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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Lazy. You know what he did. It's a very irritating tactic. I'd go as far as to call it trolling.
  2. He rammed a police road block with his car. He was using a car as a weapon. Had previous convictions for gun crime. The car he was driving was being investigated for gun crime the previous day. Not quite George Floyd levels of scumbaggery but on the correct path. Stop painting this as a man being assassinated on the way to buy a pint of milk. We don't need your baiting in the UK.
  3. Yes he is a tool. I can't stand him. That doesn't mean we can vilify him and take away his right to earn a living on the basis of an unproven accusation. Innocent until proven guilty. Due process. Kind of important concepts, even for people we don't like or have opposing political views.
  4. Lazy https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/09/06/police-shoot-dead-man-lambeth/ Ramming a police road block set up to apprehend him on gun charges.
  5. Rogan is bang on the money again. For all his faults Trump made things better for the average American. History will not be kind to the lying child sniffer and his crack head gun toting son (I have multiple links to back up that comment if required),
  6. You're a mindreader now? Why hate on successful people so much? He and his family pay their taxes and NI they are entitled to the service they have paid for. Just because he's worked hard and done well for himself doesn't mean he should be punished.
  7. What a mess. I see Poland is very unhappy about the relocation scheme. https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/news/poland-says-europe-will-become-lampedusa-slams-eu-relocation-scheme/ It just goes from bad to worse for the EU. This crisis fresh after the news of the "powerhouse" of the EU, Germany's economy tanking. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/23/economy/germany-economy-recession-pmi/index.html Brexit is looking better by the day.
  8. Why doesn't that surprise me? So much easier to pontificate on forums all day ????.
  9. I love it when the #bekind virtue signalling mask slips and your ilk shows their bigoted views and stereotypes. Got any more gems for us?
  10. Absolutely. Clear and enforcable borders are an essential element of sovereignty. The UK and the US could learn a lot from the way Thailand respects and protects it's own culture. Long live the nation state.
  11. Because they are Globalists and Federalists. They are Anti-Democrats, they want as many layers of technocracy as possible between the voting citizen and the "selected" individuals making the decisions. The EU is a great example of such a system to the point that the politicians elected by the public have very few powers and the power lies with the selected technocrats several layers above them. These people hate the nation state and the autonomy that such a system provides. They have no respect for Democracy, especially when "stupid" citizens vote the "wrong" way. Brexit was their worst nightmare, hence their attempts to overturn it by hook or by crook, and hence them still banging on about it 7 years after the vote. They are normally huge fans of the WEF. Which tells you everything you need to know about them.
  12. You own links contradict each other. The first link you posted said Labour refused to commit to reinstating the policy and the second link you posted to said the opposite.
  13. Maybe you should check the accuracy of the articles you link to in future? Nobody likes misinformation.
  14. Is that why Labour refused to commit to reinstating it?
  15. Inevitable that the EU would come crawling back to us once they realized what we brought to the table. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/09/19/recession-hit-germany-is-facing-a-flurry-of-global-headwinds-goldman-sachs.html I think the best reply to the EU would be "Don't call us, we'll call you."
  16. Amusing. From the same article. Classic Labour ????. They should get Diane Abbott to calculate the cost of going net zero. She'd probably come up with a figure of 250 quid.????
  17. I'm not sure what you are getting at. Are you replying to the correct post? But either way I don't rent - I own my condo. And bringing that money into Thailand to buy it 8 years ago looks to be quite a good move if they do actually go ahead with this crazy idea as has been proposed.
  18. Yes they may do, although personally I doubt it. But as many of our partners either do not work or work but don't pay tax, given the tax rates below I'm thinking it would be a good way to get the first 300,000 in for (worst case scenario) only 7500 tax. Or 500,000 for (again, worst case) 27,500 tax.
  19. Who cares? The target is 2050. When someone is voting in 2024 do you think they're going to say "Well I know Sunak is going to save me loads of money and I need every penny I can get right now to pay the rent, but what about reaching net zero in 26 years time?". No, they're going to look at Sunak and then look at Starmer and think "This guy is going to save me money and leave me alone but the other one is going to interfere in my life and force me to spend money on reaching net zero by 2050 and as a result I might not be able to buy meat products or have my 2 weeks in Benidorm". Nobody votes to be poorer. Taxing people to reach net zero is a vote loser. So I'm pretty sure Starmer will be pushing it hard ????.
  20. Did you read the tweet? The new approach is NOT implementing these stupid measures. As far as I am aware they haven't been implemented yet, so he simply has to say he won't do it and then not do it. Now I'm no "supporter" of Sunak, but I think even he could manage to NOT do something.
  21. Yes I doubt they could track that either. How would they even know that it was me? They would know that someone with my name had withdrawn money from a bank in the UK from a Thai ATM but there could be loads of people with the same name as me, could have been a tourist with the same name. So first off they'd have to contact all the Thai banks and check if anyone with my name had made withdrawals from foreign accounts using their ATM machines - but they still couldn't be sure it was me. My bank in the UK doesn't have my current passport number to confirm it is the same person and I would think client confidentiality would prevent my UK bank releasing details about me (date of birth etc.) to a bank in a foreign country. Failing that, I could just send money from my UK account to my Thai gf's account and she could withdraw it and hand it over to me. Or are they going to tax Thais on money received as a gift from foreigners? Given the number of foreigners and the number of financial transactions involved, it would be a massive undertaking. They can't even copy my name correctly from my driving licence into the computer when I renew my Por Lor Bor so tracking my ATM withdrawals from foreign banks that refuse to release any information about me would be a tough one.
  22. Well done Rishi. Let's not allow ourselves to be held hostage by a minority of crusty doomsday cultists and elite champagne socialists preaching from their private jets. Great policies that help normal, working class people.
  23. If you copy someone else's post and then accidentally post it as your own, that's your problem. Maybe some IT training could help you? Did wonders for my 72 year old mother.
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