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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. The mandatory war room has been set up of course but there's an interesting article in the other paper where the People's Army claim the real war room is on Koh Chang and Mr. T himself is in command.

    The PA say a private plane arrived in secrecy at Trat and a VIP, under heavy security, was taken by speedboat to the island.

    I know Thailand is the hub of wild and exaggerated claim but why not ?

    Haha this is becoming an Austin Powers movie...

    • Like 2
  2. Thy don't understand the iPad then. You have to know a user's ID and password to do any kind of eavesdropping. As long as you create those things on your own, they will not be able to track you. If it's given to you with a preset ID and PW though, then you could have some issues.

    Sounds to me like either they aren't too smart about electronics or they are trying to be dramatic. Or both.

    • Like 1
  3. You misunderstood. You thought you were buying a computing device from Apple. What you've actually paid for is a media sales channel.

    Don't buy Apple mobile devices if you just want a device.

    That's ridiculous. Things have always been super straight-forward for me with my Apple devices.
    Apple is like Thailand. As long as you keep paying, no problem.
    I've bought very few apps, except some really good ones that developers spent tons on creating. Your post makes nonsense, sorry!
    • Like 1
  4. Over the past 3-4 years, after almost 20 years of being an exclusive Microsoft/PC fan, my devices have one by one all become Apple. I was a master trouble shooter with my PCs, spending hours working out glitches (though with Windows XP and 7 it was not that bad).

    iOS and OSX make it much easier on you. Transfer of all digital data is seamless. Programs start and stop instantly, and always work. A notebook with 6+ hours of battery life after three years of heavy use, and a phone and pad with 10 hours of life to them. And priced reasonably in consideration of the quality of components and build to any PC.

    I don't really consider myself an Apple Fanboy. they have just slowly but surely converted me into a diehard user of their products and let me get on with my life with their seamless integration between devices and worry-free use.

    • Like 1
  5. I just verified that I am not imagining some cyber spector. This is real.

    After clicking on 'free' on the link found in google search for 'gmail app iPhone' and entering the obligatory Apple ID and password I get the following...

    "This Apple ID. has not been used in the iTunes store. Tap review to sign in, then review your account information"

    At this point I have two choices...

    1. Cancel and get no app

    2. Review and demand for credit card

    Did you get charged for the Gmail app? If not, then it was free.

  6. In this 1084 world of state and corporate surveillance I am very concerned to discover that is either essential or the default that one must have a credit card to use an iPhone. This years at my heart for it violates multiple privacy principles. I was assured by the salesman at the official apple store that I could register my Apple device under any name and any address. It appears he is misinformed (or I am and I don't understand Apple).

    I finally got my combination of Apple ID (why don't they just call it your email address because that's what it is) and password to work on this tiny device. The whole point of my doing this was so I could download the gmail app as using the regular one appears to not allow searches. And in order to download one has to enter one's Apple ID ( Microsoft doesn't require such, what the heck is going on here?

    You get the opportunity to send terms and conditions, all 56 pages to one's email, but only ONE PAGE AT A TIME and there is no layman's 'what this really says' version,

    Then they ask for credit card info in order to register to buy stuff on itunes,

    . Double what the heck is going on here. I don't care if there is no charge, I don't sign up for porn sites (just give us your cc#) why should I for Apple. Why are they verifying identities? Who is Apple working folksy important - what is the workaround to maintain privacy and still use an iPhone? I am not outraged by the dividing nations up into discreet markets with their own rules, but I am very disturbed by the prospect of banks, gov'ts and computer companies working in lockstep. I don't march.

    Sounds like you need to dump the iPad and get another pad device. Obviously Apple is not meant for you.

  7. Surely it is the intellect and not the institution which separates the Prime Minister and Abhisit.

    • Louis Vuitton handbag range ... or was it shoes ... or was it she was getting her hair done .
    • shopaholic yingluck
    • The current corn flakes packet educated leader
    There is no place for the usual negative Triped out nonsense on this forum or for the ex leader in Thailand's politics.

    The Thai people have given a clear mandate.

    What drunken condo bound falungs think is totally irrelevant, if not some what amusing.

    I bet my house and belongings put yours in the shadows, Motty. :)
    Yeh, that's what really counts during political debate; the size of your house or your bank account.

    You know you've been in Thailand too long when you condemn the PM for shopping and wearing Burberry wellies yet boast about your personal possessions on an anonymous Internet forum in some ridiculous attempt to somehow prove you are more politically astute than another poster.

    Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Easy there cowboy. :). This was in response to the 'drunk falung in condo' comment. Sorry your reading comprehension did not catch it or that you have difficulty with some humor. Though I do have a nice big house and many belongings here, I did not write it to brag. Please don't get too upset, you may fall off your barstool.
    • Like 2
  8. Pffffff ... You guys are still not tired?

    Some of you are really obsessed. It's not your country, relax !

    A bit of reconciliation would not hurt anyone.

    Uhm, of course you might have nothing to moan about anymore... Your life would be even emptier Posted Image

    A bit of reconciliation would be fantastic. Unfortunately there's no sign of it with the current government.

    It seems difficult indeed. The government is the only one speaking about reconciliation, while the "other" ones just make sure it does not happen, dream of more coups and more trouble.

    At least the government tries :)

    Sent from my iPhone...

    What turns people off is that Yingluck is obviously doing this in an attempt to keep people off the streets. She drips with insincerity.
  9. Surely it is the intellect and not the institution which separates the Prime Minister and Abhisit.

    • Louis Vuitton handbag range ... or was it shoes ... or was it she was getting her hair done .
    • shopaholic yingluck
    • The current corn flakes packet educated leader
    There is no place for the usual negative Triped out nonsense on this forum or for the ex leader in Thailand's politics.

    The Thai people have given a clear mandate.

    What drunken condo bound falungs think is totally irrelevant, if not some what amusing.

    I bet my house and belongings put yours in the shadows, Motty. :)
    • Like 1
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