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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. I would withdraw them to a local computer then keep a few backups of the encrypted wallet files. I keep all important data in encrypted volumes so it's encrypted and then hidden inside an encrypted volume - these are safe to mail to 'safe places' around the world as occasional backups and nobody will ever be able to access them if you do it right. Doing it right is easy with the correct software, I use Bestcrypt by Jetico.
  2. Probably a Midjourney image. People better get used to this as there's a very good chance in the near future that most images will not have origins based in reality.
  3. Yeah, it takes so long to grow the vaccines that they need to make an educated guess as to which versions of the virus will be circulating many months in advance of when they expect it to circulate.
  4. I've been at this game a very long time, I never once thought a Bitcoin would trade for $1000 when I purchased my first one for about $12. Of course I would have spent every penny I had on them and guarded them well had I known what was to come. Anyway, I am reminded of this meme about 'cashing out' : One day you will be able to spend them, you won't need to cash them out, it's just a matter of time.... Compared to those early days it's already crossed the threshold of unrealisticly high prices and then came back down, now going back up by the looks of it.
  5. Will do, I'm pretty sure I'll be ok as it's just a re-verification which they seem to have planned using the chip built into modern passports and some app that you run on your phone. As for opening new accounts though - that's anyones guess!
  6. UpBit Thailand tell me you can 'dip chip' register using the passport but I haven't tried that yet - I have until December to do it - will probably give it a go in a few weeks time. If that works then it is a viable option for Baht to Crypto and back Edit : In fact that's not quite accurate about the dip chip thing, this is what the email title says : "Existing foreign Users Must Complete Identify Re-verification via Passport NFC Verification" It then goes on to speak about dip chip verification for Thais but doesn't mention the NFC Verification at all. Edit more : I went to UpBit to clarify this and this popped up - it's an app to verify the passport - but whether it's only for existing customers or new customers I don't know :
  7. These accounts are not for trading Baht, if you already have crypto then they're great and like I mentioned they accept Thai addresses if proven via bank statement. So, no, I've never sent or received any Baht from these accounts but I have purchased some BTC from inside Thailand and sent it on to the Binance and Kraken accounts. I only opened them as it was a requirement for a bankruptcy I have a claim in and they insist on making payments via crypto exchange instead of direct to my wallet and Kraken was my exchange of choice. So while I had the current paperwork from the bank I went on an exchange account opening 'spree' and opened a few more just in case they become useful in the future. Binance has a lot of altcoins which is why I use that one. They do come in useful for trading coins into and out of USD and to keep it outside of Thailand.
  8. I have active and verified accounts with Kraken, Bitstamp and Binance - all accepted my Kasikorn bank statement with English address as a proof of address. I went to the branch to get this statement printed for the verification - living in Thailand and using a Thai address is not a problem for any of them, at least it wasn't when I opened them. Kraken is my preferred international exchange and they service a massive list of countries worldwide.
  9. This means nearly everywhere will be closed at the normal time, doesn't it?
  10. If other exchanges can do it then so can Bitkub - so far they have chosen not to do it.
  11. Admirable work. I don't use Bitkub as I heard there were many issues with verification. But I do occasionally use UpBit Thailand and I am fully verified there, it's a Korean exchange which operates in various South East Asian countries, including Thailand. I received an email from them over the weekend about this new enhanced verification requirement and they specifically stated that foreigners can do this 'DIP Chip' thing using a modern day passport which contains whatever chip it is that is used - presumably it's the NFC 'chip' in the passports. I have until some time in December to complete this. Based on what UpBit have said it appears that there is a way to process foreigners ID confirmation with some app and their passports and it's done at 7/11 in a similar manner to how a Thai would do it using their national ID card at 7/11. I haven't done it yet though, but they say it is possible. They also mentioned that if it doesn't work, which I guess is possible for some passports then there are other documents that can be uploaded to complete the verification process - the webpage didn't list what these documents are.
  12. Yes, the whole thing is hilarious - it's almost like there's a bunch of inexperienced idiots running the show
  13. They smoke it? As it was tablets I have been working on the assumption that they just swallow them, like all other tablets?
  14. All of these things happene every time I get in my car, apart from bad weather. I will never purchase a vehicle with anything like this, I'll do it the old fashioned way for the foreseeable future. Only when these automated systems are several hundred times better than a human controlled vehicle will I consider one - I'm sure that day will come but it's just not time yet. Having said that I have no idea if it had anything to do with this accident, it's just that whenever I go out on the roads I'm surrounded by complete idiots who make seemingly random moved all the time, any quick breaking reaction by my vehicle would result in the tailgater behind me crashing into me - and there's nearly always someone driving just a few feet behind swerving from lane to lane to get slightly ahead, even on a busy road with a red stop light in view 🙄
  15. As Prime Minister he is literally a puppet by definition. One wrong word and the delicate and fragile coalition will split which will result in the puppet masters (the parties) kicking his ass out - he will find out. This guy seems to be on a crusade, first with has deluded tax reforms, knee jerk banning of all firearms via Anutin. He won't be PM for long. I'll give him a few more months at most - whenever Taksin gets out of hospital prison - that's when he will hear the clock ticking, it's already ticking now of course but he just doesn't realise it.
  16. So it's quite possible there could have been 'auto drive' features in play here? I am not familiar with this car make/model at all.
  17. They always checked before, every time I've had an overstay going back decades (before they decided to make a big deal out of it) they knew at the checking desk. I know this as I've had several overstays in the past.
  18. From the above Nation link : I guess they've decided to completely disarm the country. "He said he would not allow ordinary people to get a permit to own a firearm" No guns for the peasants...got it.
  19. Yes, has Phuket airport gone rogue? If on overstay maybe best to make your way to Bangkok They're definitely missing their flights.
  20. Odd pattern emerging here, if you get to the airport you can leave. The check in desk know you're on overstay the moment they see your passport. What happens next? Do the police still pay rewards for reporting overstayers?
  21. How many of these things does the average 'addict' take each day?
  22. Here in Hua Hin we have to make do with the karaoke area which seems to close sometime around 7 or 8 in the morning. I was told by someone that they close at that time because it backs onto some commercial premesis that opens early 🤣
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