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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Double digit decline in a month!!!? Wow, that's heavy. Can't say I'm surprised though, the guy is clearly struggling.
  2. Joe's going to be busy. Ukraine, Israel and now Philippines. Let's hope they don't bail as soon as something more important comes up this time.
  3. Looks to be based on the yzr500. But rumours are that Kawasaki are going to do a gpz900 based on the Z900 platform for the Top Gun fans... (sorry for slight thread detour)
  4. This bad boy should be coming next year. Based on the MT09 platform, the XSR900 GP. 80's nostalgia. Ergonomics look sporty but not too crazy. Needs some Marlboro decals though... As I mentioned, Yamaha have excellent service at their Nawamin Riders Club branch. Nice showroom as well.
  5. What's to say? He's a Conservative. When people use terms like "far right extremist" for anyone who is even slightly right of centre (or sometimes insufficiently left of centre) it makes the accusation meaningless. Much like calling someone a racist, it's so overused that it now just means someone has lost an argument. Being a conservative christian does not make you Mussolini.
  6. More Christianophobia. I'm surprised you didn't label him a Jesus Freak like the other bigot on here did.
  7. I guess he had a tough choice. Claim to be the heir to a lying war criminal in Blair or the heir to a rabid anti-semite who calls Hamas his friends in Corbyn. Rock and a hard place. Blair maybe the best option since he actually got elected and wasn't getting into Diane Abbott in the 70's.
  8. As soon as I saw the thread title I knew this would be an article by The Guardian - so predictable. Yes the Conservatives have issues. But as we know Labour always find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. This time I suspect it will be their rampant anti-semitism that will rise to the surface as the conflict in Gaza intensifies. The Corbynites and their "friends" in Hamas will see to that. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-12612385/BRENDAN-ONEILL-Jeremy-Corbyn-gone-Hamas-terror-group-friends-inside-Labour.html
  9. Are the populations the same? Is the Demographic the same? The fact is, if someone wants to get their hands on guns they will. Breivik proved that.
  10. Hence calls for him to be locked up are inappropriate. Glad you got there in the end.
  11. https://apnews.com/article/vatican-poland-scandal-orgy-bishop-catholic-kaszak-f6fdc43faf5f3107127be32bbf9471af
  12. A weak attempt to justify your dislike of Christians and their beliefs. Not for the first time either.
  13. Great point. These things never happen in countries with strong gun laws. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/jul/24/norway-strict-gun-laws-circumvented
  14. Plenty in mind that I could name if I chose to do so.
  15. As opposed to a left wing loon, doomsday cultist and anti Semite?
  16. Even better, you didn't sign off with "You've got nothing". That's also an improvement. Well done.
  17. So actually you agree that there is no reason for him to go to prison? In which case, why the trolling?
  18. Nonsense. He had gay sex, not a crime. He hasn't been charged with any other offense. So tell me, why should he go to prison?
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