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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. OK, either you lack intellect or you are being disingenuous. Neither makes for an interesting debate so I won't waste my time further.
  2. Totally different. This woman involved herself in a tit for tat squabble with strangers by putting up ever larger flags when the offended individuals took them down, even though she knew she was offending them. Then she confronted a person who was in the process of taking it down. She was so convinced that she was right that she didn't care that she was offending people. Some LGBTQ++ activists actually enjoy the fact that it offends people, they revel in it (not saying that's the case here of course but she would certainly have been aware of the fact she was offending people). Did she deserve to be shot? Of course not. That's a ridiculous position to take. Was the confrontation avoidable? Of course. Common sense would tell you that. What is it the lefties always say when they are trying to close down opposing voices? That freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences? Well, sometimes those consequences are not deserved, as in this case. But whether they are deserved or not, consequences are a very real possibility, as this case proves.
  3. Off topic. There are plenty of Biden threads on here if you wish to discuss tribalism, transgressions and duping.
  4. Quite possibly. Another example of why #believeallwomen was such a ridiculous movement. Anyway, good to see this evil woman will never taste freedom again.
  5. Entirely predictable. A few weeks in a luxury suite at the police hospital followed by home detention. Followed by a pardon.
  6. Was that the same period he was working as a truck driver? Or the period that his son died in Iraq? Or when he brought down the national debt by 1.7 trillion? Or when he was frequently arrested as a fierce civil rights activist? Or when he visited his mum in 2015, depsite her dieing in 2010? https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/10/us/politics/biden-exaggeration-falsehood.html
  7. Yeah there has never been any violence from left wingers, the lgbt community, socialists, ANTIFA, communists or marxists. It's all peace and love from them. It's just college students shouting. Fantastic point.
  8. So you're OK with religious bigotry, referring to evangelical Christians as Jesus Freaks? OK, good to know who I am dealing with when the mask slips.
  9. Nice try. Calling someone a Freak and calling someone a Jesus Freak are 2 completely different things. But you already knew that. Maybe just apologize for your mistake and we can all move on.
  10. If a Muslim commits a crime does that entitle us to use derogatory language towards Muslims? Jesus Freak is a derogatory term for evangelical Christians. It is hate speech. No different to calling a Jew a Yid. Disgraceful.
  11. If you think I'm dumb enough to take that stink bait you've underestimated me. PS I believe it's against forum rules to have multiple accounts.
  12. That's not victim blaming. It's stating my belief that escalating the confrontation was unwise. The perp was to blame for the killing.
  13. The whole debacle. Get back to me when he's sleeping on the floor in ankle chains ????.
  14. Absolutely. Disgraceful insult to evangelical Christians. No different to antisemitic rhetoric at all. That's the problem with the left. Insult them and it's hate speech. But they insult others and it's all good.
  15. Disappointed in you Brian. Using hate speech as a generalization to insult an entire branch of Christianity due to the unhinged actions of one man. Not good. Moving over on the dark side. Given your ummm, "position", I doubt that very much. ????
  16. 8 years? No doubt reduced to a 200 Baht fine for pleading guilty (and agreeing not to annoy the Junta). What a clown show.
  17. I have never blamed the victim. That's why your argument is a strawman.
  18. That's not the defintion of a Jesus Freak and you know it full well. Using derogatory language towards a religion and those who follow it is hate speech. You just did it.
  19. You put words into the mouths of others and then argue against the position you took on their behalf. It's called a strawman. You just did it by implying I am blaming the victim. ????
  20. Jesus Freak? That's a pretty hateful way to describe someone who has strong Christian beliefs. I wonder if an equally insulting label for a member of the LGBTQ community or the Muslim community would be allowed on here? Ignoring your hate speech for a moment, it does however backup my theory that the offender was likely a follower of a religion that was not especially compatible with LGBTQ++ ideology. Of course, such a notion was dispelled by the usual suspects. They must get tired of being wrong at such an alarming rate. I certainly don't get tired of being correct so often ????
  21. A little hypocritical don't you think? It's your modus operandi.
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