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Everything posted by sometimewoodworker

  1. My U.K. bank, accountant, wealth manager, and a few other 2 factor services send OTP codes to my Thai phone number. I have to problems using them.
  2. An a qualified electrician can get into the PEA & EGAT if he can pass the qualifying tests, he will get reasonable to good money though it will take a while. Then once he has experience he can get a job at a large commercial company.
  3. Totally mistaken idea. your credit rating will be poor if not complete carp(deliberately misspelled) The people who have good or excellent credit ratings will be the ones who have debit (the more debt the better the credit rating) and pay it on time. You may not care or want to take on debt but you are delusional if you think that you have a great credit rating.
  4. The use of a router would certainly work for a little time, but few routers are designed for the abrasive effects of concrete dust, so though easy at the beginning it’s not a good idea. You can use a router bit designed for drills as it will probably do a reasonable job for small areas. however using a cutting wheel device like a circular saw or an angle grinder with a custom depth guide would be more effective though you could almost certainly just use a lump hammer to knock out the strips you cut as long as you cut them narrow enough.
  5. That declaration limit is not correct, though several seemingly knowledgeable websites still give that. The maximum amount before you are required to declare is $15,000. https://www.bot.or.th/English/FinancialMarkets/ForeignExchangeRegulations/FXRegulation/Pages/default.aspx As to the best exchange rate for large “large denomination” exchanges SuperRich Green HQ branch still has a slight edge, but only if you have a need to be in the area and don’t mind carrying large numbers of bank notes. The extra you get is very small at around ฿2,000 extra for about ฿1 million so if you have to travel it will be wiped out, I am not sure how the new Wise charges will effect this calculation.
  6. That is incorrect. Natural stone is as slippery or non slippery as the hone or polish (a 4,000 grit diamond finish is glossy, a 500 grit not so much) that has been used on it. It is usual that it is more absorbent than most manufactured tiles.
  7. Once again you seem to be unable to comprehend. Unless you have visited our house or you have the exact same units, nobody can agree. We have 2 AC units one is silent the other, though quiet, is not. The Mitsubishi MoveEye is completely silent in operation (if I choose that option) The Daikin is not silent, though it is quiet.
  8. 1) Pay a designer to choose for you. 2) go to one of the many tile design apps and make your choice. 3) spend time in hotels and see what you like or hate.
  9. I continue to use my Thai PayPal account, while there have been a number of changes mine draws on my Thai debit card and though I don’t use it that often I’ve used it 3 times in the last 30 days so your statement is apocryphal, certainly for some accounts
  10. That is the point you are either completely missing or deliberately confusing. The Mitsubishi is completely silent in operation (if I choose that option) The Daikin is not silent, though it is quiet. The operation of the sensors is irrelevant to the sound of the AC
  11. Both my Mitsubishi and Daikin have the technology. The point you missed is that the Mitsubishi Move Eye is silent the Daikin is not, it is quiet but not silent. If the technology works for you or not is irrelevant to the silence of the Mitsubishi and the non silence of the Daikin. Now if you want to discuss different aspects that’s OK but squeezing them into a silence post is disingenuous.
  12. In my experience the Mitsubishi MoveEye is silent the Daikin inverter we have is quiet but not silent
  13. I doubt that my use could be described as particularly safe. I certainly don’t restrict my usage to safe sites, though I don’t actively search out problem ones.
  14. I have yet to have any security problems with any of my apple devices, I’ve had numerous iPads from the iPad 3 and iPhones since the SE. Apple is proactive in fixing problems, I virtually never get concerned as long as I’m reasonably up to date. However I do have different passwords and user names for all websites and control them using 1Password
  15. Absolutely. That is where you are reading more into my words than I wrote. Since in my suggested case I am in sole control of the fund I postulated, I cannot refuse to pay my bills from my fund. (Fund; A sum of money or other resources set aside for a specific purpose) The fund certainly can be exhausted so, as I said, in that case self insurance is not a wise choice. I can’t, or at least I choose not to, that is why I do not self insure for medical costs at the moment. That doesn’t mean that I may not choose medical self insurance in the future. My insurance policy has limits to its coverage, once the policy cost is high enough and my funds are enough the calculation can change.
