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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Actually that is a mis-representation of what she said. She was drawing a distinction between Paedophilia, Hebephilia and Ephebophilia. You might wish to educate yourself on the difference and then you would know that what Prince Andrew (the subject Lady C was discussing) was accused of would be defined as Ephebophilia, since he "allegedly" had a sexual encounter with someone aged 17 (perfectly legal in the UK) whereas Paedophilia relates to pre-pubescent children. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebephilia Maybe you should watch more of her videos. It's never to late to become more educated.
  2. Well, you think Cocaine use is cool so I thought you might think Smack was as well. Allow me to educate you about how cool the Cocaine trade is, directly resulting from the likes of priviliged party animals like Harry. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-trafficking-drugs-uk-idUSKCN1B919D Pretty cool huh? Harry snorting Coke that was produced off the backs of slavery, drug mules, drug cartels etc.
  3. I don't know. Why? Are they not as cool as Cocaine? Thought so.
  4. Teenagers with mental health problems doing class A drugs like Coke is cool? How about crack? Smack? Meth? You must think that would be amazing. Lady C frequently alludes to it in her videos, although for legal reasons she does it with subtlety so it might go over your head or more likely you will pretend not to see it and that a title "problems of substance, Sniffs, whiffs" is about having a cold and flatulence ????.
  5. Cocaine Harry!!! What a surprise. He's really selling himself, isn't he... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11602447/Prince-Harrys-book-Duke-reveals-took-cocaine-times.html No surprise really, lots of talk on social media that Harry and Harry's wife still regularly enjoy the company of Charlie.
  6. "I know but I'm not telling". ???? Is that the best you've got? Why don't you answer the question? Is it because you can't?
  7. Thanks. Yes when ultra privilged millionaires try and paint themselves as perpetual victims while so many people around the world are suffering with REAL as opposed to imagined problems, it's really a case of laughing it off. I just can't take their incessant whining seriously.
  8. I'm sure I'll get to hear about all the "best" bits whether I like it or not. Unless you do a complete media/social media blackout it's pretty hard to avoid this odious couple. Frankly, Whinge and Cringe are invading MY space at this point. The only saving grace is that it does make me chuckle to listen to Harry's pitiful tales of hardship living as a Millionaire Prince and how William gave him a well deserved clip round the ear. ????
  9. Wow, William just went up in my estimation. I always liked him to be honest. Seems like he has something about him. Beautiful wife/kids as well. The country is in safe hands. It's a shame Harry had to go crying to the public about it (again!) though. Still, I guess he has no other way to pay for all those planet saving private jets, SUV's and 16 bedroom mansions.
  10. Yeah I agree. He was old school. Born in 1921. He struck me as a nice bloke but a bit out of touch and from a completely different era. As I said before, it's really unfair to judge someone who spent their formative years in the 1930's by todays standards of Wokery and perpetual offence taking. If the current trend continues the things we say that are part of everyday language today will be punishable by death by about 2070. Personally I think we've almost reached "Peak Woke" and common sense will start to prevail, as we've started to see recently with the WBC stopping men beating up women in the boxing ring in the name of being trans inclusive. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/boxing-is-right-to-stop-men-fighting-women/
  11. Is was a progressive transformation after meeting Markle. The uxorious sap. He's the type of simp who if he married Kelly Osbourne he'd be walking around with purple hair and getting tattoos done. Not an original thought in that simple mind of his. Simple PR. He didn't need to 'speak to' the Chief Rabbi, any Jew could have explained why his actions were so reprehensible and he could have simply listened, not spoken - he might have learned something for once. Likewise, there was no need to travel to Berlin (I thought he was an eco warrior) there are Holocaust survivors right there in London. But no, he's Prince Harry so he has to make a grand show of his penance and rack up even more air miles. The grandiosity of the guy - Saving the planet, one PR stunt at a time.
  12. Pure hypocrisy. "Hey, I'm all about climate change and like, denouncing white privilige yah. Is the interview over? OK, fab. Hey Geoffrey, get the keys to the Rolls, my private jet to the polo match takes off in like, 30 minutes yah". Ludicrous. ???? Hence the wide spread mockery of this couple. Well deserved too, let's hope they get some good advice and get out of the limelight for a while.
  13. We both know he could hardly go about his new role as the holier than thou member of the Wokerati, preaching to others about racism without renouncing his own actions first, could he? As is so often the case "they are what they accuse you of being". Never a better example than the White millionaire prince with a history of racism preaching about white privilige and racism. ???? The private jet taking, SUV driving eco warrior preaching about climate change. You couldn't make it up. Satire at it's finest.
  14. Because they are both narcissists who couldn't handle being number 2.
  15. No disadvantage to not being able to own land, work in certain fields, having to pay more tax, having to pay more to enter certain attractions (private AND public) ????. Yeah, no disadvantage there. ???? That's before you begin on the casual racism of being called by your ethnicity in the street. "Hey farang" is fine. I wonder your opinion if a member of the Royal family shouted "Hey Asian" at someone. That's just Thailand. Try walking down the street in Cape Town or Johannesberg at 2am as a white man. You'll feel actual disadvantage real quick. The double standards are seismic on this one.
  16. You made it sound like being white you cannot comment on seeing a lot of racism. Maybe you could make it a bit clearer what you mean by "that experience" next time. The experience of being Indian or the experience of seeing a lot of racism? Thanks in advance. Back on topic, not much subtle interpretation needed on Harry's behaviour.
  17. White people never experience racism? ???? I thought you lived in Thailand?
  18. My heart bleeds, it really does. Imagine being born into incredible wealth, royalty, a Prince no less, women swooning at you, crowds cheering you, never have to do a proper days work in your life. Living in vast castles surrounded by mile upon mile of beautiful private countryside to play as you wish, servants attending to every whim, private security, chauffeur driver in fleets of luxury cars, private schools, meeting celebs in the executive boxes of prestigious sporting events. But alas, you are only the SECOND in line to the throne. SECOND!!!!!! How can that possibly be fair. Number 2???? The pain, I can barely imagine it. ???? The guy is so out of touch with the real world it's really just satire at this point.
  19. Doesn't exist. Hence you have provided no evidence. There is none. I however have provided links for Harry's racism. That must be annoying...
  20. Thank Goodness. George, at the age of 9 shows far greater maturity and class than the Man Child, perpetual victim, Harry.
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