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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. No surprise to see him targeted. Liberals hate black people who do not behave/vote as they expect/demand. "How dare you not vote for us after all we've done for you". Or as Biden said, if you vote Trump you ain't black. Disgraceful slurs on Mr Robinson.
  2. There is an urgent need for Starmer to keep a promise on just about anything. He's a charlatan without morals.
  3. This. They are selling out America to get into power. Harris and Walz are even worse than Thai politicians. How anyone supports them is beyond me.
  4. She is gorgeous. Only a Trump hater or a misogynist could claim otherwise. Pack your bags Melania. The white house awaits.
  5. Absolutely. She'd run rings around Starmer. Great to see strong female leaders like her and Le Pen sticking it to metro simps like Macron and Starmer.
  6. Bad news for the Democrats. Good news for normal Americans.
  7. Yes it is temporary. Until the votes are cast. Then she will be pro blm and anti fracking and open birders again The cackling will return as well.
  8. Free gear Keir could learn a lot from Meloni. He won't though. It's all bluster. Lovely suit and glasses though. Wonder where he got them? Looks pricey.
  9. Here's a couple of truths about Harris to calm you down a bit Bill (or not 😄). https://edition.cnn.com/2024/07/26/politics/kfile-kamala-harris-praised-defund-the-police-movement-in-june-2020/index.html https://theconversation.com/democratic-partys-choice-of-harris-was-undemocratic-and-the-latest-evidence-of-party-leaders-distrusting-party-voters-236002
  10. It seems 2 tier Keir thinks there is one rule for him and one rule for the former PM. He was absolutely outraged by 'cash for curtains'. Hardly surprising, given his hypocrisy on other issues. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/clip-starmer-lecturing-boris-johnson-090515545.html
  11. Understatement of the year.😂 I see "Led by donkeys" has gone quiet.
  12. Looks like Free Gear Keir has had over 100,000 pounds worth of gifts (bribes) in the last few years. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/sep/18/keir-starmer-100000-in-tickets-and-gifts-more-than-any-other-recent-party-leader The guy is so out of touch it's unreal. Of course, he also "forgot" to declare them. The guy is a walking disaster. It would be amazing if he can see out his term at this rate.
  13. Your posts would need a much bigger adjustment than that before anyone took them seriously.
  14. Smart move by Israel. Instill fear into the enemy and limit their communications, while minimizing civilian casualties. Israel playing chess while the savages that started all this play checkers.
  15. I would disagree. It proved beyond doubt that carbon fibre is a poor choice for submersibles going to that depth on regular occasions. Lessons will be learnt. Also, that sub was used for more than just trips to the Titanic. Just like the early days of flying, there were poor designs and casualties until we reached the levels we are at today. You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. Even if it was just "for bragging rights" or "the thrill", the same could be said of many dangerous activities that humans have the right to participate in, at their own risk. People must be allowed to make their own choices about the risks they take for themselves.
  16. Because she isn't speaking. Which given her usual word salad followed by a 10 second cackle is a good move. Let's see if she can keep that up for the rest of the campaign. If she can, it could be close.
  17. I'm well aware it was unregulated and a poor choice of material. Carbon fibre is a good choice for planes, not for submersibles. It's strong when being pulled, not when being pushed etc. You are doing a very good job at demostrating someone deliberately missing the point. The point is that is was their choice to go. They knew the risks. It's like base jumping, skydiving, deep sea diving, freestyle motocross. It's obviously risky but as long as it harms nobody other than the people choosing to take the risk then I do not have a problem with it. Many people enjoy the risk. It is part of the thrill. That's up to them, not you or some technocrat working for the government. You leftists can't help yourselves interfering in other people's lives and choices, can you... "Protect them from themselves" 😄.
  18. Oceangate declared it an experimental vehicle, and that passengers could face death. Passengers signed that. They knew it hadn't been tested by regulators and hadn't received certification. Rush spoke about the risks and the materials used publicly on multiple occasions. He wasn't shy of the fact, he even seemed proud of the Playstation controller and the fact some of the fixings were available at a hardware store. I have no doubt the passengers were aware of this. If they weren't they should have been seeing as they knew their lives were on the line. If passengers wanted to research further the suitability of carbon fibre for a submersible hull they were free to do so. The information was out there, freely available. Maybe they did that research and proceeded anyway, who knows? I would have certainly done the research. But they made their choice. They weren't forced on there. It wasn't necessary to get on there. I know you'd like the government to micro manage our lives to the nth degree and decide what people can and cannot do but I'm afraid you'll have to wait a bit longer for your utopia. The human spirit for risk and adventure remains uncrushed, for now.
  19. I'm disproving your assertion. It's a shame you cannot see that, but not surprising.
  20. Of course it advances science. 71% of the earth's surface is covered with water. The ocean has multiple possibilities for the future. It's certainly more viable than shooting people into space to live on the moon. Claiming that increasing our knowledge of exploring the depths of the ocean adds nothing to science is ridiculous. There is plenty more to learn about what's going on down there.
  21. The acknowledged the risk of death. It was mentioned multiple times in the document. Not many things riskier than that. If they didn't do their due diligence before signing a document that stated they could die, that is their responsibility. Nobody put a gun to their head and forced them into the vessel. Quite the opposite, they paid large amounts of money to go, while knowing the risk of death. The freedom of choice Chomps. Agency. Personal reponsibility. Would I get in it? Absolutely not. But that would be my choice and they had theirs.
  22. Previous passengers knew. These paseengers knew. They assessed the risks and took the gamble to fulfill a dream. They lost. It can happen, but they had the right to make that choice about their own lives. https://www.businessinsider.com/read-oceangate-waiver-titan-sub-passengers-lists-numerous-death-risks-2023-7
  23. With his money and fame he'll be surrounded by fans/sycophants willing to protect him. It also sounds like he swings both ways and given that drugs are rife in US prisons he may even be able to continue with his "freak off" sessions.
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