  16. It seems that you find the the concept of self insurance a little difficult. Add the premiums you pay to a fund, pay for costs from that fund. If your costs are less than the premiums you would have paid it was a wise investment, if not then not so much. I quickly found the cost of travel insurance to be far more than the value of it, over the years I have saved a couple of million baht in premiums I haven’t payed, so good choice. if you can’t afford at least double the maximum foreseeable amount then you are a bigger gambler than I am.
  17. Keeping to a single light per room is what you do if you don’t want to bother with any of the many options available. The rooms we have, have no single lights so we have many options. It’s virtually impossible to tell you what you should use, a good look is completely subjective. Colour temperature is also subjective but warm white is less harsh. Amount of light is also subjective, I would want at least 18W LEDs
  18. Hash is an extract, the hash is extracted from the leaves and buds. There are many different ways to produce an extract, some of them require far less processing than others.
  19. Lets take the statements one by one That by itself is undoubtedly true. However virtually every psychoactive in high enough concentration can cause mental illness, but it is often temporary. What is a significant proportion of people? 0.001%, 0.1%, 10%, 90%? making unfounded claims then basing your actions on those claims shows that you want to be a political person. Please provide peer reviewed papers supporting you claim or admit that it is a fabricated one. Completely correct, virtually everything affects brain development in most young and still developing brains. If things did not affect brain development there could be no learning. So affecting brain development is required and only people who have no understanding of this think that it’s a bad thing.
  20. Your experience is completely standard and normal. It is very unusual to be stamped visa exempt if you have a valid visa, it is not impossible but you have / had no valid case for this. I have one time been allowed to get a VE entry while having a visa but I was only entering for less than 24 hours, had a confirmed ticket out and even so it took a lot of very polite talking to get the VE entry.
  21. All steel needs treatment. galvanised Steel needs less protection Sir Humphrey Davy discovered this it 1824. You will have to paint all your steel to provide and protect the black finish you will have fewer rust problems if you use galvanised steel. You will have to take more care when welding
  22. Where is your test data. You complain that there is no data there then can’t understand the geographical differences and why they invalidate the presented data. Show your own screen shots No tests I have run using the 2 programs show significant differences as long as you test close in time and for the geographical close servers. I have no idea how SS3 got his data. He hasn’t shown any interest in testing like for like so far. There is no data that has been given to support the anomalous data I use SPEEDTEST because it has a history that’s easy to access and it’s as good and accurate as any other, if it shows poor data I will change until then it’s good enough.
  23. @scubascuba3 posted the Japanese server data. The data from different servers on Test My is extremely similar to that of similar speedtest servers in the same region. if you are unable to understand that of course a server in Japan will be different from one in Thailand I am unable to simplify it enough for you. Test My Has no Thailand server. the data produced has not been supported.
  24. I have no interest in any one program or test suite. However there is no significant difference as long as you are testing like with like. The faulty results could be explained by non current software, data filters etc on the browser as opposed to a dedicated program. if you want to run a test that has any meaning then you need to ensure that you are accurately testing like with like
  25. The evidence is exactly that that @scubascuba3 posted showing a test from a Japanese server demonstrating that it’s speed was ridiculously slower than one from a Thai one. That demonstrates nothing but that there are 2 servers running different software that are separated by somewhere over 2,000 miles that give different reports. clearly though there is a difference that he has seen. I am unable to repeat any similar results using the 2 programs. Of course there is a difference but nothing remotely close to his report. FWIW just because you have paid for a speed doesn’t mean that you are getting it, my contracted speed was being exceeded by 4 times the rating, when I enquired I was able to drop my monthly bill by 10% and increase my maximum by 15 times. So the reported speed are perfect possible. As to gaslighting that is BS none of my devices have been able to duplicate his results, they are all reasonably close. I can slow both results down by using a round trip using a VPN however they are still close. The definition of faulty test data are data that cannot be replicated by an independent observer. Of course I tested both his preference, using both Japanese and a Singapore server and Speedtest using servers in the same geographic regions. They were broadly similar for a given location. It made no difference if I were using data or broadband, same speeds for the same test, of course the cellular network speeds were much slower, the Japan servers was about ½ to ⅓ the speed of Singapore
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