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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. I never said it was a rational expectation she might be injured. You made that up (again). I said it was an un-necessary risk.
  2. I think the same rule applies. The guy tore down her Pride flag, she confronted him (despite not knowing anything about him). He shot her. Sometimes discretion is the better part of valour.
  3. Where did I say it was a rational expectation? Oh that's right, I didn't. You made it up (again). I said it was an unnecessary risk. She could have offended someone and angered them without even knowing. Could have been a verbal altercation. Could have ripped it down (they did several times apparently and she put up bigger ones). Could have been a brick through the window. Could have been a punch in the face. That's the point. It's an un-necessary risk, you never know what some loon is capable of.
  4. Putting up flags that you know offend people, then putting up even bigger flags that offend people when someone removes it, then confronting the person who objects to it is antagonistic behaviour. Did she deserve to be shot? Of course not, that's ridiculous to assume I think that. Could she have de-escalated it and stopped antagonizing people with opposing beliefs to her own? Absolutely. Do you think it's fine if someone hung Nazi flags outside their shop in a Jewish area? Every time someone pulled it down they hung a larger Nazi flag? Again, it's antagonistic and unnecessary. My point? Maybe people can start being a bit more considerate of others with different views to themselves. I know it's not a trait of the left but maybe they could at least consider others for once.
  5. Like I said yesterday, if you attend an Antifa rally dressed as Captain America, with a Trump mask on and a MAGA hat then yes, you might get assaulted. I'm not saying you should get assaulted. I am not saying it is right. I am saying people who engage in these types of behaviours are taking an unnecessary risk. It had already been torn down several times and she put up bigger ones. It is ill advised to get into these types of "tit for tat" disputes and it happens on both sides. She knew it offended people. She knew it had been ripped down. She put up a bigger one in it's place then confronted the person who objected to it. What happened is not right. But I think de-escalation rather than antagonism in such situations is sometimes the best course of action. Given what has happened, it's tough to disagree with that.
  6. Interesting details starting to emerge. https://opoyi.com/usa/who-was-travis-ikeguchi-murder-suspect-of-laura-carleton-named/ It would appear she knew she was upsetting people in her community but continued to ramp up the confrontation. A terrible tragedy, RIP Laura. Maybe time for a pause for thought, it's possible to hold views without constantly ramming them down the throats of others.
  7. Oh look, it was a jilted lover and business partner. Imagine that, it was a personal attack and the murderer was known to the victim as I suggested was most likely in my post above. All the race baiters will be most disappointed. No pot to stir this time...
  8. Exactly my point throughout this thread. Couldn't have said it better myself in fact. I'm glad it finally sunk in.
  9. I don't need any. Because I have never claimed the killer was motivated by religious beliefs.
  10. Yes, I am for real. Agreed. We have the freedom to do many things. Depending on the time and the place, not all of them are necessarily a great idea. Some of them invoke needless risk. Certainly religious groups have some strong beliefs on many types of behaviour. It's a good idea to be mindful of that before displaying symbols that are offensive to millions of people, then confronting them when one of them complains. I think due process and an appropriate punishment through the justice system would have been preferable.
  11. I've never seen a frenzy of hate from DeSantis. I've seen him stating biological reality. Do you have any links to this frenzy of hate?
  12. It demonstrates how something as innocuous as a flag can lead to violence. I would have thought that was obvious.
  13. Not sure about the American flag. Maybe it wouldn't go down well in certain areas or with certain demographics. I doubt Megan Rapinoe or Colin Kapernick would appreciate it. But you can certainly be attacked for displaying the British flag in Britain.
  14. I know what it is. I even predicted I would be accused of it in post 4 of this thread when I wrote the following... No false equivalence. Both are freedom of speech/expression that have the potential for a less than desirable reaction. The only difference is that you would support one reaction and not the other.
  15. It was an example of a group that might be offended. I also mentioned Christians but you seem OK with that. No mention of it. Correct. They are examples of groups that she would have known she was offending. Only if you had an agenda.
  16. Your reply was lazy, not my post. I didn't blame the victim. That's another strawman. I didn't blame her any more than I would blame someone who went to an Antifa rally with a MAGA hat on and a stars and stripes cape who got beaten up for shouting "I love Trump" from a loudspeaker. But I would comment that their actions were unwise.
  17. I never stated he was a Muslim. Could have been a Christian. Could have been an escaped convict. Could have been anyone who doesn't like trans ideology. They haven't released any details of the killer. Often this happens when their identity is a bit, ummm, awkward shall we say. If he was a MAGA hat wearing redneck in dungarees, driving a Cadillac Deville draped in the confederate flag I dare say we'd have heard all about it by now. Either way, whether he was Muslim or not is irrelevant. My point was that if you wish to display a flag that is offensive to millions of people, some of which may be extremists, it's possible that a confrontation will ensue.
  18. I was replying to this. Clearly I was saying nothing of the sort. Context dear, context.
  19. Firstly, may I suggest you learn the difference between Europe and the EU. Secondly, if you read my post and that was your conclusion, may I suggest you read it again, slowly this time...
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