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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Always good to look at all the available options. Its' reassuring to see that Trump is doing his research into the best solution, especially as he looks odds on to be the next POTUS.
  2. I see. When the evidence you requested is presented, you resort to gaslighting .
  3. Hardly surprising when you have Met police officers calling to free Palestine while on duty. What a total joke the UK police have become. They don't even pretend to be unbiased. No wonder nobody respects them.
  4. Nothing crazy about planting trees. It's the ones buying electric cars that you have to watch... RIP K.Vichai
  5. Many of the immigrants from the 50's and 60's came from the Carribean (particularly Jamaica) and they generally assimilated very well. They came legally, they worked, they spoke English, they shared our values, they played sports (cricket in particular but later football) and became part of the community. A real success story. Totally different to the last twenty years where many immigrants are illegal, do not speak English, do not wish to assimilate, do not share our values and in some cases are anti semitic and want to introduce Sharia law in their communities. Different demographic. Different circumstances. Different results.
  6. Joe putting his finger in the dyke. I don't see this having any meaningful effect in terms of lowering prices. Maybe he should do the right thing for once and step aside. It's time.
  7. They seem to be confused. He was there to join the protest against anti semitism, not to be anti semitic. It's elements of the Pro Palestine protesters and their cohorts on the far left that are there to cry for the elimination of Israel, not Tommy Robinson. Whatever you think of him (I don't like him personally), he had as much right to be there as anyone else. The fact that he was arrested by about 30 officers for simply being there (while pro Palestine supporters were not arrested for anti-semitic songs, hate speech etc. a few days ago) tells you everyhting you need to know about the Met police. A left leaning, politically biased clown show that polices based on their political agenda. They show exactly what they are time and time again. Absolutely pathetic.
  8. The fact that Pro Leave used that poster does not reflect on the views of voters, it reflects on some people running the pro Leave campaign. And let's face it, does it really look that much different than London in 2023? The main difference I can see is that the Vote Leave poster portrays the people as being quite peaceful and shows no signs of anti-semitism. The "real" pictures are shown below.
  9. Check my post above (video evidence) and then let me know if it is true or not.
  10. Not sure where to start with this one. Let's start with "Coloureds"? Are you serious? I haven't heard that term since the 70's. Brexit was nothing to do with reducing the number of "Coloureds" as you so beautifully describe them. It was about removing ourselves from the failing federalist corrupt project that is the EU. It was about being led by people that we elect, not people appointed by a convoluted/fake version of Democracy in Brussels. It was about our tax payers money being spent on Britain rather than other failing EU countries. It was about taking back our sovereignty from a German/Franco led technocracy. "Coloureds" have been accepted in Britain for a long time. They are our politicians, our footballers, our comedians, our friends and relatives. Your view of Brexit is so wide of the mark it's not even funny. I take that back, it is actually pretty funny.
  11. Yes, they dry it on public roads, no barriers or warnings and often just after a bend. I've nearly hit them on motorbikes on a number of occasions. If you accidentally drive over them in a car, expect a world of trouble for ruining their crop. Should be banned.
  12. As I have previously stated many people who vote for Biden do so because he isn't Trump. They don't think he is any good. They don't have confidence in him. But he isn't Trump. That's why Biden is Potus. A sad situation for US politics.
  13. I have video evidence of calls for Jewish women and their daughters to be raped on the streets of London. I am sure you have seen it. If you have similar video evidence for threats against these Rwandan refugees please present it.
  14. I wonder the same thing as him. Half of America wonders about his capabilities. He's too old. Nobody has confidence in him. The fact that the politically motivated trials against Trump are inadvertantly giving him the platform to address the electorate was a bad mistake by whoever is pulling Biden's strings.
  15. Exactly. This is 2023 where a woman can declare themselves a man, a man can declare himself a 13 year old girl and a child can declare himself a cat. So why can't we declare Rwanda safe? It's our truth. But seriously - Rwanda is pretty safe. Probably safer than being a Jew in London. Sad times.
  16. Ireland might be next given the riots (that the media are doing their best to ignore) in Dublin following the stabbing of children by a man who the media won't release the identity of for obvious reasons. If the European governments don't start protecting the indigenous people of Europe from colonization they might start to do it themselves.
  17. Embarrassing from the Dems and the guardian. If Trump got a short back and sides they'd criticize him for mimicking Hitler's haircut. The only ones mimicking Hitler are the anti semites on the left.
  18. Well, nobody was predicting Wilders would win either, certainly not by that margin. That's why we have elections instead of relying on polls. When people know they will be insulted/cancelled/ostracized for expressing their perfectly reasonable opinions, they sometimes keep those opinions to themselves and wait to make their voice heard via the ballot box instead. Wilder's surpise win is one such example. Brexit was another. Long live Democracy.
  19. Or maybe the message is that politicians should listen to and address the very real concerns of the electorate and not simply brand everyone who wants to control their borders and keep terrorists out of the country as "far right", "racist", "extremists" etc.?
  20. The majority (of those who cared enough to vote on Brexit) voted to leave the EU. The minority that wanted to stay, lost. I guess 7 years hasn't been long enough for you to comprehend that. Yours is a minority position. Let's hope Wilders gets his wish for a referendum on Nexit. The Dutch people deserve to be given a say on their country's future, the country's future lack of sovereignty. For anyone who wishes to deny them the right I have one question, what are you so afraid of?
  21. Interesting. American youths copying British youths for once. Similar demographics as well. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12389745/Police-launch-crackdown-threat-Oxford-Street-TikTok-crime-wave-Officers-arrest-youths-outside-McDonalds-cops-ramp-patrols-shopping-district-viral-social-media-posts-urged-followers-rob-JD-Sports.html
  22. You clearly don't understand what Brexit was about. It wasn't about the past, it was about the future. The EU has morphed from a simple trading bloc into a political project aimed at creating a United States of Europe. A federalist, anti-democratic project which the majority of UK citizens that cared enough to vote, could see and roundly rejected in one of the greatest examples of Democracy in recent history. We got out while the going was good. While we were still able to. There has been no chaos. Project Fear has been proven to be a lie. In fact, the UK economy is doing well and out performing many of it's European counterparts, including France and Germany. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2023/09/29/uk-economy-growth-france-germany-sunak-inflation/#:~:text=The UK economy has performed,a boost to Rishi Sunak. Wilders victory is just more evidence that voters are rejecting the EU. Rightly so. Expect more to come.
  23. One of many reasons I support a smaller, less intrusive form of politics and state control and a greater role for the free market and business. The less politicians interfere in my daily life the better.
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