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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. How fortunate. Given that you can't dispute the facts. ???? EV fires are harder to extinguish than ICE fires. If you think that's a good thing, crack on and save the planet with all that child mined Lithium. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2023/02/01/1152893248/red-cobalt-congo-drc-mining-siddharth-kara Don't forget to save up for the insurance though. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/net-zero/insuring-electric-car-reasons-why-nightmare-costs-cover/
  2. They already are... https://www.theguardian.com/money/2023/sep/30/the-quotes-were-5000-or-more-electric-vehicle-owners-face-soaring-insurance-costs
  3. That's great. You can provide the links then when you disprove what's in the video. I'm waiting...
  4. We've already established that ICE vehicles can catch fire. That's fairly obvious. What I am saying is, they are easier to extinguish than EV fires. You could be a firefighter for 4000 years and that fact will not change. I have posted a video to explain why, for people like you who clearly do not understand. So if you think the YouTube video is wrong, then explain why. You can't, you just skirt around the issue with your claimed "Knowledge" and "Experience" without actually stating any facts. Why? Because you don't have any facts that contradict what I am saying.
  5. So you can't dispute anything in the video then? ???? No wonder you got banned under your other username. ???? Since you claim to be an ex-fireman maybe you will listen to this expert, the FDNY commissioner? Let me guess, you were more senior than that bar stool expert? ???? https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/09/tech/lithium-ion-battery-fires/index.html#:~:text=“In all of these fires,and so it's particularly dangerous.”
  6. Did you miss my question? I will repeat it. Which part of the YouTube video above do you disagree with, and why? I want specific answers from you, facts - not drivel about bar stools and your fake fire fighting career.
  7. I bet you were in the SAS as well right? Actually don't answer that - you could tell me, but then you'd have to kill me ????. Back in reality, which part of the YouTube video that I posted above do you disagree with specifically, and why? I look forward to hearing your expertise that contradicts the information in the video.
  8. Please watch the YouTube video I posted above. You will learn a lot. Lithium fires are incredibly hard to extiniguish. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/09/tech/lithium-ion-battery-fires/index.html#:~:text=“In all of these fires,and so it's particularly dangerous.”
  9. Nice first post. What's your other username? Been suspended? Yes of course there were car fires before EV's, but EV fires are harder to extinguish than gas car fires. So we should expect more serious fires in car parks, shopping malls etc. as more EV's hit the market. Saving the planet, one lithium battery at a time.
  10. They're lucky the fire didn't spread to Luton town centre. It could have caused millions of pounds worth of improvements. ????
  11. Yes very suspicious. I suspect it was a Diesel hybrid. The images of it burning are coming from the bottom of the car, not the engine bay - and it isn't the black smoke that Diesel tends to generate, looks like a battery fire. Obviously that won't be reported as it doesn't fit the narrative of EV's saving the world. Either way, once the fire spread to the EV's nearby it was Goodnight Vienna. Once those things burn, it's a case of standing back and waiting. Expect more of these incidents as EV's become more commonplace.
  12. The tax shortfall will probably be made up by green taxes, that's why the lies are being pushed so heavily by the doomsday cultists and climate alarmists. I think the better solution for Thailand would be to legalize and tax vaping. It is far less harmful than tobacco and in my case actually enabled me to quit smoking (cigs and vapes) altogether.
  13. Because if you hadn't noticed, since trouble flared in Gaza we now have conflict on the streets of London. https://londonnewsonline.co.uk/israel-and-hamas-conflict-sees-thousands-of-protesters-take-to-west-london-streets/ And not for the first time either. The same thing happened a couple of years ago. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/may/15/thousands-join-london-march-in-solidarity-with-palestine Remind me, where did I say the death toll in London was the same as the death toll in Gaza? Oh that's right, I didn't. ???? #yetanotherstrawman
  14. So you've moved from "It's loud but not violent" to "A little bit of violence is OK". ???? You're certainly good value today Chomper.
  15. Actually we've had a couple of bad tackles and 2 red cards. The crowd is hostile and starting to riot, but the stewards have it under control - for now. Unfortunately, we're still in the first 10 minutes.
  16. I can't see the video it's behind a paywall. But assuming they were saying hurty words, a couple of idiots does not define a country.
  17. She can't. She always says things are "out of context" when people who she likes incriminate themselves, or when their mask slips. There was nothing out of context about Biden's comments. They were straight up creepy.
  18. Assaulting emergency workers is not violent? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12611763/Hundreds-protesters-gather-outside-Israeli-embassy-London-light-flairs-chant-Free-free-Palestine.html Racially motivated criminal damage and ABH is not violence? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/london-protests-palestine-israel-hamas-b2426958.html You're wrong again Chomper.
  19. So you now accept it's not peaceful. We have progress. But because it's not as bad in London as it is in Gaza, it's all good? I guess antisemitism in London is fine, as long as it's not as bad as it is in Palestine? I guess it's not surprising you would hold such a view given your adoration of the UK Labour Party. https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/uk-antisemitic-incidents-soar-after-start-conflict-israel-2023-10-10/ "Nothing to see here. Move along please. Count yourself lucky, it's worse in Gaza." Great point Chomper ????.
  20. Nice diversion. Well, a half decent attempt I suppose. Not bad, for you... ???? Back on topic, these protests weren't peaceful, were they? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12611763/Hundreds-protesters-gather-outside-Israeli-embassy-London-light-flairs-chant-Free-free-Palestine.html
  21. I can sympathize to some extent. I went to buy a motorbike last month (several hundred thousand Baht) and previously I could just use my work permit for the purchase. Now I have a digital work permit. It doesn't have my address on there like the old paper one. So now I need to get 2 passport photos, get my condo ownership documents and go to immigration for half a day for a residents certificate. Nah, can't be bothered. I have 7 motorbikes already. The money has been sent back to the UK and I'll spend it on one of my rental properties there. Thailand really doesn't help itself sometimes.
  22. So you don't have any misogynistic quotes to show me? Didn't think so ???? #anotherstrawmanexposed
  23. If it was peaceful, why were arrests made for violence? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12611763/Hundreds-protesters-gather-outside-Israeli-embassy-London-light-flairs-chant-Free-free-Palestine.html Or when you say peaceful, do you mean "largely peaceful" like the BLM riots?
  24. Must have missed that part. Which part was misogynistic? You do realize both men and women swear, take tablets and walk the streets? So where is the misogyny? Maybe your own stereotypes are clouding your thinking?
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