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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Trying to shut down the debate when it becomes apparent you're losing it. How very Left of you. You'll be telling me what words I can use next. Oh, wait a minute...😃
  2. The Brits ended the slave trade. My taxes helped pay the debt for doing so. Meanwhile, the Americans kept slaves. These are facts. Maybe you should focus on the atrocities of your own country, of which there are many (and far more recent).
  3. Of course he wasn't OK with it. He just couldn't say anything because Prince Harry is, you know, a Prince. In the British Army. Defending racism. Wow.
  4. We outlawed it. Never kept slaves, unlike the Americans. We finished paying for it in 2015. Meaning MY taxes helped pay for the end of slavery. Yes, MY taxes. You're welcome. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/06/17/government-finished-paying-uks-slavery-debt-2015/ Something you Brit hating Democrats would do well to remember.
  5. Bias? The only bias is the way The Guardian are all over this story like white on rice. If this had been a story about Labour or Corbyn you'd never had heard about it. Well, not from the extreme left rag The Guardian anyway... A few nasty text messages. Boo F'in Hoo. They can grow a pair or get out of politics.
  6. Focusing on centuries old allegations.😃 Why not focus on modern day slavery in the middle east? Atrocities in China? Much easier to slag off the Brits for ancient history I guess, especially if you are a Brit/West hater.
  7. You mean about the empire being pivotal in the ending of the slave trade? Those beliefs? Apology? Did you even read the OP???
  8. Pearl clutching, hand wringing, hyperbolic nonsense.😆 I notice you don't acknowledge the many positives of the empire, such as pioneering the end of slavery. Name me a country without a few skeletons in the closet. Time to focus on the present and the future and stop dragging up ancient history like some bitter old Grandma complaining about the kid that hit her in junior school.
  9. 3 Million Baht? Hardly worth mentioning, especially as most of it will end up paying the salaries of NGO employees.
  10. Another one where you can guess the source from the thread title. 😆 Gotta love The Guardian. I don't see any misogyny. If it was a bloke and someone said "I was dodging pint glasses from that prick" would it be Misandry? Of course not. People would be wondering what the bloke in question did to justify such a statement, not claiming he did nothing and the statement was Misandrist. Just left wingers pretending to be offended on someone else's behalf again, so they can clutch their pearls and feel superior to the "evil" Tories. Sad stuff. Guess what snowflakes? Politics can be nasty. If you don't like it, better get a job as an equality, diversity and inclusivity officer at the BBC or the NHS.🙈
  11. Why? Because the taxes I pay in the UK help fund the NHS, education and policing. I should have a say how my money is spent. Like a member of the gym who never goes, I am essentially paying for it but not using it. Unlike many voters who use the services but don't pay for it. I would argue I am more entitled to the vote than some lazy dosser living in the uk on benefits, even though I live in Thailand. He who pays, chooses so to speak. I would happily give up my vote if they make me tax exempt. But they would never do that since through my hard work I am a giver not a taker. They need people like me to pay for the lazy dossers that vote Labour.
  12. No. Why would it be? It's not compulsory for the rest of the population. Not the point. They should be allowed to. I think it would be quite a high %. I have no intention of returning to live there but I would definitely vote since the result of elections still affects me in terms of taxation, my properties and investments etc. For example, this green nonsense about having to replace boilers with heat pumps would cost me a fortune on my rented properties. I deserve to have a say on that and would vote for the party that deferred such nonsense as long as possible.
  13. Well, expats are generally mature and experienced individuals who have worked hard most of their life so it's no surprise they would vote Conservative ahead of a Labour government. Why? I'm British born and bred. Still have a British passport. I still pay tax there, have property there, have family there. I frequently hire people there. Send money there. Keep money there. Why shouldn't I vote just because I choose to live abroad most of the year?
  14. Great news. Been here over 17 years now, will be great to be able to vote again.
  15. I'm sure Zelenski is aware of the US' record in terms of bailing on their various missions to police the world as soon as something more important comes along. If he isn't, he should be. He's had plenty of examples to choose from.
  16. Here's a link if you're not sure what they do. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_Revenue_Service
  17. My side? The only place I have "a side" is in your head. 😃 It's interesting that when I criticize Biden I am called MAGA, a Trump fan etc. But when I criticize Trump nobody calls me a leftist, Biden supporting Liberal. I guess the Trump supporters on here are a lot more level headed...
  18. The GOP already started how they would pay the 14.3 Billion. It's in the thread you alluded to. Did you not read it?
  19. No surprise that The Democrats object to this. Balancing the books has never been their forte. In their mind they can just spend, spend and spend some more. Just pluck more money from the magic money tree. Thank goodness the Republicans won back control of the house in 2022.
  20. Wishful thinking. More likely Biden sits himself down somewhere and the Dems get someone who can walk and talk properly.
  21. Wrong again. Been to Vegas many times. Marvellous place. The fact that Congress sets the budget does not excuse Biden for the way his administration spends it. Yes I saw the thread. Did you see the link I posted? https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3569812/biden-administration-announces-additional-security-assistance-for-ukraine/#:~:text=Today%2C the Department of Defense,for Ukraine since August 2021.
  22. It's never his fault, is it? 😆 Your assumptions are once again wide of the mark. Yes, Congress sets the budget. The Biden administration decides exactly where it is spent. https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3569812/biden-administration-announces-additional-security-assistance-for-ukraine/#:~:text=Today%2C the Department of Defense,for Ukraine since August 2021.
  23. Well, the murder was virtually identical. In terms of the release of images, the Thai police had a responsibility to ensure that those crime scene photos were not released. Do you think those photos would have been released if the victim was a member of a prominent Thai family? It was a disgrace and ultimately the government was responsible for the behaviour of the RTP. But when a Thai is the victim they expect the images to remain hidden. They expect respect to be shown. A classic Thai double standard.
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