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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. The lefty doomsday cultists love all this climate change garbage. It serves multiple purposes for them. Give us all your money in the form of green taxes and we'll redistribute it as we see fit. Stop desiring luxurious items, stop taking holidays, just go to work, pay your taxes to big state and be happy with a cup of lentil soup and a blanket in winter. Meanwhile, we, the adults in the room, will jet around the world to climate conferences and parade ourselves as the literal saviours of the world. Good work, if you can get it. Thatcher saw it coming a mile off. A true visionary.
  2. Well, it took several years to end freedom of movement due to the losers refusing to accept the democratic will of the people after Brexit. Years/Billions were wasted on that... Once we'd done that, the government have tried deporting people many times and they get blocked at every turn by the left leaning judicial system. Look at the Rwanda debacle. Years and millions wasted on court battles. Then we've got the French authorities refusing to stop the people smuggling gangs on their side. So even if we deported them, more are coming every day. It's not as simple as just "blame the Tories for not building houses".
  3. Well they were clearly at fault for starting the fight outside the bar, you can't just go around slapping people for doing their job. Given their behaviour outside the bar, I highly doubt they were ejected for sporting the wrong colour of bow tie. Looked like a couple of kicks to me. That's what happens when you attack people. They punch and kick you in retaliation. Don't fancy getting kicked in the head? Don't start fights with bouncers in foreign countries at 1am. Maybe in 60's Britain when dealing with PC plod on his bicycle, but I'm talking about real world. F-around and find out. If someone had done this to these clowns years ago maybe they'd have learnt a valuable lesson, be a bit more respectful of others and stop acting like loudmouth entitled chavs.
  4. Virtue signalling? Ooohh look at yooouuuu.???? Of course it is 'to do with' it. If all the housing is taken up with asylum seekers there is none left for British people who need it. Same as school places, hospital beds etc.
  5. Labour's inability to win elections is nobody's fault but their own. If they could form a coherent manifesto, form sensible positions on things like gender issues, and remove more embarrassments like Abbott from the party then maybe people would forgive them for the atrocities committed in Iraq the last time they were in power.
  6. I don't. You have (deliberately) missed/twisted the point I was making. Disingenious in the extreme. Of course I would prefer the struggling ex-military got to stay in the 4 star hotels that the immigrants are currently getting. But since that is not a realistic option, if I was given the choice between an ungrateful asylum seeker getting an (allegedly sparse) place on the barge, or ex-military getting it, I'd give it to the ex-military. It's got to be better than living on the streets which unfortunately is where some of them end up after serving our country, many of them during Blair's illegal/immoral invasion of Iraq based on WMD lies.
  7. Why Germany? Because it is the largest economy in the EU. The "powerhouse" of the EU economy. Same as if I was looking at cities in the UK to represent the health of the UK's financial sector, I'd choose London, not Grimsby.
  8. Well the UK economy as a whole is growing. So whatever dip there has been exporting manufactured goods to zee Germans has clearly been offset by growth elsewhere. I guess that's one of the benefits of leaving an overly regulated, protectionist trading bloc (that you pay Billions for the privilige of propping up) and opening up your horizons to the rest of the world. Global Britain. Marvellous. Who could have guessed? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2023/07/25/british-economy-outperform-germany-this-year-imf/#:~:text=Britain will outperform Germany this,of its annual economic healthcheck.
  9. Like it has under the Tories? https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/projects/nhs-in-a-nutshell/nhs-budget
  10. Trying to blame the Tories is laughable. If I tell you I'm going to the shops and then go rob a bank, it's your fault for allowing me to "go to the shops", not my fault for robbing the bank. Quite a reach ????.
  11. I understand it (I assume you mean control) but without giving accurate figures on the impact of both categories it's a pretty meaningless statement. A bit like saying my annual expenses consisted of rent, food and a pair of flip-flops. Since the flip-flops were non essential, we can conclude that I was frivoulous with my annual expenses. The impact of Brexit was negligibile, as I have already stated is demonstrated by the fact that the largest EU economy which remained is doing worse than Britain who left. The impact of Brexit will also decline with each passing year.
