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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Ridiculously harsh sentences for what was essentially a protest in fancy dress. I guess this is what happens when "Liberals" own the justice system. The steel boot comes down hard on anyone with a differing opinion. Diversity for everything. Except thought.
  2. Time will tell. Trump on the stand, "sticking it to the man" as he will no doubt portray it, in front of millions of people watching live on TV could be a very effective strategy. I'm just not sure that the Dems unleashing their justice department on the opposite side like a rabid dog will play well with the electorate. Let's see.
  3. I can't help but feel the weaponization of the justice system against Trump could backfire badly if it is televised. He's going to be in his element and whatever you think of him it's hard to deny the man has charisma. The whole nation will be glued to it, Trump will be hilarious and there is no such thing as bad publicity,
  4. Of course there is a double standard ????. It's either OK to kiss someone without permission or it is not. The fact that the jockey didn't blow it out of all proprtion while the Spanish drama queen and the likes of Meghan Rapinoe used it to push their Woke agenda is neither here nor there. The act by the "kisser" was the same. It is either OK to do something or it is not. I know you'd like one rule for white males and another rule for non-white females but unfortunately that is not how it works in the real world, not matter how divisive the message you are pushing. If I punch 2 people in the face unprovoked, one cries like a baby and the other one doesn't, I am only guilty of one offense? Laughable logic from you again. I think you're projecting again. I wasn't outraged by the initial kiss on the Spanish drama queen, it was all the pearl clutchers calling for his resignation that were "outraged" by it. I thought it was much ado about nothing.
  5. Still refusing to answer the question? ???? Why not just be honest and admit there is a clear double standard at play here? Is your misandry really that deep rooted? https://www.archysport.com/2023/08/jockey-sean-kirranes-surprising-kiss-from-owner-jolene-after-ebor-festival-win/
  6. Yes, they don't normally race horses on the pitch during a World Cup Final. Great point well made . So, now that you have made your inane observation maybe you can address why there is international outrage when a man plants a smacker on a woman uninvited, but not when a woman plants a smacker on a man uninvited? More double standards from the Wokerati? More Misandry? Surely not...
  7. There are already laws in place to deal with any discrimination (if it actually exists). Those laws need to be enforced stringently (if they are not already). There is no need for a "selected committee" that includes/excludes individuals based on ethnic or racial background. That is what is known as Racism. Everyone should be treated equally according to the law irrespective of race, sex, religion or events that occurred hundreds of years ago. Dragging up events from the distant past is a great way of dividing people in the present and not moving forward.
  8. Is this imaginary as well? https://www.archysport.com/2023/08/jockey-sean-kirranes-surprising-kiss-from-owner-jolene-after-ebor-festival-win/ Yet no outcry when the roles are reversed. What a surprise. Double standards from the Wokies again.
  9. It's a waste of time arguing with these Antifa types. Their obsession with Trump is out of control.
  10. Unfounded allegations and fat shaming. What a post. #bekind
  11. Ridiculous. If this gets through, what is next? A committee of Muslims? Women? Asians? LGBT's? Dwarfs? One person, one vote. That's how it works. No need for this undemocratic nonsense for specific races, ethnicities, cultures, genders, religions etc.
  12. Socialists, Authoritarians, Totalitarians and Fascists have always been close bedfellows. Of course, they love to throw those types of labels at others (except maybe socialist, they consider that a positive thing ????). As is so often the case with the left, they are what they accuse you of being.
  13. No chance. If you vote Trump, you ain't black. - Joe Biden, 2020. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/22/us/politics/joe-biden-black-breakfast-club.html Apparently Joe knows better than black people what it means to be a black person. ????
  14. Spoken like a true, extremist left wing authoritarian. "Lock him up for wrongspeak". ???? Totalitarianism 101. Bravo.
  15. Rapinoe is an arrogant, nasty piece of work. She will be remembered for all the wrong reasons, missing a penalty with her last kick of the ball.???? Couldn't have happened to a nicer woman. Go Woke, Go Choke.
  16. Imagine if a woman did this to a man. I'm sure the outrage would be the same. Oh, wait a minute.???? https://www.archysport.com/2023/08/jockey-sean-kirranes-surprising-kiss-from-owner-jolene-after-ebor-festival-win/
  17. Your categorization of someone with such moderate and often liberal (in the classic sense of the word) views as myself as an extreme right winger only serves to demonstrate how violently you have veered to the extreme left.???? You probably consider Tony Benn to have been a right wing fascist, who was hiding his secret love of Margaret Thatcher behind fake criticism of her ????. Utterly deluded. Amusing though... You've certainly chosen the correct echo chamber to post your extreme leftist views.
  18. I'm not so sure he's on his way to prison. Time will tell, although the justice system is certainly stacked against him. But any check of my posting history shows that I've been critical of both Biden and Trump for a long time. If/when Biden is impeached I will remain consistent in my criticism of him, as I have done with Trump. My love/support for Trump exists in your (and other fanatical left wing poster's) head(s) only. Your blindness to Biden's obvious lies and failings does not make me a fan of Trump. The fact I point out Biden's obvious lies and failings does not make me a fan of Trump. You weak attempts at creating a strawman do not make me a fan of Trump. ????
  19. By "Liberals" I assume you really mean Left Wing Authoritarians? Because I consider myself extremely liberal on most issues in the classic sense of the word. Of course, if you are referring to Liberals in the more "progressive" sense (i.e. a word that extreme left wing authoritarians have hijacked to label themselves, in an attempt try to ban and regulate everything while still appearing kind/virtuous), then you may have a more noteworthy point.
  20. Must be tough living in that world of yours, where everyone with a differing opinion is clearly a MAGA hat wearing, right wing extremist ????????????.
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