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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. It was the students that caused the fall of the corrupt government dictator in 1973, Can they do it again? This is the student revolt than PM Samak said only one person dies, but hundreds are still missing. coffee1.gif

    I doubt they are that motivated. Also, unless the govt. is really really dumb, in light of the high exposure social media brings, that they would massacre a bunch of students is quite unlikely. Then again, knowing the Thakanista, anything is possible!

  2. I avoid eating street food if I can . It's just not healthy for you , even if some of it tastes good.

    Yes I am paying 100 baht for my dinner inside a small restaurant instead of 30 baht outside.

    So you like paying more for the same thing ? Funny...

    No inside a restaurant without rats and garbage around , I prefer Japanese , Chinese or Korean food , dishes for under 100 baht is possible in Bangkok and Pattaya.

    Maybe some of the ingredients are the same but still safer to eat there .

    One nice thing about street food is you see them cooking, so you do not have to eat where it looks unsterile. In a restaurant, you never know what they are doing behind that kitchen wall!

  3. You said it your article. vendors have a "meager budget" if you don't like it go eat at a 5 star restaurant, there's plenty of them. Or you could always get a cab to the airport. smile.png

    Part of the reason you came here was for cheap food etc, now your complaining about it, time to go.


    As my missus says "Street food is for Thais who cannot afford anything better. It is not for Falangs."

    I need to show her where the good street food is then. Haha. Meanwhile, she can go on convincing you to got to Sizzler for dinner instead in her beguiling way!

  4. while it may be true of some, it is most certainly not true of all.

    buddy needs to go eat some proper street food.

    As for the singapore comparison, well mr wang, you are entitled to your opinion.

    There's street food around the 7/11 by my house that opens at night, is clean, and cheap. Pad Thai, gio nam, kao mun gai, and a little steak place all coexist comfortably and have tons of business.

    • Like 2
  5. Fair enough then. But can you imagine if a bowl of noodles went from 30 to 125 baht overnight in Thailand?

    I agree as well about controlling the street food a bit more, though there are some great places around my neighborhood that I would hate to see shut down, esp. as nothing else is open as late as they are.

  6. last nights dinner

    Starter - seafood bisque with crispy croutons

    Main (Adults)- seafood rissotto with NZ mussells, shrimps and squid with a mixed salad

    Mains (Kids) beef patty sliders, crinkle cut chips

    Finished off with no-bake lemon cheesecake (kids made that)

    washed down with a crispy Australian Chardonnay

    Unfortunately the kitchen smelled like a fishmongers house after hours of reducing the fish stock down for the bisque and the rissotto - still, I think it was worth I think it. Bon Apetit!

    Good to see you integrating into Thai culture.....................................

    If I am not mistaken Sunshine, the title of this thread is What Was The Last Farang Meal You Made. If the thread had been What Was The Last Thai Meal You Made my post would have been different. If you feel the need to make comments about our relative integration into 'Thai Culture' then go right ahead. I am not sure however that you can deduce a great deal from my post (s) but please feel free to do so. You are clearly a qualified Cultural Commando.

    Very perceptive of you Mr Johnson.

    You continue to enjoy your very regular Farang meals.

    I agree that the topic is "..last Farang meal.." but I am not sure that the OP intended you to maintain a personal diary.

    You can just skip reading his posts if you want. Personally I like them, they are witty, unlike your droll reply.
  7. You're on the right track. Read the books and do your own web based research to gain some education about your choices and associated risks.

    When you've gained the basic knowledge, you're in a better position to ask questions, listen to advice that will be a mixed bag, and make your own decisions.

    In the meantime, I'm considering a startup company that needs a few million - tinned som-tam for all the Thai girls living in farangland. PM me for details and my bank account number so you can transfer the cash.

    Seriously - gain some basic understanding of investment strategies is the best policy before you ask all us hacks on TV.

    Wow, tinned som-tam! Now there's an investment possibility if I ever saw one!

    I realize I have to do my own research, just wanted to hear from some here in general...thanks!

  8. So my partner and I are thinking of doing some investing. Currently we just keep our money in the bank, which really isn't doing much at all for us.

    We have 2-3 million to safely invest. What would be a relatively low risk investment strategy? We aren't looking for a quick buck, would be happy getting fair returns over several years. My partner was getting advice from some other Thais that you can turn over your money 10 times with certain big stocks that have a bit of risk. Not sure if I believe what they are saying or if it is just a bunch of Thai talk.

    We're in no big hurry, want to do this right if we do. I suppose I should read a couple books, as I have no idea about investing. but would love to hear from the TV wealth of knowledge!


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