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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. In my workplace most of the well paid Thais holiday abroad. Europe, Japan, S.Korea etc. They all come back amazed at how clean the air is, how litter free the beaches are, how efficient public transport is, how well regulated the taxis are etc. It's the lower paid Thais who holiday in Thailand and they often go 6 people in a pickup truck to stay with relatives in Issan.
  2. The Tories have really messed up on immigration, and it will probably cost them at the next election. That's how it works after Brexit, UK voters have the power to remove politicians that don't do their job or keep their promises. Try removing Von Der Leyen via the ballot box. We now have Democracy. Viva Brexit. Migrant workers should not have the same benefits as UK nationals until they become UK nationals. That's how it works. I have worked as a migrant worker in Australia and in Thailand and I didn't get (nor did I expect/demand) the same rights as Australian or Thai nationals while working in their countries. I never assumed I had the right to stay indefinitely. I never expected access to free healthcare or free schooling or free housing. I never expected benefits if I lost my job. They don't offer it to us, we don't offer it to them. That's fair. That's reciprocity. That's the way things work in the real world. If you think a country that does such a thing is morally bankrupt, how can you possibly stay in Thailand?
  3. Yeah I woke at 4am, couldn't sleep so I watched the second half. That cured me . A record breaking campaign. Fewest points, most goals conceded etc. and on paper it was a fairly easy group to qualify from. Looks like they picked a real winner in ETH. Diet Pep is starting look more like Coke Zero. 82 million for Antony. 64 for Hojlund. Jonny Evans at CB. Sancho on Fifa (PS5). No wonder Rick is upset .
  4. Great post. I was about to confirm the same thing (that they are not PitBulls but American pocket bullies). They really are a couple of cuties. Let's hope they can be found a home and kept together, they seem like best buddies.
  5. Yeah there is an element of that as well. I actually voted Labour myself when I was a Uni student, but I forgave myself a long time ago. A few confessions helped. Lord forgive me for I have sinned, and all that. In fairness to me, I never expected Blair to team up with Bush for an illegal war based on lies which de-stabilized the Middle East - my bad. A lot of my ex Uni buddies are now north London champagne socialists as well, always talking about their apparently fashionable postcode and "Tory scum" on FaceBook. However, quite a few who have gone on to be successful have seen the error of their ways.
  6. Not a good look. The idiot who kicked him in the head a couple of seconds after he went down was just as bad. Both should be charged with assault. Given Everton's recent 10 point deduction for breaking FFP rules you'd have to say at least double that would be appropriate.
  7. I'd agree with most of that. But don't underestimate the possibility of Farage doing something spectacular. Remember when he formed the Brexit party and destroyed the opposition in the European elections in double quick time? People laughed at the idea, but as he finally said while speaking in the EU Parliament, "you're not laughing now, are you?". Whatever you think of him, he can read the room and there is very strong anti-immigration sentiment in the UK right now, he could feed off that and take votes off Labour and Conservatives, since both of those are pretty useless right now and people have lost patience with both of them. He could well be the cat amongst the pigeons and change the look of the Labour vs Conservative bickering that many have grown so tired of.
  8. There is no GCSE for "logic" so it would be impossible to fail that. Hence your silly comment is not only childish but also illogical. I'm sure if we were to compare our educational achievements you would look rather foolish.
  9. I don't think any country in the world gives equal rights to non nationals compared to nationals. Why should they? Why should non nationals have access to the NHS for example, why should they have the right to remain indefinitely? Why should they have access to the social security system? It's completely nonsensical, any country that allowed such a policy would go bankrupt very quickly, perhaps that is what you would like to see so that you could blame it on Brexit or the Tories? It's such a ridiculous notion I'm not even sure if you are serious.
