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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. As is so often the case with the left wing extremists, they are what they accuse you of being.
  2. So we can add religious bigotry to your hatred of anything right of centre. Well noted.
  3. I hate the "safety" sensors on my car. The lane sway detector pulls me back into danger when I am moving away from something on the side of the road e.g. a dog, vendor, pedestrian etc. The collision detection slams the brakes on when I am doing a U-turn on a narrow road or go down a sudden dip in the road. Fortunately they can be turned off but that has to be done every journey. Very, very annoying. RIP to the 2 on the motorcycle. Being rear ended like that is my biggest fear on my motorbikes (it actually happened to me in 2020, resulting in 6 broken bones) and one reason that I tend to ride a bit faster than the traffic flow. In this case, the driver was going so fast that you'd have to be going stupid speeds to stay ahead. She should be charged with manslaughter. Probably reading something on her phone.
  4. Mugs. Brand new top of the range Tesla's for senior ministers. That's about the closest thing to climate change this money will be spent on.
  5. Desolating? You mean demonstrating? Try to focus on quality of posts rather than quantity. But yes I have nothing but disdain for anti-semites. You got me bang to rights on that one....
  6. Well, it's true that the left have always been anti-semitic in the UK. The difference now is that huge swathes of immigrants share their views and could well vote them into power. Scary times for Jews in the UK. This is London 2023, not Berlin in the 1930's. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-67096327
  7. One of the problems with immigration. You don't only import the people, you import their beliefs and culture and some of it is not positive. In this case, the world's oldest hatred has been imported onto French streets. Similar story in Germany and the UK. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/24/rise-in-antisemitism-brings-germans-back-to-most-horrific-times https://www.theguardian.com/news/2023/oct/13/massive-increase-in-suspected-antisemitic-offences-in-london If only someone had predicted this. Oh, wait a minute...
  8. Worrying news for Democrats. They better get some more legal cases going pronto. If they can't beat him at the polls, they're going to need more help from the justice legal system.
  9. Does anyone know if there is a GoFundMe to send these "Queers for Palestine"' to Palestine so they can get a more authentic experience? Seems like the right thing to do.
  10. If Biden can't even beat Trump he needs to retire. It's like being a ski jumper and getting beat by Eddie The Eagle. The universe is sending you a message. Don't ignore it.
  11. Looks like she’s done a bit of boxing as well. Anyway let’s hope she does something useful during her stay other than 3 years of attending parties etc.
  12. It has reported on the Whitehouse's blatant, deliberate and obvious misinterpretation of Watter's statement. I think the Wokies call it "spreading misinformation".
  13. Yes I actually secretly hate non whites, that why I married one and frequently go drinking with my non white brother-in-law when in the UK. 😆 It's also why I count non white Thomas Sowell as my favourite author/social commentator and supported non white Kemi Badenoch to be the next PM of my country. That race card is really making you look so intelligent and virtuous, keep playing it at every opportunity 😃. 🙈
  14. Awww, my two biggest fans gossiping about me. That's really sweet 😗. Maybe a PM would be more appropriate though, or maybe a room? The guardian isn't reporting facts. It's reporting on a deliberate misinterpretation of Watters comments. No surprise though, the guardian will report anything that supports their agenda. No wonder they are begging for donations every time you visit their website.😆
  15. Of course, rampant immigration has nothing to do with increased strain on the NHS, the police, housing etc. Because the millions of people that migrated to the UK in the last 5 years don't use healthcare, public services, schools etc. In fact, they're so magical they don't even need houses to live in, they just float around the ether, enriching the lives of the locals with their (mostly) peaceful diversity. 😆
  16. I wonder where this survey was done? If I had to guess I'd say a broad section of the UK population living in Islington, Tower Hamlets, Newham and Waltham Forest.😃 London is certainly beautifully diverse these days. Marvellous. In fact, it looks so beautiful I might give up my life here and go back... Who needs beaches, islands, temples, forests when you could return to rampant knife crime and enjoy this scenic view during your Sunday afternoon shop?
  17. More hyperbole from the Whitehouse, predicatably spoon fed to this left wing rag since they are the only ones likely to run a story on it.😆 He wasn't advocating violence, he was predicting it. He said "someone is going to get punched in the face". Seems quite likely to me as well. Doesn't mean I support it happening. It's like me saying "Biden is going to win in the next election and then ruin the economy". That doesn't mean I support it happening. It means I think it is likely. Good to see The Guardian acting as a mouthpiece for the whitehouse though. Stirring up the the comrades against those they perceive as the enemy. I'd imagine the author was wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt and a red star army hat as they typed this garbage.
  18. While I think some of the sentences handed out to the protestors were way over the top, referring to them as hostages is pretty stupid by Trump.
  19. Because an apology won't be enough. It will be used as a tool to extract money in the form of reparations. Even then it won't be enough. More money will be demanded from people who were born long after any atrocities occured, to give to people who were also born long after any atrocities occured. It's a massive grift.
  20. Yeah he was banned under a different username then re-joined to relaunch the personal attacks. Sad. Anyway, back on topic, this is an excellent article from the legends over at Spiked on exactly what this inquiry was seeking to achieve. No wonder the guardian is all over it. https://www.spiked-online.com/2023/11/01/the-covid-inquiry-is-a-liberal-elite-whitewash/
  21. You appear to have missed the point I was making and then gone off on a personal attack. OOhhhhh a politician send a hurty text message. Shall we hold a vigil?
  22. Ummm, no I'm not. I already stated that most countries have skeletons in the closet. Maybe read the thread first...
  23. Ah the race card. How novel... Nothing to do with her race, everything to do with her lies, hypocrisy, Woke agenda and general nastiness. If he'd have married Esther Krakue I'd have been over the moon, and she has far more African heritage than the race baiter Markle could ever claim to have. Or Candance Owens, even better (although she's of Caribbean descent not African).
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