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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Bit more detail on the head/markings. I think JaiMaai might be right....
  2. You knowledge of snakes appears akin to your knowledge of competent political leaders. ???? Any serious replies?
  3. It tells me statistics can be used to prove just about anything when there are so many other factors involved. It doesn't justify injecting people with multiple rushed through vaccines against their will. Africa did fine without vaccines. That tell you anything?
  4. Hi, Any idea what this is? The dog killed it while I was working on my motorbike. Rat snake? Near Korat, if that makes a difference...
  5. It's incredible how Africa did so well without much in the way of vaccines. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/23/health/covid-africa-deaths.html That people are still trying to force these vaccines on others by claiming they are harming others (you're going to kill Granny etc.) is actually an insult to the intelligence. Some people just love telling other people what to do I guess.
  6. So what about people who have caught Covid multiple times and therefore have natural immunity that is far more effective than some rushed through vaccines? They still need to be injected against their will under the threat of government penalties like loss of livelihood?
  7. The left's ultra authoritarian policies of forcing people to be injected with vaccines that were rushed through and can cause significant harm to certain individuals, under the threat of losing their livelihood is an absolute disgrace. The fact that you still support it when so many governments around the world have clearly rolled back on such totalitarian strategies is telling. Such policies are very much in line with some core aspects of fascism, such as controlling the lives of the masses under some form of government threat, suppressing freedom of individual choice, and disdain for human rights.
  8. Wow the vice president no less. It really does go right to the top. And as they say, the fish rots from the head. Let's hope they start taking corruption in the EU a bit more seriously this time. It's been brushed under the carpet for far too long.
  9. You do realize the vaccines do not stop you catching, or transmitting the virus? They reduce the symptoms for the person who has taken the vaccine. There is no place for these type of fascist policies that undermine bodily autonomy in modern, democratic societies.
  10. Whataboutism at it's finest. Let's stay on topic shall we?
  11. No surprise. Many of us have been talking about how corrupt the EU is for years. Thank goodness we left.
  12. No need to be bitter - we got what we wanted ????. Bitterness is the domain of the Remainer/Rejoiner. Should be interesting to see how this EU corruption scandal plays out though...
  13. Religion and government intertwining is one of the early warning signs of fascism. Forcing religious precepts onto a population is definitely not the way to go. It would appear the younger generation are more aware than the dinosaurs in charge.
  14. Interesting that the EU is happy to deal with individuals who stole power from a democrqtically elected government via a coup, then installed themselves as PM. On second thoughts, given the direction the EU seems to be moving in they may have more in common than before. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63941509
  15. Well, maybe it would be prudent to wait for the trial before we string him up... Given your comments on this thread, it's a bit rich to complain about someone making unfounded allegations, no? ????
  16. So please provide links that forbids these specific Tesla employees from taking second jobs without approval. And links that this required approval was refused by Tesla. Until then, you have nothing on him. It's purely a personal dislike for the guy (which I can understand but at least be honest about it).
  17. Volunteer work is still work. Have you really never heard of unpaid work? Or are you being disingenuous?
  18. It is you generating confusion. Why would they need authorization to work at Tesla? We are talking about Tesla employees working at Twitter. Not Twitter employees working at Tesla. So why would you write this? You are clearly getting confused. And as for this... Yes if there was a clause in my contract that stated I needed approval to take a second job then that would apply. If you have links to show the Tesla employees have such a clause in their contracts please provide them. Also, please provide links that prove that if such a clause exists, that they weren't given such approval by Tesla.
  19. I'm saying we don't know what's in their contract about taking second jobs, and we don't know if they are getting paid for it and if so, who is paying them. So you are trying to bury Musk when you don't even know the facts of the matter. Desperate stuff.
  20. I'm not sure of your point. Did you mean to work at Twitter? Or Tesla? Are you getting confused? I needed authorization from the animal shelter to volunteer there, yes.
  21. You don't even know if they were getting paid or not.
  22. Could have been either. As long as it was Twitter paying them and not Tesla, would that be illegal? Again, I've worked 2 jobs at the same time before. Lot's of people do a second job in the evenings or weekends. It would depend if this was banned in their Tesla contracts. Have you seen the contracts? If so, please post a link.
  23. It's normally OK for employees to do volunteer work out of hours. I used to do it myself for an animal shelter in the UK at weekends, my company knew about it and had no problems at all. I didn't do it instead of sleeping either, I managed to work the day job, volunteer, and have a social life with both my colleagues and other volunteers as well - amazing huh ????. It might even be illegal for Musk to stop his staff doing volunteer work outside their contracted hours. As long as they aren't doing it for a Tesla competitor then I don't see why it would be an issue. Clutching at straws.
  24. Volunteering after hours. The Musk haters are getting desperate ????.
  25. "According to internal records viewed by CNBC." Sorry, but that doesn't constitute real evidence. The equivalent of "unnamed sources told us".
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