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Everything posted by sometimewoodworker

  1. You probably need to proof read your post, I think I have corrected it My experience is with an interleaved internal disk there is no significant difference between that and the blazingly fast external I have. if you have a crippled machine then you can probably improve things by a fast SSD, but have you seen the same procedure on a dual chip Mac mini? I rather suspect that you are not going to get the best performance using an external SSD
  2. First point, you are going to cripple your Mac if you cheap out on the 256GB model. it has only 1 RAM chip for the disk (the M1 models had 2 all others have 1) the models with 2 or 4 RAM chips use interleaved read/write and that gives an impressive speed boost, so you need a minimum of a 512 Mb model (I don’t know the drive specs on this but it is probably 2 x 265) you probably gain about 70% with the interleaved IO For the external drive enclosure I have a ZikeDrive with a 10cm thunderbolt 4 cable(https://ziketech.com/blogs/news/what-is-zikedrive?srsltid=AfmBOorjgmTmcdR_a54dd7VblAtSmMKk2jgxJwK3lhNyBpg6ak3zxmqg) you are going to be able to keep your coffee warm on it it can get hot enough it almost burn. The best memory for that is the SAMSUNG 990 PRO cost is about 4~5 thousand for the enclosure and 7,700 for the drive, the speed is Read/Write Speed Up to 3.8Gbps/3.1Gbps I also have a Orico enclosure with a 2TB disk that is probably significantly slower than the Zike but then I don’t use that as a boot disk for my M series MacMini
  3. While WD40 contains oils and solvents, it isn’t a designed as penetrating oil it is a WD40 contains anti-corrosion agents and ingredients for penetration, water displacement and soil removal. a good penetrating oil will contain a very light oil and a solvent. Possibly the best is 50/50 ATF and acetone. The acetone will flash off quickly leaving the extremely light ATF
  4. You do realise that the brushes are designed to make electrical contact and not designed to be lubricate with oil, the graphite is a dry lubricant. Adding oil to them will reduce their lifespan gum up the commutator and introduce possible shorting of segments. The bearings needing lubricant is a possible problem. I have quit a few brushed motors, several are decades old, none have ever had the brushes lubricated, several have had brushes replaced. TLDR never oil brushes keep them clean and dry.
  5. Indeed I ment quantity, (thanks for the correction I didn’t proof reed the post) though with some village supplies quality, solids, in the water, can be a problem. just to be clear a 1kilolitre tank with the surface at 5 metres above the outlet will give 0.5 bar irrespective of the outlet pipe size. while a 1 litre tank with the surface at 20 meters above the outlet will give a 2 bar pressure again irrespective of the outlet pipe size. though a 5mm pipe will give horrendous friction losses when you try to use the water. Fluid dynamics is a non intuitive science. Case in point, SWMBO was using a 1” 100 meter pipe from our pool pump to water the garden, when it needed to be replaced I bought a 2” pipe to replace it despite vehement protests from her that it was a bad idea. Now watering the same area of garden is about 3 times faster in part due to the larger area but also the dramatic reduction in friction losses. NB the pump outlet is 1”
  6. That is not how physics works. The quality of water in the tank only governs the amount of water available, it has little to do with the water pressure available. The hight of the water governs the pressure available. For each 10 meters of hight you get 1 bar of pressure. If you have a column of water (the pipes) that connects to a tank whose base is at 10 meters above the tap you will have 1 bar of pressure when the tank is virtually empty. When full you will probably have about 1.15 bar of pressure (an insignificant increase) The point I have not mentioned is that unless your supply pipes from the tank are about 37mm you will get friction losses and since most pipes are ½ inch these losses will be rather large, add in the 90 degree bends and you have problems. Our house water supply is all 32mm PPR and bends are 45 degrees, so even though the tank is only about 7 meters above the taps we always have water available in a power cut, it is walking water not running, but we can always shower and clean the dishes.
  7. If the malnourished cat is lactose intolerant, the majority of cats are, then giving milk is much much worse than water. Water/fluids are required for every living being, but giving milk to most cats will reduce the amount of water in the body, due to diarrhoea, reduce the value of other food as they won’t be digested properly. Depending on the degree of malnourishment it could lead to the cat becoming an ex-cat. You can feed a moderate amount of cooked egg to your cat but not raw and not more than a single egg per day, and not that much to a malnourished cat until they are eating regularly.
  8. While pumping directly off the incoming supple is certainly done, I would say rather then being common practice, it not uncommon. The point is that while some people do it the majority don’t, because apart from everyone knowing it’s illegal/against all supply rules, it is also inefficient and having the required tank avoids having no supply when the inlet is dry.
