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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Ah you're back! Thought you were leaving? How did I threaten you? Threaten you with losing the debate? Anyway, now you're back, I have presented multiple facts. Musk has enough money to not have to worry about being silenced. So the fact he has lost money on this means nothing to him. He puts his money where his mouth is. Big respect Elon. Here are some facts, he is down to his last 248 Billion. So I hardly think he needs people on Aseannow poking fun at the fact he lost a few quid for speaking his mind. https://www.forbes.com/real-time-billionaires/#17fc88d23d78
  2. Allow me to assist in your understanding of the word. Telling someone to go F--- themselves matches none of those synonyms.
  3. Yes I don't think continuing this debate will end well for you. Byeee.
  4. Wow, I've heard some tin foil conspiracy theories over the years but this one takes the biscuit .
  5. Nonsense. There is an awful lot of anti-semitism in the world today, but it is mainly from the left (e.g. the UK Labour party/ Corbyn etc.) and Muslim groups. It's deeply ironic that the left who have been calling everyone they disagree with "Nazi's" for the last decade are now joining up with Muslims to call for the elimination of Israel. Jews have nothing to fear from Elon Musk.
  6. Well it's from The Guardian, so yes but maybe not in the way you meant. This seems to be a recent trend. When the Pro Palestine mob were out in force in London calling for the elimination of Israel they instead reported on Tommy Robinson. When the immigrant stabbed the children in Dublin they brushed over the attack and instead focused on the "far right" group that objected to it. Now that Muslims have been wreaking havoc across Europe they focus on "anti Muslim" hate. See a pattern?
  7. How about we get back on topic? Musk has giant gonads, he values being free to say what he likes and he is prepared to pay for it in lost deals from Woke, preachy organizations. He doesn't start crying about it. He doesn't troll people and then go crying to the teacher when he gets a slap (that's not a reference to you by the way )
  8. He's not whining. If he was whining he'd "report their post" or something else equally pathetic. He didn't. He told them to go f---- themselves. That is not whining.
  9. Don't be so childish . He labeled Vern Unsworth a Pedo. Besides, respecting someone doesn't mean you agree with everything they've said their entire lives. But you already knew that.
  10. Musk is wildly successful. The reason he has lost a lot of money recently is because he simply doesn't care, it's chump change to him. He knows that saying certain things will cost him millions of dollars but he says them anyway. Why? Because he can. He doesn't have to toe the line, he's too big to cancel. If Woke idiots try to control him with threats of withdrawing sponsorship he simply laughs and gives them the middle finger. I respect that.
  11. Criticizing certain Jewish communities behaviour does not make someone anti-semitic. Just as criticizing certain Muslim communities behaviour does not make you Islamophobic. He is criticizing their behaviour and pointing out what he believes to be a double standard. I don't agree with his opinion, but neither do I believe he is being anti semitic. As so often is the case with the Left, they are what they accuse others of being.
  12. Endorsing the great replacement theory is not anti semitic. If anything it is anti leftist. Musk has made it perfectly clear that he is not anti semitic. On many occasions. The attempts to misconstrue what Musk was saying as anti semitic is a classic leftist tactic of creating a straw man. One which you laughably appear to be attempting as well regarding my very clear dislike of anti semites, with just as little success. D minus. Try harder.
  13. Fair play to Musk. Good to see someone giving the finger to these woke idiots like the Disney CEO. Let Bob Iger take his merry band of talentless, smug brats like Zegler and Gadot to advertise their lame, preachy remakes of classic Disney movies on other platforms. Nice one Elon.
  14. Great post. The EU is doing nothing for the citizens of the EU and only cares about empowering itself and it's unelected technocrats. Well done for voting for Geert. I wish Holand all the best. Hopefully Ireland is next and removes Varadkar who is currently selling out the Irish people.
  15. Like I said, call it how I see it. Same as I do with Biden.
  16. Yes that's right I don't like him (or Biden). I call his decisions on a case by case basis unlike many on here who would blame him for the amount of homeless dogs if he saved a drowning puppy. In a minefield like the middle east it can be advantageous to keep things as non partisan as possible. Play one side against the other. Not just dive in head first on day one and commit to one side or the other. So yes, I think he has got this one right. But then, I am fortunate enough to not be completely obsessed with him unlike many on here.
  17. Keeping his options open - smart move. No flies on The Don.
  18. I agree. I don't think the Reuplican party should stoop to the level of the Democrats. Better to take the high road.
  19. Like I said, if you have evidence of Rwandans driving around the capital calling for Rwandan women and their daughters to be raped, please present it. I presented evidence of it for Jews in London. So over to you...
  20. Always good to look at all the available options. Its' reassuring to see that Trump is doing his research into the best solution, especially as he looks odds on to be the next POTUS.
  21. I see. When the evidence you requested is presented, you resort to gaslighting .
  22. Hardly surprising when you have Met police officers calling to free Palestine while on duty. What a total joke the UK police have become. They don't even pretend to be unbiased. No wonder nobody respects them.
  23. Nothing crazy about planting trees. It's the ones buying electric cars that you have to watch... RIP K.Vichai
  24. Many of the immigrants from the 50's and 60's came from the Carribean (particularly Jamaica) and they generally assimilated very well. They came legally, they worked, they spoke English, they shared our values, they played sports (cricket in particular but later football) and became part of the community. A real success story. Totally different to the last twenty years where many immigrants are illegal, do not speak English, do not wish to assimilate, do not share our values and in some cases are anti semitic and want to introduce Sharia law in their communities. Different demographic. Different circumstances. Different results.
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