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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Exactly. If you really wanted to save the planet, you'd buy a second hand Honda Wave for 20,000 Baht and save the planet from the harm of manufacturing yet another vehicle and the mining of Lithium and Cobalt. Plus you'd save yourself over 250,000 Baht in the process and you wouldn't look like a complete tool while riding around looking for a charging station every 60km. Superbike? ????
  2. I was too young to remember much of the 70's but the family pics are hilarious. The 80's were great. BMXing, skateboarding, playing football (jumpers for goalposts) in the local park and going home for dinner when the street lights came on. Watching 80's TV, ET, Star Wars, Ferris Bueller etc. while playing Scalextric and gaming on the Spectrum 48 and Commodore 64/Amiga. Then the 90's came with the illegal raves taking pills to dance music in farmer's fields, then off to Uni to get wasted for 3 years during the Oasis Britpop scene before backpacking around the world with my hot blonde 21 year old girlfriend. Then came the noughties ????. The slide started with Blair and then 9/11. Then we were treated to social media and the rise of the smartphone. Political correctness, the precursor to the scourge of Wokeness etc. Fortunately I still have a great time as I moved to Thailand in 2006 and laugh at much of the nonsense in the West but I am very happy to have grown up when I did.
  3. I doubt the Democrats would remove Biden because MAGA fans dislike him. Besides, they have nobody to replace him with. The party is devoid of talent.
  4. I don't claim to speak for Republicans but I fail to see how denigrating Biden and hoping he is the final candidate are mutually exclusive.
  5. Clutching at straws. He was clearly pausing for effect. A well known technique during public speaking. Seems the crowd loved it. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiq6eWN76OBAxUI2DgGHbAaBXAQFnoECBMQAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.publicspeakingclasses.com%2Fblog%2Fthe-power-of-the-pause%2F&usg=AOvVaw335QysXNoNRyKykHRrWA1N&opi=89978449
  6. Greenwood, now Antony. Don’t United do background checks on their signings? Or given that Greenwood came through the system like Giggs did, is it the culture within the club that creates these individuals? Sad state of affairs when your goal is top 4 and that’s in doubt after 4 games. After getting owned by Sancho, Diet Pep will do well to last the season at this rate. Maybe Mourinho was right about the state of the club?
  7. Typically ill thought out virtue signaling policy from the geriatric Biden. Thank goodness this is his last year in power.
  8. Good to see the French honouring and protecting their culture. Lets hope other countries follow suit.
  9. The EU is done. Put a fork in it. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2023/09/09/europe-economy-stagnated-remainers-havent-noticed-brexit/
  10. Is American finally waking up to the reality of the Biden crime family ?
  11. Another geriatric US politician too selfish and egotistical to step aside and let new blood come through. I guess she still wants that insider information on stock trades. It's never enough for these greedy champagne socialists.
  12. You think the solution to racism is more racism? You're clearly a smart fellow... ????
  13. A bit off topic, but since you asked... Young and old? yes, the same. Rich and poor? yes, the same. Industrious and lazy? no, I'd give preferential treatment to industrious. able bodied and disabled? no, I'd give preferential treatment to disabled where required, assuming the disability is real. straight and gay? yes, the same religious and non-religious? yes, the same. Your racist calls for people to be treated differently and excluded from various groups based on their race is fooling nobody. It's strange how "progressives" always seem to want to move us back to the days of racial inequality.
  14. I'd have thought Germany needs all the business it can get. It's not looking good for the "powerhouse" economy of the EU. https://www.ft.com/content/7ed06bf8-fe60-4127-b5fe-c8181a0ec8cb
  15. How predictable ????. Although according to the absolute legend Sowell, I probably shouldn't be too concerned ????.
  16. A very weak attempt to justify support for racist policies. Childlike in fact. ????. Instead of making puerile assumptions about someone you have never met, why not show a bit of maturity and intelligence and try to justify your support for these racist policies? By the way, more than half of all Australians share my view so you must have an incredibly low opinion of the Australian population. https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/world/2023/09/more-than-half-of-australians-oppose-indigenous-voice-to-parliament-referendum-poll-shows.html
  17. I'm English. A Pom. What's it all about? Very good question. It's about identity politics raising it's ugly head to sow the seeds of division, as it always does. Giving "a voice" to certain racial minorities (but not to other racial minorities for some reason). Putting race into the Australian constitution. It's a racist policy. Even those on the forum who support it are too ashamed to admit they support it. Why? Because it's clearly racist.
  18. The only dimwitted racists are the ones arguing that race should form part of the Australian constitution. The ones arguing that everyone should be treating equally irrespective of race (as I am arguing) are the non-racists. It's really not complicated. Try harder.
  19. They already have a voice. The have the vote same as White/Asian/Black citizens have the vote. There are aboriginal MP's in Parliament. Your race card appears ineffective on this one.
  20. You won't say whether you support it or not. So I conclude that you do support it but are too ashamed to admit it. Prove me wrong.
  21. No surprise. Another Democrat judge ruling against Trump. I think I see a pattern here. https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm-elections-new-york-lawsuits-manhattan-business-aaf76f04022a30965fcbab35e16e1a2e
  22. Nicely swerved. Too ashamed to admit it? Can't say I'm surprised. It's pretty abhorrent.
  23. Apology accepted. Thanks. Maybe you could follow my example and do something positive instead of pontificating on here all day? Just a thought....
  24. Why not save me the hours of searching your thousands and thousands of posts of drivel to confirm what we already know. Do you support this policy? Yes or No Do you support positive discrimination in the US? Yes or No.
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