  10. A good point. It will be interesting. People don't want to vote for Labour because they are totally clueless as shown when it took Starmer a year to work out what a woman is (amongst other things like Abbott comparing hating Jews to teasing Gingers). The Tories have let the public down on immigration and are generally a bit of a mess with an uninspiring leader. Unless something drastic happens like the Tories split in two with one of the factions offering genuine Conservative politics with a charismatic leader like Farage, or Labour implode with some Woke or anti-semitic PR disaster (or possibly promising a Re-Join referendum) then I can see a record low voter turnout with possibly no overall majority.
  11. Well from this thread it seems some people feel that non British nationals are entitled to the same treatment as British nationals while in Britain. They feel that non nationals are also entitled to permanent residency in Britain no matter what they bring to the table. Yes, as with every country. A minority of bad people is inevitable in every demographic. Just as you will get real racists and bigots, you will also get people who throw those labels at others simply because they have a different point of view to them and are unable to debate in a reasoned, civilized manner.
  12. I believe the main factor is education. Those with a higher level of education are more likely to vote, and as a consequence of their education they are also likely to be homeowners and better off financially. The fact that the more educated people are more likely to vote explains why Labour have found it so difficult to get elected in recent years. It's very difficult for someone with a reasonable level of education to take the likes of Dianne Abbott or Angela Rayner seriously.
  13. Great to see a maverick libertarian elected. It won't be easy, but with his economic philosophy Argentina has a chance to reverse their disasterous last few years.
  14. Yep and rightly so. Areas where the UK has a shortage in the workforce should have rules to enocourage the skills we need. We should have a points system like Australia's. People need to realize that the UK is not a charity and foreign nationals are not automatically entitled to live there. Australia just announced they are also cracking down by the way. I guess they are all evil bigoted racists as well... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-67609963 Well done Australia. Looking after the interests of their own citizens. The UK should take note.
  15. I dont assume anything. If they can support their family without taxpayer handouts let them prove it. I'm not sure what mitigation has to do with anything.
  16. They can live with them. If they wish to live with them in the uk they have to meet uk visa requirements. Knocking someone up doesn't guarantee visa status, thankfully.
  17. The group being non nationals? Don't be absurd. You think you have the same rights as a Thai in Thailand? The same rights as a Nigerian in Nigeria? The same rights as a Korean in Korea? You are trolling at this point.
  18. Nonsense. They are targeting the freeloaders hoping to get a visa by marrying a Brit loser. Nurses and students don't enter on marriage visas. The rules didn't change they just increased the price. They should account for assets IMO. The increase is a bit steep and not well thought through. But we all know what the type of people they are trying to keep out.
  19. Correct. Thanks to the financial requirements that you are objecting to. It seems you agree that there should be financial requirements but as soon as they extend beyond the point that YOU can meet them they become unacceptable.
  20. Nobody is preventing them getting married. But they have to prove that they can support them if they wish to reside in the UK so we dont get another round of benefit scroungers. You know the deal, unemployed chav, go to pattaya to manage a bar for 6 months, import a "wife", have 3 kids to qualify for a council house in Britain and never work another day in your life. Given the global rise in costs its normal that the limit goes up. 38k for 2 people sounds reasonable although I believe they should account for non cash assets like property and investments. There is nothing new here. The cost has changed that's all. Perhaps if the government hadn't allowed illegal immigration to get out of control they wouldn't have looked at this. Another cost of not managing illegal immigration properly.
  21. I have to admit, Hunter got game. I reckon I'd enjoy a weekend with him. The difference would be that I would have earned my money legally and the lefties wouldn't defend me when I got caught filming myself speeding with hookers and coke. You need to be an elitist son of the millionaire POTUS for such unwavering support from the marxist/socialist #bekind virtue signallers. What a time to be alive :)
  22. He should testify. Pure box office. The fact that he can string a sentence together will also remind the electorate who is the most capable candidate come voting time.
  23. There is the right. As long as you meet the requirements. Same as foreign men with Thai wives who wish to live in Thailand. The sense of entitlement is astounding.
  24. Name me a country that gives the same rights to non nationals as to nationals.
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