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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. By higher standards, you mean they ban more things? Yes, of course that is the raison d'etre of the EU. Ban, regulate, restrict. It's how they justify their existence. A corrupt, protectionist racket. Thank god we left.
  2. Same as they have to follow our rules and regulations when they sell to UK businesses. That's how trade works. Unfortunately for them, German exports to the UK have plummeted since Brexit. One of the factors leading Germany to enter recession. https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/gloomy-ifo-fuels-fears-second-german-recession-year-2023-08-25/ Lucky for the EU that the German economy is not vital to the financial health of the bloc. Oh, wait a minute...
  3. Oh, so that's why Labour haven't won an election since 2005 ????. I'll stick to general elections and referendums to see what the British voters want. You can keep relying on people with clipboards getting minimum wage to ask 500 people what they think on a rainy afternoon outside Tesco. Opinion polls... ????
  4. We had very little influence in the Franco/German led EU when we were in it. Now we have left, we follow the rules we wish to follow. Since we voted in a Democratic referendum to leave the EU, the British do what we want (despite Remainer anti-Democratic attempts to deny the will of the people).
  5. This will never happen. It would be complete lunacy to deter people bringing money into Thailand by forcing them to pay tax on it. It would destroy the retirement market, the real estate market, foreigners supporting Thai families from overseas etc. I predict there will be a roll back on this fairly shortly. It will all be a "misunderstanding" and whoever dreamt it up will be sent to Yala to work as a parking warden. And rightly so.
  6. So without a referendum, how do you know what the public thinks? Oh that's right, you have no idea... ????
  7. I wasn't aware there had been a referendum on the issue since 2016. Do tell....
  8. Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure you have good intentions.
  9. 50-100 years? That's an upgrade. You doomsday cultists normally give us horrible humans 10 years before planet Earth bursts into flames ????.
  10. Failing? The figures you've been quoting for ages have been revised. Didn't you get the memo? Or more likely you saw it and are still gaslighting... https://www.ft.com/content/50386cc2-003b-4af1-946b-cf3243da810f Starmer and his self loathing chums at Labour hate the UK. That's why they are so desperate to rejoin the EU and will do anything to achieve it, including destroying the country. Look forward to the election as much as you like, only us Brits can vote, not the Brit hating American Democrats (thankfully).
  11. United in a tough spot. Without De Gea to keep them in games with his fantastic shot stopping they're going to have to score a lot of goals to pick up points, and they don't really have the players or the system to do that. Could be a long season. Let's hope they keep faith in Ten Hag.
  12. Can't say I'm surprised by this. Brand has been dropping a lot of truth bombs lately, upsetting a lot of people - time to shut him up.
  13. Good to see returning Eddie Jones to his homeland is having the desired effect ????.
  14. Oh really? Starmer will rewrite the deal? The EU might have something to say about that. The EU certainly isn't going to agree to a deal that is better for Britain, so what Starmer appears to be doing is committing to a deal that is better for the EU. Selling the UK down the river. No wonder you support him. God help the UK if Labour are elected. Anyway, still plenty of time for Labour to screw it up. I am sure they can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory once again.
  15. It's certainly entertaining watching them defending Joe's lies and Hunter's crimes while simultaneously trying to claim the moral high ground. ????
  16. I doubt this will be of major concern for the doomsday cultists who believe pulling Lithium out of the ground is going to save the planet. The land will be desecrated. End of. Nothing must be allowed to stop the climate extremists.
  17. You seem very big on provable facts. Unless the lies come from your cult leader Joe Biden. Joe Biden is a proven liar. His son is a self confessed crack addict, user of prostitutes and illegal guns. You must be very proud supporting such a family. The moral high ground, extreme leftist style ????.
  18. Enabling and apologising for immoral, illegal behaviour is never a good look. Symptomatic of the left unfortunately. Their fake compassion is reserved for those who share their opinions of course. They celebrate diversity of everything except opinion. An excellent example of the hypocrisy of the left. Poor millionaire, elitist Hunter paying damaged women for sexual gratification and putting other motorists at risk as he speeds down the highway on crack cocaine. Let's all cry for the privileged elitist Hunter.
  19. Beau, the one who died in Iraq? https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-repeats-false-claim-son-beau-died-iraq-states-ran-president-while-vice-president
  20. Children are a reflection of their parents. Joe's constant lies reflect that. Like 2 peas in a pod.
  21. Unless it's Trump. You lefties are hilarious. Defending Joe Biden and all the lies he tells. Claiming Hunter's crimes are minor indiscretions. So tough on guns, unless it's Hunter. So fixated on facts and the truth, unless it's Joe. The hypocrisy is astounding. https://nypost.com/2023/09/12/biden-ground-zero-lie-latest-in-a-long-career-of-falsehoods/
  22. Moral decency lol. Coming from someone who defends Joe and Hunter Biden that's pretty rich.????
  23. Frank is a wrong 'un as well. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7908559/Joe-Bidens-brother-Frank-owes-1-million-dead-mans-family-2020-Democrat-did-help.html What a family...
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