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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Only when they are filmed screaming Alahhu Akbar during the shooting.
  2. There you go again. Sad. No F's given for what was left behind as long as you can blame Trump. Played like a fiddle.
  3. I was talking about the mess/power vacuum left behind after the war mongering in Afghanistan. But you already knew that. However, funding conflict and providing weapons for others to do the killing while you beat your chest and fly your flag about US strength is hardly endearing behaviour. Preferable to sending your own youth to do the killing as they did in Vietnam/Iraq/Afghanistan I suppose.
  4. Let's hope it's a fatal gunshot, otherwise the loons at the ECHR will be demanding he's treated in a private hospital with full access to a mosque and HALAL meat.
  5. It's sad that all you care about is trying to shift the blame away from Biden. I guess you're too wrapped up in US tribal politics to give a damn about the mess that the US war mongering leaves behind. Sadly, many Americans think like this. They don't care about women losing their human rights in Afghanistan, as long as they can blame the other side. It's pretty pathetic to be honest.
  6. Every cloud... I do wonder how they arrived at these statistics though. Does the TAT check with individuals every time they cancel a booking?
  7. Not very typical of the EU to miss an opportunity to regulate. They normally love banning things. It justifies their existence. On this occasion it appears they were quick to talk the talk but not so keen to walk the walk.
  8. I am well aware of the timeline. You are attempting to play the Trump vs. Biden card in order to deflect. You blame Trump. I blame Biden. This is bigger than two people disagreeing on a forum. Ultimately America has to take responsibility for it's actions as a nation. It doesn't help the Afghan women whose human rights have been destroyed for leftists like you to say "But but but it was all Trump's fault". Their lives have been destroyed and America as a nation has to take some responsibility for that no matter which side of the divide you are on. Your attempts to deflect from the impact of the withdrawal by blaming Trump for it all (even though Biden oversaw it) is disgraceful, even if it were true.
  9. And left a massive void which has led the Taliban taking over and huge human rights abuses, especially for women. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/15/asia/afghanistan-taliban-takeover-anniversary-women-intl-hnk-dst/index.html
  10. More likely China is licking it's lips, thinking this is the perfect time to strike. You vastly over-estimate the regard with which America is held around the world. Everyone knows they are only ever in it for the short term. History tells us that. It's 2023 not 1963. America doesn't call the shots like you think they do. China has no fear of America, especially since they are now stupidly pre-occupied with Ukraine and Israel. No amount of nationalistic chest beating by Biden changes that.
  11. It's another excellent example of America failing to fulfill it's self appointed role as World Policemen. Others are available if you don't like that one. We've all seen that America's interference in foreign countries rarely ends well. I'm sure he will want his pound of flesh from Ukraine when all is said and done.
  12. Agreed. But IMO he'll pull out of both before the job is complete. Just like Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Something will come up to divert his attention, likely China invading Taiwan.
  13. They should focus on making sure boxing is still there in 2028, instead of including these silly sports that are better suited to a Sunday afternoon in the local pub garden.
  14. All it does is provide you with the opportunity to deflect. To conjure a lame excuse as to why Biden completely messed up the withdrawal. Biden can damage the US as much as he likes, but he needs to stop putting his nose into other people's business. He's not capable. He's not cognizant. He's resorting to immature chest pounding and flag waving with other people's money and other people's lives.. Pathetic.
  15. I'm not discussing the timeline. That's another silly deflection. I'm saying Biden made a complete mess of the process. He couldn't organize a prayer in a mosque. Now we wants to join in pretty much every conflict around the world. He needs to sit down somewhere...
  16. Talking of failure, I wonder how long before Biden will be distracted by some other vanity project and pull out prematurely, just as he did with Afghanistan. What a utter mess he made of that... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-58238497 He really should focus on his many domestic issues and stop trying to be the world's policeman. He's not up to the job.
  17. They love spending other people's money on their vanity projects.
  18. Rabble rousing nationalist nonsense. Using American taxpayers money to interfere in overseas conflicts. Again. Some people never learn...
  19. Probably the same place as BLM's money. This race baiting is quite profitable as long as you can find mugs to pay up and fortunately there are plenty of them around at the moment. Kerching!! https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/04/black-lives-matter-6-million-dollar-house.html https://nypost.com/2023/05/27/only-33-of-blms-90m-in-donations-helped-charity-foundations/ Finally over 60% of Australians rejected this nonsense "Voice to Parliament" proposal. Millions wasted, and nothing but more divisiveness as a result. When will they learn? One person. One vote. No committees excluding membership based on racial background. Equality. Marvellous.
  20. It's easier to blame video games than it is to blame society, parents, social media, lack of mental health care etc. I remember when I was a kid it was horror movies getting the blame (Nightmare on Elm Street etc.). Now it's video games like Grand Theft Auto or Call Of Duty. Ridiculous.
  21. Yes it's Diesel. Diesel hybrid. Diesel doesn't burn bright orange from under the passenger seat. Where the lithium battery is located. If they told you it wasn't a car but a motorbike, would you believe them or would you believe your own eyes? That's a lithium fire, clear as day.
  22. It certainly seems the pushback against Woke idiocy is gaining pace. Not only this vote, but Sturgeon and Ardern jumping ship before they were pushed. All in less than 12 months. I wonder who will be next? Hopefully Trudeau.
  23. Yes, a diesel hybrid. I know what I see. You can gaslight as much as you like. You can tell me that grass is blue. If I see it's green, it's green. Those bright orange flames coming from the left hand side of the car is lithium burning, not diesel. It's coming from under the passenger seat, which is where the Range Rover hybrid range stores it's batteries.
  24. Another one bites the dust in Luton. A Kia this time. https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/hybrid-kia-car-fire-luton-b2429886.html Large orange flames coming from underneath. Now where have I seen that before?
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