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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Yes, if they really wanted to go over the top they could just copy what Thailand do and hunt the overstayers like wild boar.
  2. The new fees are so crazy that I wouldn't be surprised if there's some kind of 'mistake' here. I guess we will find out soon enough though! It would be massively unfair to charge tourists from NZ these huge fees when they stay the same around the rest of the world. If they apply the same fees to the rest of the world then they might just find that nobody gets a visa again, ever.
  3. She is a Doctor, that's what the story is about.
  4. If you must buy something then leasing is the way to go but based on what I've read over the years the lease renewal is not guaranteed in any way. Also a lease contract which has a 'binding' obligation on the registered land owner to renew after each 30 year term is not legal which it is speculated nullifies the lease completely. A lease contract with clauses that are not allowed doesn't simply nullify the bad clauses - it nullifies the whole lease - is this true? Has it been tested yet? So there's a lot of people out there who think they're sitting pretty in their house on a lease that's quite possibly not acceptable should the owner decide they want it back. If I ever did a 30 year lease on a piece of land I would consider it a long term rent for 30 years max, I'll probably be dead by then anyway so it wouldn't matter as I have no aires and would likely pick up another house or two over the coming decades also on 30 year leases which stretch far beyond my time here. Now I would do this on my Mrs name and lease from her, we are not married which is important because you can't do contracts between husband and wife. Well you can easily do them - but they can easily be reversed based on what I've read on here as well. I figure if you spend 5% of your assets on a house then it's kind of disposable anyway but there's no need to let anyone know that.
  5. So is mine, 150k, it's getting on a bit now but still works perfectly for everything I do. My computer doesn't have a memory problem though which is why it doesn't crash all the time.
  6. Hardly surprising, nobody likes paperwork and in my experience all over the world only the c.,ts work at embassies.
  7. This is not at all as clear cut as it first sounds. They're talking about a credit from a withholding tax that has been cancelled / doesn't exist. It's one of those things that was introduced but not implemented anywhere back in 2022 and then withdrawn. Unless this is the same thing being added back in again - it kind of sounds like it. They also mention the SEC and 'investment tokens' in the original Thai text which I ran through google translate - not specifically 'crypto'. I wonder if they're talking about a new type of investment shares here which have yet to be launched. Coindesk which is notoriously unreliable and will report any old rubbish have been reporting all sorts of stuff for years now - they even link to one of the out of date stories about withholding tax from 2022 which cites the BKPost in the article and speak about the tax benefits including a VAT exemption until December 2023 which was 3 months ago in an article published 2 days ago. They're not to be taken seriously.
  8. Around these parts it's worse than murder, he will be sentenced to more than 20 years in prison which will be reduced to 20 years as it's the maximum sentence allowed. You could go out into the street and start lopping heads off and it's not as serious as this guys charges.
  9. Is he Thai? Some 'whiteys' carry Thai passports.
  10. They appear to be 'catching' people at some airports based on recent news stories out of Phuket. Obviously this is due to the airline check in desks, they check your current extension of stay date - they always did even when nobody cared about overstays because it can delay you getting to the gate. Go and get an extension, like others have said, if they say no to the extension because you've already had one then you get 7 days which is no problem at all.
  11. Wow that was quick, he was found guilty already and they only arrested him yesterday?
  12. Well that seems a little odd, it would make sense that if you're not resident in Thailand and you make some capital gains during the time you're non resident and then remit them at any time, same year or a later year then it should not really be anything to do with Thailand. They don't have a specific capital gains tax in Thailand do they? It's all personal income tax based on what I've read and if you're non resident then it simply doesn't apply to 'profit' made during that year. I've seen capital gains mentioned but only in the context of exemptions from tax, like the SEC and mutual funds. Will be interested in your findings on this as it's important.
  13. If you don't move house why are you needing a new TM30? Is this some new requirement I haven't heard about?
  14. Nobody mentioned a remote village
  15. I was thinking that it would be very convenient if they launched their own Bitcoin ETF in Thailand. I guess there's no chance of that at all. Having said that the 'bar to entry' doesn't appear to be that high. Source : https://www.tilleke.com/insights/thailands-sec-to-update-definitions-of-institutional-and-high-net-worth-investors/
  16. You know, eating a little more food could get rid of this problem. A diabetic who doesn't eat as much as they used to often gets this problem, I've seen it.
  17. Which is interesting as this definitely didn't used to be the case. Did he have an old legitimate but lapsed permit I wonder?
  18. Nonsense. I've never had a problem with any Thais, but I see constant reports of others and how they are treated - this does affect my view of the entire country. So there's no hate, no experience of hate, even the immigration department who are a constant source of annoyance to many foreigners and banks, etc for me have all been positive experiences. In fact I've walked through life for some 15 or 16 years here with pretty much no problems at all. Yet my view is still tainted by the experiences of others that I hear about locally and read about in the press. Just because they're not coming for me today, doesn't mean they won't come for me in the future. This is something that you might want to consider.
  19. I can feel the simmering hate recently.
  20. This is one of the most bizarre things I've ever heard of. He had a permit, was it in his name or his wifes name I wonder? Does it matter? What if my wife had a gun with a permit - is that mine too?
  21. If I were you I would get a fasting test done and then the other test where they do the fasting test first and you drink something containing a high but measured amount of glucose and then test the BG readings (perhaps more than once) after some period of time to get a reading based on the glucose drink. In other words, get a fresh diagnosis.
  22. Remember that time when the only nuclear power in the world dropped two nukes on Japan? Excessive?
  23. I believe it does as it specifies 'scheduled backups' in the features, but I shut down my system every night and don't leave the backup destination drives lying around and definitely not connected to the computer unless they are bign used to create a backup so I don't use the schedule. When I do a backup I need to unmount my encrypted filesystem and I back it up as a single large file and then backup 'the rest' of whatever I backup as separate tasks. You can specify many tasks and configure them separately.
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