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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. I lived in Australia full time from 97-98 and have worked there sporadically (average once a year) since 2003. It's one of the most racially diverse and tolerant countries I've ever been to. Race baiters trying to destroy that is pretty low IMO.
  2. Been on it for years. I have planted over 300 large trees on my farm in Korat and grow over 25 different types of fruit and vegetables, much of which is donated to local people. All organic. What are you doing apart from trolling posts like the one above?
  3. If you support building race into the Australian constitution, you support racist policies. You can clutch your pearls and virtue signal, and dress it up in flowery, caring, #bekind language, but that is what you are doing. You are supporting a racist policy. Simple as...
  4. You might want to check out what is involved in mining for metals for your precious batteries. https://borgenproject.org/child-labor-in-cobalt-mines/ Recycling isn't as easy as your throwaway comment "Batteries are also highly recyclable" would suggest. It's an extremely complicated process even if the will is there to do it. https://www.science.org/content/article/millions-electric-cars-are-coming-what-happens-all-dead-batteries Of course, in many countries they won't even attempt the process and it will end up as landfill.
  5. Do you understand the term "tends to follow". Here's a clue, it doesn't mean "always follows". But actually they followed the UK on that one. ???? Next...
  6. You support for building racism into constitutions is well noted. I am glad you are clear on my disdain for identity politics and the racist/sexist ideology it promotes.
  7. Hey Chomhpherhh, I haven't seen the memes, but calling someone a grifter or a wife beater is not racist it is a generic term and could apply to someone of any race. Primitive might have racist connotations, depending on the context but I'd have to see the meme. Some people just see racism everywhere. If I asked them if they wanted their coffee black or with milk they'd try and lock me up. Either way, some idiot making a comment on social media which may or may not be racist does not justify making racism part of the constitution by having specific bodies that can consist only of people from a specific race advising the government on policies regarding their specific race. That is pretty much the definition of racism. Identity politics is for far left agitators. It's primarily based on racism, sexism and gender ideology. Australia should stay well clear of it unless they want the type of issues the UK and US is currently experiencing with racial tensions and misguided gender ideology.
  8. I'm no fan of Trump but he's bang on the money here. Chinese manufactured EV's are not the answer to the dubious claims of the eco warriors. Even if the doomsday cult of climate alarmism had some merit (which it doesn't), switching from mining for gas/coal to mining for precious metals (and then charging the batteries made of those precious metals with electricity primarily generated from gas/coal) is a ridiculous concept.
  9. Hey Chompherh. The only racism here is the proposal that a specific race has a specific body consisting of people from that specific race to advise the government on issues concerning that specific race. So I am afraid your race card won't help you on this occasion. The only thing racist is the proposal itself. Let's hope Australia kicks this out. They tend to follow the US and UK's mistakes and import all the same issues. Identity politics is the last thing they need to import from us. It only sows the seeds of division and animosity as we are clearly seeing in the build up to the referendum. I guess some people just feed off that type of thing huh Chompherh.
  10. Well blow me down with a feather. Who could have imagined that a proposal which divides the nation based on race would be problematic. Who would have thought that undermining the current Democratic principles for certain racial/ethic groups would inflame tensions? Who would have thought that adding race to the constitution would be so controversial? Maybe we could send Shola Mos-Shogbamimu, race-baiter extraordinaire over there to really stir the pot in the build up to the vote? She's done a fantastic job in the UK.
  11. Au contraire. I am saying the worst is yet to come. The clock is ticking for Joe and he knows it. The only question is whether the hole his team has dug is deep enough for the evidence to stay hidden until after the election. As a neutral observer, I will be watching with interest.
  12. We'll wait and see how long Joe can claim to be clean. The Biden's have a history of keeping their dirty laundry hidden for several years, especially when an election is looming e.g. the laptop. They have been relatively successful in keeping Joe's behaviour hidden so far. I mean the lies, the sniffing of children, the grand-daughter he won't acknowledge has come out but on the whole they have done a pretty good job. But the truth will come out in the end, it always does. Will be interesting to see the reaction of certain fanboys on the forum when it does.
  13. I said the family has a history of illegal activities. Then I provided links to said illegal activities when requested. The fact that you and the other Biden fanatics don't deem it "illegal enough" or don't like the source that reported these facts is neither here nor there. My statement was factually correct. The truth hurts huh...
  14. Then as if by magic, the liberal judge sets his trial date for the day before Super Tuesday. Of course Liberals will ask the electorate to move along swiftly, nothing to see here etc. ???? The American people are not stupid. They will see what is happening here. It could very well backfire.
  15. Fortunately, even if the "people's vote" had happened you would never had a vote on the matter.
  16. Well you're not really big on Democracy are you... "People's vote" anyone?
  17. I don't believe these politically motivated charges (and the very obvious timing of them for the greatest effect) will have the desired result. The weaponization of the justice system is not a good look. Trump will play this like he's sticking it to the man, punching up etc. That might play very well to many people who are tired of being spoken down to by the current administration and other well known Democrats before them.
  18. I had a friend whose son joy rode his car and ran someone over. So using your logic, let's ban cars. Nah, I understand why a left wing totalitarian government wants to take away the guns of the people they are trying to rule, but it won't happen. And shouldn't happen. The state has too much power already. The police in the US are already out of control on massive power trips. Hang onto your guns America. You never know when you might need them.
  19. Got nothing, you say.... https://nypost.com/2020/07/11/joe-bidens-family-has-a-long-rap-sheet/
  20. Hunter is indeed part of the Biden family. His activities were speeding his car while smoking crack cocaine, gun possession etc. I'm sure you are aware of his other activities. Let me know if you have any other questions.
  21. Jaguar i-Pace. My friend in the UK had one. He said it was unbelieveably quick but unfortunately he'd swapped it for an Audi q8 e-tron by the time I visited so I never got in it (although maybe that was a good thing in hindsight ????). The Audi was nice but personally I find the EV's pretty soulless. I'd take a ICE every time. Same with motorbikes, can't imagine an EBike comparing to my V(L)-Twin.
  22. Very re-assuring. Because if I came back to my car to find it looking like this the first thing I'd worry about is whether the battery was still under warranty.????
  23. Why would YOUR no claims bonus be affected by someone else making a claim? It doesn't work like that. Typically a risk rating will be applied to the model of car and that rating will form part of the risk assessment for everyone who insures that model of car. But yes, it is a possibility given Thailand's safety standards for maintaining things like charging stations and the vehicles themselves. It's early days but if these incidents become frequent then I would expect premiums for the models that are burning themselves out due to floods, dodgy charging stations, dodgy maintenance, dodgy batteries etc. to rise.
  24. Because insurance companies are going to want a premium to insure cars that burn themselves to a crisp, leaving them liable to payout a claim for a million Baht for a new one.
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