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Everything posted by sometimewoodworker

  1. Knowing that there are multiple grades or formulations of Stainless Steel has little to do with working with it. It is easy enough to research and find out for yourself. So CannotBeBotheredToLookThingsUp might be a better change!🤣
  2. There are many different grades of stainless steel, some will rust others won’t, but they are all stainless steel.
  3. To take your point one by one. Batteries; all batteries and devices using them have a life span, it used to be about 300~500 charge cycles before 80%, the current Apple devices have extended that to over 1,000 charge cycles. Premium phones use the same technology, cheaper ones have the 300 cycles life. Charging behaviour and battery temperatures also have an effect on lifespan. as to the battery life; That is expected behaviour and shows that it is time to replace the battery, for all supported phones Apple has a lower cost option for battery replacement that guarantees that all functions will work. Third parties can do a replacement cheaper but the battery will not be as good and some functions may not work. As to the Apple warranty it is world wide however the AppleCare+ is not, see 10.(d) it is plainly written not tricky. No scam, your claim or impression is not true there are many iPhones in current use long after Apple has stopped releasing iOS updates and long after equivalent android devices have not only no system updates but programs now fail.
  4. Though both ants and termites are social insects that live in colonies, both have flying forms, both can be found near or inside homes, if you have no need to differentiate that is enough. But termites are known for eating wood and other cellulose-based materials, while ants do not, ants will infest electrical outlets and switches, termites will not. So it is sometimes quite useful to distinguish between them. Ant powder in electrical boxes is remarkably effective and provides protection fo years. . as to the “that person is being white-anted by Bob” I suspect that you maybe from the southern island continent as I have never come across that phrase.
  5. As @topt said, no they are not. No they are not, there is no change. That must be a new country, however it may be as disgustingly polluted as the Philippines, a country that exports the vast majority of its highly educated workers.
  6. Yes, there are several.
  7. It depends on the app you are using. If it in safari then the back button is at the top left, the second one. The first opens the left side bar. If you have a home button then it will take you to your Home Screen, it doesn’t clear everything, at least not on my iPad and very few iPads have a home button It maybe that you have an older iPad or are running an older version of iOS it will be useful to confirm the iPad and iOS version you are using current iOS version, the back button is under the day, the forward button is grayed out as this page is the last. ion
  8. They are termite tubes not ant tracks. I can refer you to a Thai electrician in Issan who has a couple along with more tests equipment than I have!!!
  9. While you have given what you want to do you still haven’t given your budget, without that it is difficult to make a recommendations. As to speed with streams, yes there will be noticeable differences the older your device is. Also you have a conversion with someone who knows what True offers. That is not a correct summation of what is available nor is it the best the network can do.. You can do as I do which is to use the supplied router for the connection to your house then use an Ethernet cable to add in another better faster state of the art router for your WiFi network you can also position it in a better location for reception. it is very probable that the True router is positioned to make connections to the true network easy not to make the WiFi signal the best for you.
  10. That is not correct. Apple does not give a support lifetime. It is also incorrect that the supported iOS versions are limited to 5 years from initial release. The supported life is variable and can be as long as 8 years ( 160% longer ) but is never less than 6 (120% longer). The net effect is that on average apple devices have double the lifetime of android devices. That being said an older iPad will be very significantly slower than a current one due to the processors being updated very much faster. So as your aim is to get low latency as has been mentioned a faster device needs faster WiFi to be comparable You haven’t given an indication of your budget so it is impossible to make recommendations, nor have you given details of your WiFi setup.
  11. While technically correct in practice you are wrong. You are correct that the time deposit cannot be added to during the period of that deposit. You are wrong that the account that holds the deposit can’t be added to. You just add another time deposit of say 1000 baht. This will update the total amount of all the time deposits held in that account. This is fact my account shows exactly that process. The practical effect is that if immigration requires you to update your bank deposit you can However because TIT YMMV immigration may accept the bank letter without a new deposit. They may require a statement as well.
  12. Well yes you are. If you remitted any of your U.K. taxed pensions to Thailand and you have determined that your assessable income remitted to Thailand that you received after 1/1/1024 has anything paid to you after 1/1/1024 that is assessable by the TRD (most U.K. pensions ARE assessable by the TRD) and you have determined that the total assessable remittances is over 60,000 baht (non married ) then according to the letter of the Thai revenue code you are required to submit a tax return. If you decide that you are going to submit a Thai tax return then you must include the U.K. non government service pensions amounts in your Thai tax return. That you have paid U.K. tax on those pensions is irrelevant to the requirement to include them on your tax return. The U.K. Thai DTC allows you to offset U.K. tax paid on the amounts remitted against Thai tax due the effect is that pensions paid since 1/1/2024 are assessable in Thailand if remitted U.K. tax paid on those pensions amounts can be offset against Thai tax due. since you have decided that you are going to follow the the letter of the Thai revenue code not the practice that TRD officials actually use, then you must declare all U.K. non government service pensions amounts in your Thai tax return. NB there is nothing suggested that changes anything above. The only thing that would change anything is if there is TRD guidance that codifies the actual practice of ignoring the letter of the Thai revenue code not that there is a snowballs chance in hell that that will happen. BUT TIT YMMV
  13. @marino28 If you want to reclaim the tax paid you must file a tax return. If your assessable income is under the limit for paying tax you will receive all the tax you have paid as a refund. There is no minimum amount you can claim, I received a refund of about 300+ baht a few years ago. I haven’t bothered to reclaim the tax paid on the interest for several years as it was not worth bothering about. Note: the total interest, including tax, must be declared when filing a tax return, it is certainly possible that you will receive no refund if you have enough assessable income. TIT YMMV.
