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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. AI is still in it's infancy. If it were a human it would be a spotty 16 year old that thinks it knows everything. Once it matures, it will undoubtedly drop the silly left wing bias and move towards the right like most mature adults do (present company excepted).
  2. So imaginative. Never heard that one before. Bravo. No mention of Unicorns? I'm disappointed in you. Moving away from inane, repetitive catchphrases, given the figures I linked to either they are inept or they are deliberately allowing them onto the boats. Placeholder believes they are inept. I believe they are deliberate allowing them onto boats. And you?
  3. Strawman. I was reply to the post suggesting he should be locked up prior to his trial because everyone knows he must be guilty anyway. Now I know that's what you'd really like, but you could at least pretend to believe in due process for everyone irrespective of political leanings. It would make you sound more credible.
  4. Prayut succeeded in putting the proles firmly back in their place and destroying any remaining pretense of Thailand being a Democratic country. He also siphoned off billions for himself and his uber rich pals. Apart from that, he failed.
  5. Yeah who needs a trial? It's not like due process is really important anyway. I mean, he's clearly guilty of wrongthink and wrongspeak so why waste the money on a fair trial? Just lock him up already. Burma style ????.
  6. Maybe the French are just totally inept as you suggest, but I doubt they are breaking their backs, given the figures. https://news.sky.com/story/more-than-100-000-people-have-now-crossed-the-channel-in-small-boats-since-records-began-12937722
  7. Stephen Colbert, the left wing comedian? What a shocker he would say such a thing. Rack that us as fact ????.
  8. Illegal channel crossings. Do try to keep up dear, it's tiresome pointing out the obvious.
  9. It needs to be done from both ends. You prefer France lets them make the perilous channel crossing and then we send them back across the channel. You need to see more drownings? More suffering? For what? Political point scoring?
  10. The future? Have you not seen the news over the last few months? It's still rampant.
  11. I'd agree. It would be the equivalent of a boxer cashing out as he accepts his decline at the end of a decent career. Taking an inevitable loss for a final pay cheque and a more comfortable retirement. Given that Thaksin isn't getting any younger he might conclude that this is his only card in terms of getting back to Thailand. It would almost certainly spell the end of PT though, which wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing since a lot of their voters would probably go to whatever MFP reforms as, consolidating the anti Junta vote.
  12. Maybe the French are not honouring the agreement. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2023/08/13/ministers-frustrated-french-failure-stop-migrant-crossings/
  13. I don't know what you do with your bikes but tune ups and oil changes? I have a 17 year old Yamaha Nouvo MX that is still going strong, I change the oil every couple of years at the cost of 100 Baht. I've never "tuned it up". The biggest hassle is punctures but as fair as I am aware e-bikes are not immune from them. It does 150 kms between charges, and the "charge" takes 30 seconds and there are stations everywhere. It does over 100 kph. Yes I have to pay for petrol, but it's hardly a massive expense on a 115cc scooter. Most people will be using batteries charged by fossil fuels anyway. Electricity isn't getting any cheaper. As far as I can see these e-bikes do 60 kph (mine does 110) and has a range of 60 kms (mine does 150). My bike doesn't require mining (and subsequent recycling/disposal) of many precious metals. I've done 600kms a day on mine, that's 10 charges/battery swaps on an e-bike, if you can find the stations. Let's see how your e-bike is holding up in 17 years from now. Let's see if spare parts are still available a decade from now, if the manufacturer is still even in business. Plus, these e-bikes look like they fell out of a Christmas cracker. I own an electric mountain bike. It's only really useful for getting to the MRT station and back if I remembered to charge the battery. Personally, if I was buying tomorrow I'd be getting a Honda Super Cub 110cc.
  14. I believe they will. After all, PT was formed by Thaksin, for Thaksin. If that is the best deal on the table, they will take it.
  15. Good question. Maybe they made the mistake of believing the french would honour their commitments. Big mistake given their history and the EU's bitter attitude since Brexit. I would have given them nothing. I also would have given them nothing during the Brexit divorce bill negotiations but then I am not a huge fan of the EU as you may know. Got links for that? No. What is being requested is what needs doing.
  16. Disgraceful if this happens. The people vote for MFP and PT and end up with Prayut being replaced with Prawit. If the Thai people put up with this I have to say they deserve the government they will get.
  17. Same here. I was actually backpacking in Hawaii on the day Diana died. I spoke to many locals who openly told me of their hate for tourists. Many of them were really quite proud of it, it was like a badge of honour for them. Good to see things haven't changed in almost 3 decades. Nice folks indeed. I'm sure they won't be turning down the donations though.
  18. Absolute nonsense. Biggest load of tosh I've heard for ages. Back in reality, we agreed to pay 576 million to France. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/11/europe/uk-france-illegal-immigration-funding-intl-hnk/index.html#:~:text=Britain's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak,Paris on March 10%2C 2023.&text=The United Kingdom said on,immigration across the English Channel. Of course, the French will do nothing. PS we won't be rejoining. So get used to waiting.
  19. Could have been either the ref or the VAR. https://thepfsa.co.uk/var-explained-what-is-it-and-how-does-it-work/#:~:text=Does the referee call for,their advice or ignore it. The fact that neither thought it was even worth a look is staggering.
  20. Well they split up not long after that. But hardly forgotten. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/jun/01/a-light-that-never-goes-out-why-the-smiths-are-eternally-influential#:~:text=The Smiths' influence is so,sensibility that can be felt. PS the thread is about Morrissey, not The Smiths... Quite different. Like comparing Ian Brown's solo stuff to The Stone Roses.
  21. I don't find the songs depressing at all. Quite the opposite in fact. I guess it depends on your mindset...
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