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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. The titan had already been to the Titanic several times, so of course it had been tested in that environment. The occupants signed a document that clearly stated it was a high risk journey, the possibility of death was mentioned several times. Are you suggesting they did not read it before signing? Otherwise, how did they not know the risks?
  2. The BBC has long enabled it's biggest stars. They bend the rules, look the other way, re-interpret the rules etc. to the point that the stars think/know they can get away with pretty much anything. Saville, Harris, Jenas, Edwards are just the tip of the iceberg. It takes police involvement before they reluctantly take the weakest action possible. It's culturally embedded at this point. They need to be defunded. It's a massive grift and the British people should no longer be coerced into supporting this Woke, left wing, state funded propaganda machine that seems to churn out unsavoury characters like McDonalds churn out burgers.
  3. FaceBook seem very selective about the misinformation and election interference that they ban and that which they allow.
  4. A bit like launching people into space, taking people to the bottom of the ocean is inherently dangerous and there will be casualties. They know the risks when they do it, although I do have a lot of sympathy for the son of the Pakistani billionaire as it sounds like he was pressured into going by an overbearing father.
  5. No point making up stories about Harris. The truth is sufficient to derail her campaign.
  6. Good to see Trump taking the high road. No point fighting in the gutter if your opponents have more experience down there.
  7. Oh dear. I knew she couldn't stay quiet much longer. I'd imagine the Democrats are frantically searching for the keys to that basement right now. "Get her back in there for goodness sake, she's exposing herself".
  8. Jailing people for hurty words on FaceBook isn't helping. Huw got away without serving a day though, so you should be OK for now.
  9. I stand corrected. Learn something would have been more accurate. Let's hope they do not acquire such information before they start their parade in Gaza. It will be a nice surprise for them.
  10. They're hardly being silent about it. Shouting from the rooftops in fact. That's the great thing about a free press in a Democracy. No doubt Starmer will be clamping down on this soon. He might have to release some more rapists to make space for the journalists.
  11. He understands. He's just incredibly arrogant and the power has clearly gone to his head.
  12. Who could have predicted that failing to control your borders would result in such a situation? Oh, wait a minute... 😃
  13. Immigrant trafficks and enslaves a child, gets convicted and then lies about the conviction to get a job working with children and it's the fault of "the right" for "hate mongering"? 😄 Ludicrous even by your standards.😆😆
  14. Yet more hypocrisy from two tier Keir. I remember him slating the Tories for the same thing. Lammy of course backed him up, bemoaning the fact that UK taxpayers don't pay for it. Read the room David, you've just taken away pensioners fuel allowance. Politically inept and morally bankrupt. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/sep/15/david-lammy-pms-and-partners-rely-on-donors-to-help-them-look-their-best
  15. Great idea. I hope this goes ahead, it's an excellent opportunity for Queers for Palestine to show their support and learn more about the state they are supporting.
  16. Yes he did, he admitted it but tried to claim it was just a grammatical error. It's fine in girl's toilets. But [newsflash] boys don't have periods.
  17. They should take another look at the deaths of Tupac Shakur and Christopher Wallace while they are at it. Sean Combs may well be a psychopath. Good to hear he's in custody where he cannot get near witnesses.
  18. Still better than someone like Walz who lies about their miltary service and wants tampons in boys toilets.
  19. Rochdale was well and truly culturally enriched. The two tier justice system allowed this to happen. The police were too scared of being accused of racism. A very sad state of affairs when this type of appalling abuse is allowed to continue due to police cowardice.
  20. Totally agree. The left always try to twist words to make them sexist, racist, misogynistic etc. I remember Harry saying "Megxit" was a misogynistic term. Not sure how he reached that conclusion. It's one of many tactics they use to silence opinions that they disagree with or subjects they wish to remain off limits.
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