely no legal way we can postpone the election. It must go through and there is no way to postpone it".

    Yingluck this morning: "We will postpone the election if you stop protesting and revealing how corrupt PTP is. Please please promise to do this and we will postpone the election!"

    Gotta love her ability to lie so boldly!

    • Like 1
  3. Never looked at Facebook before it was popular. Never looked at it whilst it was popular. Wont notice when it's gone.

    Facebook is a cracking example of cretins spouting incomprehensible drivel to imbeciles. It is beaten into banal insignificance only by Twatter.

    Has a single worthwhile phrase ever been posted on Facebook or any other "social media"? I doubt it.

    You seem like a very angry and negative person.

  4. I gave up FB long ago when people started swamping my inbox and wall with stupid pictures of their breakfasts and suppers, moronic jokes, pseudo-enlightened proverbs, childish cartoons, right-wing and left-wing party slogans, and of course the utterly obnoxious and ever-present "if you don't pass this on to all your friends within 15 minutes you'll be stricken by 10 years of bad luck"-letters.

    Facebook has a "block" function. Very useful! Pity you couldn't figure out how to use it!

  5. facetuck is utterly useless anyway.

    tominbkk, on 24 Jan 2014 - 04:08, said:snapback.png

    I for one love Facebook for its connectivity possibilities. It works well for educational purposes, group collaboration, etc. Just depends how and why you use it.

    REALLY? connectivity? ah, yes it rapes your address book when you sign up, than terrorises anyone you`d know with invites.regardless if you just wrote to a peer something like "sodomize yourself" or "want to meet for a beer?" he is in your address book - let's connectblink.png

    Really? I just clicked decline on the offer to look through my contacts, and it never bothered me again. Read the instructions! thumbsup.gif

  6. I got a fairly top of the line PC about 3.5 years ago, 8 gig ram and good audio and video cards (but not the top). Went to a shop at Laksi and had them put it together for me per my discretion. Running Windows 7 Pro. Spent around 38K for it, sans monitor (already had 21 inch monitor).

    So far has played any new game I have thrown at it with aplomb. No reason to change yet.

  7. Well, Facebook is not Myspace....they were both social media platforms but Facebook has many more functions, links to other social media platforms, and other components. It may go down, but also Facebook inventors may have anticipated this downward phase already.

    I for one love Facebook for its connectivity possibilities. It works well for educational purposes, group collaboration, etc. Just depends how and why you use it.

    Just calling it dumb (poster in #2) is really a kneejerk reaction from someone ignorant to what it is capable of as a free social media and collaborative platform.

    • Like 1
  8. That is my assertion.

    On another thread, a poster posited equality for gay people will not be reached until gay people no longer need to come out.

    I totally reject that.

    By that measure, "equality" will never be achieved, because gay people will ALWAYS need to come out and/or choose to remain closeted if their unfortunate societal/family situation warrants that.

    This kind of "fantasy" pipe dream "equality" is a silly goal.

    A realistic goal is equal civil rights under the law.

    As a minority that really is very different, yes loving the same sex IS different and will forevermore be different, you can't expect that to ever not be seen as different.

    On that note, a heartwarming coming out real life drama:

    re the vid, what a great mom! I'm really jealous...

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    • Like 1
  9. We like to drink red, 3-4 glases over an evening of 4-5 hours.

    Alcohol 10-12%. With a given body weight of 50kg, height, 165, age 40, can that already cause depencency?

    Are you drinking every night?

    Do you need to drink every night?

    These two questions will give you more insight into whether you have a dependency on alcohol or some alcoholism.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. Congratulations! Firstly, you recognize that you have a problem. AS you know, it will not get better if you continue on this path. Yes, AA is a spiritual program. But, you choose a God of "your understanding" - it can be the group, a dollar bill - up to you. There are contacts in AA - see websites. Have a chat & make up your own mind. You have an opportunity at a new life, new friends. Becoming a member of AA does not make you a wowser! AA is not perfect - just like the rest of the world. I have no qualifications regarding any other avenues to attain sobriety - they may well work! Many follow the AA philosophy anyway. There are some crackpots in AA - we just do our best! I do know that the AA literature suggests that many of us try the easier, softer way - it does not work, There are no fees - contributions are voluntary. See the websites for a detailed description. Going it alone would be a huge challenge! Whichever route you choose, I wish you the best!

    As well understand there are other options besides AA available. Look at my post above.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    • Like 1
  11. A grenade causes great injury are they getting mixed up with a bunch of firecrackers as the pictures do not give the resemblance of a grenade attack unless these are. Home made small devices to a cause minimum injury it is funny how the shin family are always accused when it comes to some sort of explosion. I hope the injured are okay and that the injuries are very minor I can only see the escalating I think we can say goodbye to the high season and the influx of tourists this year which will have an adverse effect on the Thai economy.

    Having served as a Medic in Viet Nam, I can assure you that I have seen many grenade attacks and the resulting damage to both property and bodies... I see no where near that amount of property damage in any of the photos from the attack sites, and in almost all cases anyone close enough to receive injuries would either be dead or have extreme life threatening injuries...

    Regardless of whom is responsable, I think at best (or worst) these devices are possibly extremely large fireworks or poorly home made explosives... And anyone who has spent much time in Thailand knows, the material required for making such, can be purchased almost anywhere in Thailand...


    I was thinking the same. I wonder if grenades can be modified, take out some of the explosive, so they are not as "lethal"? So they create more of a warning signal than tear a bunch of people apart?

  12. I have opinions the same as you

    But unlike you and some others I am not stupid enougth to think thais take any notice of what Farlang think

    In fact all you do is give them a reason to turn on us when other problems are gone

    Ok, I got it. You don't have Thai friends or acquaintances who can handle having a civil debate.

    I work and live around educated Thais (middle class and up) who, though they may be fervent in their opinion on political matters, love to talk and share information about the issues of the day regardless. I actually learn a lot by listening to the other side, and that is why I'm 85% for protestors and not 100%.

    You may be stuck somewhere where issues can only be viewed in black and white, them and us. I would imagine if you were stuck in a situation like this in the middle of an agrarian setting where not much education went on and where people were never encouraged to utilize their critical thinking skills that you would probably be best to kowtow to the majority and keep quiet. Fortunately I don't have to do that.

  13. okay it now seems you not read mine and my thai wife's posting

    she does not, and never has liked Suthep

    so you posting is totally incorrect

    If you take the time to read our posts you will see that she is protesting again the taskin problem

    and Suthep is a spear head being used

    there is no way he will be allowed to take power in Thailand, no matter how much you want to believe he will

    I have now lived in Thailand for the last 10 years

    have a family here

    pay taxes here with a large company that I run

    But still understand I have no say in Thai politics, I just bend with the wind

    Are you saying that you feel you are not allowed to have an opinion here, so you just latch on to your wife's opinion? You feel you can't have a different opinion as your wife? Whew!

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