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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Actually they consistenty tried to isolate Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK under the guise of protecting the Northern Ireland protocol and avoiding a hard border on the island of Ireland. Trying to drive a wedge between the two at every opportunity. There's even a secretly recording of Barnier talking about it. Hardly QAnon ????... https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1508742/michel-barnier-news-unearthed-clip-plans-isolate-ireland-northern-ireland-protocol-spt So yeah, don't expect too much sympathy from me when the EU's power supplies dry up due to one of it's own corrupt Vice Presidents. They made their bed, let them lie in it.
  2. I just heard he's counted the mail-in votes and now the results show 85% want him to stay ????.
  3. Actually most British people support legal immigration from individuals who can enhance and contribute to the country. Illegal immigration? Not so much. Much the same as pretty much every country around the world actually. I guess every country is full of right wing bigots by your criteria? ???? I've highlighted the important words (and not used to many long ones) so you don't miss the point again.
  4. Did you check what word it was? Hardly hate speech, says more about the software then it does about Spiked. ????
  5. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1710358/european-union-eu-parliament-qatar-scandal-eva-kaili-roberta-metsola-commission-council
  6. Yes the Belgian police did a great job investigating the corrupt MEP's. Well done. It's a shame the EU themselves didn't have the same motivation/tenacity to report on the rampant corruption within their ranks. I wonder why?
  7. She was certainly acting on behalf of other members of the European Parliament who were also in on the corrupt scheme. Does every single member have to be involved before you consider it a problem of corruption within the EU? ???? It would seem other members of the EP realize how significant it is, even if you try to brush it under the carpet. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/european-parliament-lawmaker-denies-taking-bribes-qatar-lawyer-2022-12-13/
  8. They can hardly deny there's a problem with all the evidence mounting up, you know, like suitcases stuffed full of cash. ????
  9. So what? ???? It seems not everyone is as accepting of corruption by EU Vice Presidents as you are. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63952993 "So What"? ???? Classic.
  10. It's not only her though is it. https://www.politico.eu/article/inside-fight-impunity-brussels-ngo-qatar-corruption-scandal-european-parliament-panzeri-kaili-giorgi/ https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20221217-partner-of-ousted-european-parliament-vp-eva-kaili-confesses-to-his-role-in-qatar-graft-case She is the tip of the iceberg. The rot runs deep, and the investigation hasn't even concluded yet. Of course the EU is corrupt, as I explained yesterday it is designed that way. https://www.spiked-online.com/2019/07/03/this-is-what-eu-democracy-looks-like/ At least it's floating to the surface now for all to see.
  11. Not sure what you are talking about but this thread is about EU corruption, please stay on topic. Correct, so that makes it OK then I suppose? Nothing to do with the EU, just individual member states ????. You're really on form today, laugh a minute ????
  12. Eva Kaili is Vice President of the European Parliament ????
  13. Or alternatively stop doing shady, corrupt deals (involving suitcases stuffed full of cash) with countries that supply your energy, ala the EU.
  14. You have my sympathy. You must really struggle in life if you are so inept at reading human behaviour. Although as a foreigner in Thailand, it might actually be a blessing. ????
  15. Clarkson is a murderer? ???? Sorry, did I miss something? I thought he just made an amusing jibe.
  16. I am not choosing to see it. ???? It is what is there staring me in the face. Pretty much everyone who is honest enough to admit it, can see it. Only those who gaslight or have a major problem interpreting human interaction can't see it. It's like seeing someone laugh and swearing blind they are crying, you are fooling nobody ????.
  17. If you genuinely can't identify that behaviour as mockery, I genuinely sympathize. Emotional Intelligence can vary greatly between individuals.
  18. Watch it from 1 minute on. Pay attention to Meghan's mocking and Harry's embarrassment. If you can't see that is mocking behaviour, either you are gaslighting (most likely), or you genuinely lack the ability to interpret human behaviour, body language and responses to them.
  19. Of course she mocked it. You are gaslighting again. If she can't take it, she shouldn't dish it out.
  20. Ironically, many of the non-whites in London are racist and/or anti-semitic. So maybe he has a point ????. I highly doubt there is much racism in the champagne socialist, Guardian reading, gentrified areas where white people still make up the majority though.
  21. Always best to avoid questions you have no answer to, I suppose. She was mocking the traditions of curtseying the Queen, calling our traditions Medieval while laughing at them. If a white British person mocked the traditions of an African culture in such a way you would call it racist, ignorant and insulting. Your double standards are there for all to see and have been well and truly exposed. A birthday cake? Thanks, but you're a few months late.
  22. The main thing for me is that those seeking to undermine the government at the expense of the country have been put firmly back in their place.
  23. Blair and Bush certainly have a lot to answer for in terms of destabilizing the middle east with their illegal war based on WOMD lies.
  24. Which part of my post do you disagree with? Care to elaborate? Or have you been reduced to just posting facetious, vacous comments now?
  25. Hopefully it will deter them. It's got to be better than just throwing our hands in the air and admitting it's a free for all and we can no longer control who can come into the country.
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