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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. You were the one that raised the issue of colour. I saw it as a reflection of 3 useless, incompetent leaders on their way out. One of them happens to dislike whites and the other dislikes Jews. Not sure about Sunak, he might or might not not be racist but he is certainly a useless leader. If you're looking for racism, look at 2 of the people in that picture not the person who posted it. If he had posted a pitcure of Rees Mogg, Boris Johnson and Theresa May would you have assumed he did so because they were all white? Of course not. Stop looking for racism everywhere, the supply cannot keep up with your demand. Hopefully Khan is next. Not because he is brown but because he has created a 2 tiered policing system where Muslims can do what they want and Jews are arrested for being "openly Jewish". So who is the racist?
  2. Another benefit of deporting the Rawndans to Rwanda. Hopefully it will send a signal that the UK is finally growing some balls. Let's see how the Irish enjoy the hordes of "cultural enrichers" infiltrating THEIR country. Early signs are that they are not too keen. 😃
  3. https://pharmaceutical-journal.com/article/news/drug-related-deaths-in-scotland-rose-by-10-in-2023 But I doubt Humza is too concerned. Most of those dead are WHAITE.
  4. First of all, RIP to the victim and sympathy to the family. Very sad. For the sake of closure for everyone, hopefully these text messages from the victim are checked carefully by police in conjunction with the friends and don't read along the lines of "Have give Natthawalai money na khap, him good man sure, him jai dee maak, him poor but take care she good". Curious that the security camera overlooking the pool was adjusted, presumably to face away from where the gun was fired. If she didn't want to be filmed committing suicide in the pool she could have simply done it somewhere else where there wasn't a camera. Unless she was adamant that it must take place in a large mass of water where forensic evidence tends to dissipate. Now I'm not saying anything malicious happened, but if this was my sister/daughter I would certainly want a thorough investigation. I'd imagine it would be quite rare to bravely battle cancer, beat it, and THEN decide to shoot yourself. It's possible of course, but worth checking out certain details in the story for the sake of peace of mind for the family.
  5. Finally a Democrat speaking some sense. 😙 With Biden also adopting many Trump policies, are we seeing a shift in the loony left? Have they finally realized the massive over-reach on Woke issues that is alienating the electorate? Somehow, I suspect the date of November 5th is causing some sleepless nights for them and if they manage to fool the electorate again, normal (abnormal) service will be resumed on the 6th.
  6. Let's hope it goes, along with Dumza, and that Scotland can return to being a country that is proud of it's heritage and the freedoms it fought for.
  7. Just giving an example of how students can be naive. Report the post if it's upsetting you.
  8. In a nutshell? Socialism doesn't work and Labour are a bunch of charlatans.
  9. A well written piece. Although I would add you have to cut the students some slack, they are young and naive. Just following what the leftist professors and lecturers are indoctrinating them with. Back when I was a Uni student I thought socialism was a good idea and I even voted for Labour once. Embarrassing but true. We grow up, we gain experience and we learn. Well, most of us do.😃
  10. Unlike attempts to remove political opponents via the legal system? The US following Thailand's lead in using the courts to remove the people's choice. Same same... The only difference is in the US they get their lumps in early, before the election rather than after.
  11. I kind of hope this racist, authoritarian loon is kept in position. The damage he will do to the SNP will be great viewing. Sturgeon started the collapse, Yousaf is the perfect man to finish it.
  12. But you lived in the golden age. I don't think NI is 2 quid a week any more. And the pension age is increasing. The payout is pathetic as well. The fact it is mandatory is just another big state money grab. I paid into it for 8 years and then fortunately escaped to Thailand. No national insurance, no tax on company car or fuel, and thanks to the ltr visa a flat rate of 17%. VAT also low. Viva thailand.
  13. Anyone who pays into government pension scheme is a mug IMO. Pay into it for 40+ years and you might get a few years where they give a pittance back assuming they don't raise the age again. Better investing the money privately so you can control when you can get to it. Not wait until you're in your late 60's to get it then drop dead at 71.
  14. I often get served peanuts with my beer by similarly dressed girls in an establishment around 50 metres from Asoke MRT. It's a wonderful experience.
  15. Dumb cops meet dumb ex con. If either party had an ounce of common sense this incident could have been avoided. Should be a good excuse for some looting though.
  16. I noticed. I also noticed that "UK Labour" support people that don't want to work. I noticed that "Progressives" want to put race relations back 50 years with segregated spaces and 'positive' discrimination. I noticed that "Democrats" want to remove political opponents via the courts and elect a senile puppet that they can control. What a time to be alive! 😄
  17. Unless they're not actually fascists, but law abiding decent people who wish for them and their families to be able to live in their own country in peace without being stabbed to death by someone shouting Aluha Ahkbar.
  18. These intimidation tactics appearing in the workplace too. I recently saw a video of a construction worker being heckled in the break room for eating his lunch during Ramadan. If only someone had warned of the dangers. 😄
  19. A good solution to the soi dog problem. Take one of these with you on your morning stroll.
  20. She slapped him twice. Once at the desk, once in the car park. The second time he retaliated and smacked her in the chops, which is exactly what Karen deserved. Hopefully she learns a valuable from this.
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