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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. You’re giving yourself way too much credit, that news wasn’t very exciting at all. If you have proof of his guilt, post links.
  2. I don’t need to provide links proving his innocence. If you have links proving his guilt, post them. Yeah, didn’t think so…
  3. Lock WHO up? Provide links to my post asking for a female (whoever you are referring to, I have no idea) to be locked up based on no evidence. Links or a retraction. Chop chop. Good lad.
  4. I thought the law states innocent until proven guilty ? People on the right are guilty until proved innocent? ???? Please provide links proving his guilt.
  5. I wondered how long it would be before these type of allegations were made. That's what happens when you speak truth to power. It was inevitable. Good luck Andrew. Let's hope truth prevails.
  6. Great news for advocates of diversity. Kanye embodies diversity. Viva diversity.
  7. Yes I work here for a multinational that has invested heavily in Thailand, benefitting thousands of local people. We all know the difference between simple economic cooperation between nation states and the broader aims of globalization in terms of cultural diversification and the eradication of borders and nation states.
  8. I agree with the first sentence (ending with the explanation mark). Trading openly with minimum tariffs with the rest of the world, and Globalization are 2 very different things as I'm sure you are aware.
  9. I think you need to learn a bit more about globalization. Either that, or stop being disingenuous.
  10. Globalization is a fantasy for middle class, white "Liberals" (Liberal in the Woke sense of the word, not the classic sense). The rest of the world laughs at it. Rightly so.
  11. As I said, interesting that such a headline would be selected for the OP given the fact that the ban applies to all EU countries, plus Canada, US, Japan and Australia (and the UK). I will forgive your snide comments towards GB News and it's viewership, given their political leanings and rapidly growing success. https://pressgazette.co.uk/publishers/gb-news-sky-news-prime-time-ratings/
  12. This is my main concern. I'd support 7 days quarantine for ALL travellers from China, irrespective of a test result. Covid tests are very unreliable, I was unwell for over 48 hours before I finally tested positive for Covid. Plus most of them willl have had less effective Chinese vaccines.
  13. Interesting that the title focuses on the ban on sales to the UK when in fact the ban is for all countries abiding by the price cap, which is the G7, EU and Australia ????. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64102180
  14. Why put politics ahead of the health of the citizens? What are you so afraid of being discovered?
  15. Oh OK I get it now. Like everything else, this is really about Trump as far as you are concerned. Forget uncovering the truth, Orange Man Bad is far more important.
  16. I don't know and I don't care. I have no interest in DeSantis and I am not interested in the politics of it all, I'd like to know more about the vaccines that we were coerced into taking. Any investigation is a positive thing as far as I am concerned. I have no time for people trying to deny a probe on political grounds. We need to know as much as possible about what happened and the health implications going forward.
  17. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear. Let them investigate fully.
  18. I don't see the harm in having a probe. If everything was fine with the vaccines, that is what the probe will show. It may even uncover information to help save lives in the event of a future pandemic. The fact that so many people are terrified of such an investigation is fascinating.
  19. Ummmm, so has Britain. https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/grossdomesticproductgdp/bulletins/gdpmonthlyestimateuk/october2022
  20. The plot thickens. It appears that EU Parliamentarians were colluding with Moroccan spies. https://www.politico.eu/article/mohamed-belahrech-morocco-spy-qatargate-european-union-scandal-corruption/ Looking forward to more news about this as the investigation continues into next year.
  21. Oh look, another UK/Brexit bashing thread. ???? Interestingly, the UK economy grew in October. Meanwhile, the Eurozone is heading into recession. https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/11/11/europes-record-inflation-will-peak-at-year-end-but-remain-high-in-2023-says-brussels#:~:text=The eurozone and most EU,European Commission's autumn economic forecast. But let's ignore that and bash the UK. I remain delighted we left. The first couple of years were always going to be tough as we had to get all the trade deals rolled over, plus Covid struck at around the same time (leaving the EU helped greatly with the vaccine rollout let's not forget). Now that's out of the way, watch as the UK goes from strength to strength, as October showed. Not that it was about % points of GDP anyway, it was about getting out of the corrupt, failing federalist project, the European Union. https://www.euronews.com/video/2022/12/25/european-parliaments-former-vice-president-eva-kaili-spends-christmas-in-jail
  22. Well you are aware now. 20. The age is 20. It's in the Wiki article here seeing as you missed it. And if you don't beleive Wiki it's also clear in these 2 articles. https://www.tatnews.org/2022/07/rules-and-regulations-concerning-cannabis-and-hemp-use-in-thailand/#:~:text=Thailand's Ministry of Public Health,have permission from a doctor). https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40016730 So Cannabis is not "for the most part" legally the same as stones or fresh air. It's complete different in fact.
  23. You're not aware of age restrictions? You think 7 year olds can legally buy and use Cannabis in Thailand? ???? I think you're confusing it with stones and fresh air again. I'm not surprised you need lawyers on a daily basis if such basic laws escape your attention (even when the answer was in the link I provided).
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