  14. You haven’t give enough information. who is paying the interest, where is it being paid, are you being taxed on the interest being paid. If you are receiving interest in Thailand from a bank they will be deducting tax. if you want to get the tax paid back and you have less than the tax free allowance you can receive all the interest paid.
  15. So indirect possible personalisation when you assume it is of you, to highlight a post made is bad! But direct negative aspersions from yourself are OK. Hypocritical much.
  16. That depends on who you talk to. Talk to a lawyer or to a poster who’s name is from the north of Thailand and they will say you must still file a tax return Talk to a TRD officer (the ones who accept tax returns) or a tax consultant and and they will say “no tax due, no tax refund due, do not file a tax return” I know who I believe. You do you TIT YMMV
  17. Also available on AliExpress, possibly drop shipped from them, and available with a charger if you don’t have one
  18. FWIW you can have multiple e-sims (probably about 8 ) 😎 In all countries other than china you get a single physical sim tray, in china you get a dual sim tray. though you can only have 2 lines active at one time.
  19. The advice was given from the(a) tax director of a big 4 company to me, so first hand. But as I said you do you I have no desire to change your mind and I’m certainly not bothered to do your leg work, nor have I any interest in changing your choice. Again as I said law firms will give you the letter of the law. You, following your Teutonic training, will choose as you see fit I will do as over 40 year outside the rigours of the U.K. mindset will do as my experience suggests. however do please continue to provide entertainment by posting the kinds of news that is no news, and getting on your elevated quadruped proclaiming news that is really output from said quadruped of solid matter from the end that doesn’t bite, but does kick.
  20. Woop-di-do This is hardly big news nor any significant revelation, for months now many law firms have been quoting the letter of the TRD regulations, if asked, they will happily show you where it is listed in the TRD rules. This is where there is a difference between a law firm and a tax accountant firm The law firm will follow the letter of the law and advise on that, (they cannot be wrong, but following their advice may well make you unpopular with the TRD) The tax accountant will follow the requirements of the TRD officers they present accounts to and have been advised by. Because this is Thailand it is not any revelation that the letter of the law and the practice are different You must decide which advice to follow, I am certainly not going to tell you which I am going to do, nor am I going to make any recommendations You conveniently forget the advice given by at least one of the big 4 major accounting firms, not the mention the personal advice given by numerous TRD officials. But you do you, of course you are going to do that anyway
  21. So you are now the thread police? 👮‍♀️ 😉😉😉
  22. OSB is no more prone to absorption of moisture than plywood, it is actually less due to the amount of glue surface, you are thinking of MDF. Good luck finding that. I have possible seen a little in one of the larger WoodStreet companies I have bought from but it is never stocked in any of the hundreds of places I have visited. But TIT YMMV 😉 That is completely correct for plywood, though I have found a supplier who is passing on his bulk purchase abilities. While they possibly do not usually live there I can assure you that my ex-house posts have enough in them that I’m not going to cut mote planks from them as they will contain termites, if they are just passing through, holding conventions, or renting, I don’t care, I’m not introducing them to the workshop. The voids and overlaps are common in cheaper plywood and at 800 per sheet that is exactly what you got though the face veneer opposite to be better than the micron thin stuff. I used MDF for one of my tables, though rubberwood is probably a better option, the finger jointed sheets in A or AA grade are really good, and even with the lower quality grades thy are not bad
  23. I didn’t bother to mention that it is not just the hardware that does an overall much better job functioning together but also the software that works seamlessly together across both mobile and desktop hardware but is also completely free unless you want really high end functions and even then, due to scale, is not as pricey as the alternatives, for one example see Luma Fusion. I do have 1 window$ program that I use occasionally but then there are emulators that solve that problem.
  24. Not at all as that would make an ass out of you and me. I however have sufficient Apple products that makes the sum significantly greater than the number of them. They do the jobs I want as well as I need and function smoothly together. I have no need to bother getting stuff to work together, that is a problem the other platforms all suffer. it is certainly possible that there maybe an individual product that is better (though not much) than an apple one but the synergy of the ecosystem wins for me.
  25. You must persuade yourself that you are smart, having been in both worlds I now have the better choice.
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