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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. I could dial it off the chart if I wished to (I don't) but since you share Chomper's blindness to Biden's faults (or more accurately refuse to acknowledge those which you do see), it would be a waste of time. Since you don't have any counter arguments to my real position, you will continue to create a false position for me and proceed to argue vociferously against that ????. A form of madness? Quite possibly. Fun to watch you jumping through hoops though...
  2. Why you asking me? ???? Ask Tug, he's the one who said the judge had humbled Trump.
  3. Ignoring your continued race baiting, it's not really the place of a judge to demean, degrade or belittle a defendant in a case. Well, unless that judge is a liberal in 2023 America of course.
  4. I'm not sure why you felt the need to bring her race/sex into it? Baiting again?
  5. Liberal judge uses the justice system to derail right wing politician during election campaign against Liberal opponents. Liberals - "Move along please. Nothing to see here". ????
  6. You're preaching to the converted. I dislike Trump and believe he acts inappropriately on occasion. I don't share your blindness to the behavior of Biden and his accomplices/family.
  7. An incredible choice of date. More evidence of the weaponizing of the justice system for political gains. A sad state of affairs for the once great US of A. I wonder if she'd have a different opinion about working the trial around the defendants work commitments if the defendant was working for the BLM movement that she so loves to defend? I'd imagine the judge in the OP will have the same expression on her face as she deals with Trump throughout the trial. Sad times for US justice/politics.
  8. Indeed. It does appear to have taken on the characteristics of an echo chamber.
  9. As a neutral (I dislike both Trump and Biden), it does appear that the sheer number and the timing of charges against Trump are aimed at derailing his political ambitions and allow Biden to win again at the next election. Weaponizing the justice system against political enemies used to be a practice reserved for the likes of Thailand and Myanmar. The US under Biden appears to be in a race to join these types of countries. A race to the bottom. Sad times.
  10. Amazing how they've managed to turn such an epic moment into such a mess. And all over a quick peck on the lips. The most this should have been was a quick word in the ear and an apology in private. Now they've overshadowed possibly the greatest moment in Spanish women's sport and the best women's World Cup ever and all for a bit of grandstanding. It's incredible how people can ruin pretty much any joyous moment in 2023. IMO, he probably shouldn't have done it but was overcome by the moment. No biggie. Kisses on the lips (without use of the tongue) are not sexual IMO. Hence why many parents kiss their children on the lips, team-mates kiss each other on the lips etc. The Woke types likes Megan Rapinoe are just using this to push their bitter, hateful agendas.
  11. No need. This job has been delegated to the left wing media. Joe can claim his hands are clean, like with Hunter’s activities.
  12. The left love to control. Your language, your thoughts, your face coverings, your vaccinations, your money, their truth. Ignore them.
  13. Hush money for the islington champagne socialists. Nobody cares about poor white kids in Grimsby.
  14. Where I said many Muslim countries do not promote homosexuality? That is factually correct. It does not imply I have issues with Muslims. Nice try though... ????
  15. I'm not saying we should ban anything. But we should acknowledge what it is. And that is Religious Bigotry.
  16. I'm not offended. I'm just pointing out that religious bigotry is still bigotry if it is aimed at Evangelical Christians. I'm sure you'd object to me using derogatory terms for Muslims, so I am not quite sure why you are fine with people using them for other religions. I guess it's just more leftist hypocrisy laid bare .
  17. I don't associate with bigots in real life so I see no need to continue the conversation with one on a forum.
  18. Reminds me of Thaksin when the Junta went after him politically. The only difference being, Trump is staying to defend himself instead of Thaksin who fled the country. Lots of parallels between Thailand under the Junta and the US under Biden. Sad times.
  19. It's always amusing when the mask of the #bekind lefties slips. Then watching them jump through hoops to try and justify it because it's a group they hate. "Jesus Freaks". Wow. Religious bigotry there for all to see. Keep using the term, you're just making yourself look worse. Bigotry is Bigotry whether the insult is against black Sunni Muslims (Ragh***s) or white Evangelical Christians (Jesus Freaks).
  20. I've read it again. It's nonsense. You're trying to say it's OK to call him a Jesus Freak because there is no evidence he was an evangelical Christian. That's like saying it's OK to call a dark skinned person from Asia the N word, because there is no evidence he originates from Africa. Ridiculous logic. Jesus Freak is an insult for evangelical Christians. It's derogatory. Only a religious bigot would use it. Same as only a bigot would use the N word, and they would still be a bigot if they used it for someone who was Asian.
  21. But you are not an evangelical christian which is what the derogatory term "Jesus Freak" refers to. It's like a Catholic saying it's OK to insult a Protestant. Or a Shia Muslim saying it's OK to insult a Sunni Muslim. Laughably stupid logic in a attempt to justify your own religious bigotry.
  22. You've made your position clear i.e. you find it perfectly acceptable to use bigoted, insulting terms against religions that you do not like, in this case Evangelical Christians. There is really no need to continue using the term to remind everyone of your bigotry.
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