  9. It really is quite interesting how some people totally fail to give context to questions. Then get rather upset when the exact question the poster asked is answered but doesn’t have the exact details wanted because the questioner failed to ask. There is also some kind of expectation that when answering that the answer should give links to sites that have a small chance of being relevant because the questioner can’t be bothered to phrase the question with enough detail. There are 2 threads in particular that prompt this observation, one on batterie connecting the other on foam. Many posters may have good information but the arrogance (or laziness) of the questioner makes the desire to assist wither on the vine. It is fortunate that the ability to PLONK people is maintained in the software
  10. 30 seconds on Lazada using the term “XPS Polystyrene Foam” gives you a number of suppliers. AliExpress gives an equal number of hits.
  11. It would be good if that were true, it would be even better if there were a snowball’s chance in hades that anyone with any power were to hold him accountable. Unfortunately his fanatical supporters will never change, as far as I can see. So holding your breath for something to deflect him will do no good. It is to be hoped that the deeply flawed American system will not be broken in the next 3.9 years
  12. The joke is on you, as I did not say that Europe is/was United. I said that trump has United the support for Ukraine by Europe. but maybe you have difficulty in understanding the difference. It is clear that Trump might possibly be a checkers player but is incapable of the thinking that chess requires.
  13. That suggests that without the USA Ukraine cannot continue, however Trump has united Europe as fiercely supporting Ukraine so the USA is not the only ones who can support and enable Ukraine to continue. Trump has single handedly pushed the USA out of its central role in world politics and world trade and world finance, diminishing its role. Too much winning 😉😉😉
  14. That is the fault of those who will not respect the fittings. The good quality black coatings are as easy to keep looking good as the quality chrome ones. The cheap ones will damage easily. If the users are not willing to respect the bathroom furniture, then buy a stock of cheap stuff and be prepared to change it on an annual or semi-annual basis. As to those who are finding black coatings difficult to keep clean then they are buying cheap quality items or aren’t cleaning then after every use. Black is a colour that requires more maintenance than any other, many people are lazy and disrespectful of other people’s stuff.
  15. As to if it is time to upgrade grade it depends on your reasons. It will run iOS 18 (the current version) it is going to run iOS 19 it will very probably run iOS 20, so all current applications will be running OK. It will almost certainly run the most restrictive applications like banking apps for the next few years. It is likely to become outdated at the same time as your wife’s Oppo Reno 11 as Apple phones are typically supported for twice the time android phones are. So if the amount of memory is not a problem, if the phone is not damaged, if it is not running too slowly, it’s good for years yet, if the battery isn’t holding enough of a a charge it is worth getting a genuine apple replacement battery (the apple batteries are good quality and value for money)
  16. The way of cleaning black or chrome taps are exactly the same, no chemical cleaners are needed or wanted, just wipe the water off them each time they are used. I have chrome & black taps that are going on for 7 years and look the same as they did when fitted. My brother “in an extremely hard water area” has taps going on fo 20 years old he follows the same practice with the same results.
  17. It’s absolutely possible, it is usually not too difficult. The only time it makes sense is if you need the fitting and a new one will take too long to get. Despite the contention of some, the parts are not bonded by more than the odd molecule so heat will release them. However the degree of heat is very close to the amount able to deform the fittings so you will probably deform a few before you get the feel for the minimum heat needed. For amusement/education I have taken some apart, the pipe is always sacrificial. NB the joints I took apart were always done correctly, so the contention that they are permanent and irreversible is incorrect. The only absolutely permanently joined pipe is welded PP-R
  18. If you want a more powerful unit they are available at under ฿1,000 they will go up to 0.35mm the tape is available between 4mm and 20mm and there is nothing stopping you from welding 2 strips on top of each other
  19. I haven’t looked specifically but in passing remember most of the rainbow. you can probably find it online if you use the correct (for Thailand) search options.
  20. This is available in most of the standard shops like Global etc usually in a variety of colours
  21. it would be good if you actually did research and didn’t blindly neysay proven facts many of my orders have free shipping. Virtually all of them (I won’t say all because there maybe an exception) have tracking. This is an example of an order with free shipping and tracking that is currently on the way and also AFIR all with free shipping, the recent on the way and delivered items
  22. I found a company in my old emails. Not CM but they probably have agents so branches https://fi.co.th/products/
  23. The roofing is about 70cm wide and as long as you can transport
  24. I doubt that you will find that easily, if at all in Thailand, however similar use material is easily available as roofing (we are using it on our outdoor kitchen) Yes you will need a steel frame to screw it on to (simple job, any roofer can do it) Yes Not my area so no idea, but look for roofing suppliers. the material is sheathed on top and bottom with metal, your choice of colour
  25. Every order I have placed, from a 58 baht item and up to thousands of baht has had a tracking number, many were free shipping, probably 40+ items this year. So while it is certainly possible that there are items shipped without tracking I’ve not seen any for over a year, if that and probably a couple of hundred items ordered. I have never had an order go missing. You are correct 3,500mAh There are so many possibilities of LiFePO4 18650s it is pointless. I know of at least 5 different physical configurations so if you multiply those by the possible maximum charge along with the number of brands etc you are probably looking at well over 100 possibilities so it’s totally pointless to give links that are unlikely to assist
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