  12. Accepted on the basis of Blair's lies about WMD. At that point, knowledge of his nature of being a pathological liar was not widespread as it is now.
  13. Oh don't worry, there are plenty more fools within the Labour Party capable of derailing their election campaign. Starmer has only just worked out what a woman is. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12341781/Keir-Starmer-finally-accepts-woman-adult-female-Labour-leader-confirms-party-U-turn-gender-self-identification-admits-policy-not-right-way-forward.html
  14. Do you realize how many countries economies suffered due to Covid and the war in Ukraine? The UK is not unique in that regard, in fact they have done very well compared to many. Your theory that every other country suffered due to Covid and the war, but the UK suffered due solely to Brexit is laughable. Even with Covid and the war (2 massive events and not under the control of the UK) Britain has not suffered anywhere near the extent as predicted by Project Fear. In fact, even I expected a longer period of disruption but the resilience of the economy and the speed by which we have done trade deals has been very impressive. The lies about the impact of Brexit have been exposed, and your lame attempts to brush this under the carpet are failing.
  15. 4 years of Labour would be too much to bear. They could do massive damage in such a period. I reckon he should leave the election as late as possible. Labour have a habit of losing elections that they should win (failure becomes a habit), so I'd give them as much time as possible to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. They might do something ridiculous like make Diane Abbott the face of their election campaign. ???? https://www.lbc.co.uk/radio/presenters/nick-ferrari/diane-abbotts-agonising-interview-over-policy-cost/
  16. A Labour government would inflict far more damage on the country than Brexit could ever do.
  17. Unlike Germany, which is in recession and is already being outperformed by the UK, and which is likely to continue to be outperformed by the UK. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2023/07/25/british-economy-outperform-germany-this-year-imf/ Given that the UK left the EU and Germany remained in the EU (but both suffered from Covid lockdowns and the war in Ukraine), it does not take an epic understanding of constants and variables to establish that leaving the EU was not the disaster it was predicted to be (well, if you exclude the impact on the German's export market...).
  18. I'd agree with this. But it's not unique to Pattaya. Phuket girly bars are full of the dregs as well. For some reason Bangkok bars are slightly better, but not much.
  19. Slap bouncers anywhere in the world and you're likely to get hurt. Why were they asked to leave the bar in the first place? Probably acting like tossers. Then they slap the bouncer outside. What were they expecting? A wai and a free drink? No sympathy from me.
  20. It did. https://www.ft.com/content/af5820bf-0af6-4228-8223-4cb79cc5a6d6
  21. Are you some kind of unofficial arbiter/announcer of fellow posters political leanings now? Congrats on the promotion, in fairness given the amount of time you spend on here you probably deserve something in return although (like others I could name but won't) I suspect you already receive that under a different username ????. There is a time and a place for raising and lowering interest rates. A bit like having a weak or a strong currency, it isn't universally a good or a bad thing, it depends on economic conditions and what you are trying to achieve. Frankly, I would have thought you would have known that...
  22. Like I said, the mentality of Dems on this forum who react to every criticism of someone on the left by labelling people right wing Trump supporters. It's all they've got ????. It's no wonder she acts how she does, she's dumbing it down to suit the needs of her audience. I even saw a "You go girl" by one of them on this very thread.
  23. By childishly tearing up some papers with a smug expression on her face? ???? Her and Biden appear to be on a race back to infancy. All that was missing was her stamping her foot, poking out her tongue and screaming "I HATE YOU". The state of US politics... Wow. Although, in defense of her behaviour you only have to read some of the posts by the Democrat supporters on this forum to see the type of crowd she is playing to. ????
  24. Awww, is the Wifi not fast enough on the barge? They don't like the shade of the curtains? Those who don't accept the kind offer should be deported and the accomodation given to British ex-military that have fallen on hard times, or the homeless.
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