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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. I doubt the ripoff ATK tests are helping either. "Come to Rayong and pay to have a stick shoved up your nose and a wade in crude oil". Now I'm no marketing guru but I reckon I've seen better campaigns.
  2. Very sad. But nothing to do with the size of the bike. They only go as fast as you twist the throttle. They're not wild horses with a mind of their own. Looks like the Vios was doing the old "Pull onto the highway and get straight into the outside lane while still doing 10kph to make a U turn" trick. Probably while simultaneously perfecting the "No need to look if I do it slow" routine.
  3. Not the word beginning with C that I would have chosen to describe him.
  4. I also dislike both sides and have no political affiliation to either. They key difference is that one was voted for by the Thai people and the other stole power through the barrel of a gun. One could be removed by the electorate if they were unpopular, one cannot. Thaksin brought huge investment into Thailand, creating jobs etc. Remember back when Thailand was an Asian Tiger and a fun, vibrant place to be? Seems an age away doesn't it... Also, despite Thaksin's undoubted corruption he did do some positive things, he did throw the poor a few crumbs. The Junta has done nothing for the poor, absolutely nothing and has taken Thailand back decades. The gap between rich and poor has grown massively since he stole power. His vision is to return to the days of the serfs graaping at the feet of the lords. All the while spouting his fake puritanism and donning his pious demeanour. Thaksin was much better for Thailand than Prayut has been or could ever be, the fact that your house got flooded during his premiership should not cloud your ability to see that.
  5. Exactly. If the Junta are ever voted out of power (unlikely given how they've rigged the election system and eliminated the competition) they will simply wait a year or two until some minor event happens (flooding, drought etc.) and then steal power illegally again, proudly proclaiming it's for the good of Thailand and all Thai people. The ignorant will cheer. Those who object will risk physical violence and/or jail. And so the cycle will continue.
  6. Doesn't sound much of a businessman. Seems to get ripped off on every deal he does and rides around on an MSX. Either way, this was obviously a massive over-reaction by a very unstable individual, especially killing the daughter who had nothing to do with it as far as I can tell. As for the other victims, not paying back debts is the equivalent of stealing (a very cowardly way of stealing but stealing nonetheless) and I live by the rule "If it ain't yours, don't take it". If you steal from people you might get away with it. You might get a good kicking or in extreme cases you might get shot (especially in Thailand). Any Thai knows the risks of ripping people off here and it seems three of the four victims in this case decided to take that risk. Hopefully the perpertrator goes away for life and some other people think twice before ripping off others and their parents.
  7. This is what happens when Thais leave the country and are subject to rigorous testing procedures upon landing in a foreign country. Turns out, it's rife here. https://wbcboxing.com/en/new-opponent-for-cuadras-after-sor-rungvisai-tests-positive-for-covid-19/ Who knew? ???? Seems his Thai manager is already pretending it's non Covid related though, despite a positive test. Save face chaps, pretend he simply boarded the flight with another illness that would stop him fighting. Yeah.. right. What a shame though. Would have been a good fight.
  8. Actually he pulled troops out of Iraq as well as Afghanistan. But my point on the topic of THIS thread topic remains, China has much more in common with Thailand than the US does. China will continue it's takeover of SE Asia via economic force and incentives. There will only be one winner, and that is China. Thailand will sell out at the expense of it's people for the economic benefit of a very few Elite families, many of whom have Chinese heritage.
  9. Yeah Tigers are great. Lions too. You should come and meet mine. Sounds like you'd love him ????.
  10. Thailand has much more in common with China than with the USA. Many of Thailand's leaders have Chinese ancestry, they both have little concern for human rights, they share business practices such as widespread corruption on g2g deals, they both love ruling by force and rolling out the tanks on the populace when required. The US has no chance - especially with the current government/President. Too busy preaching about pronouns, micro aggressions and Ultra Wokeness to actually achieve anything of note on the international scene (apart from sending Iraq into chaos by withdrawing troops overnight of course). **edited for typo not content
  11. Unless the snake is a Malayan Pit Viper of course. Well known for not moving even if you walk towards it. They are also very difficult to see on the ground, strike incredibly fast and are VERY venomous. Apart from that, they're fine.
  12. Very cute. Similar colour and markings to mine. Ours is super friendly but I still make sure he's on the lead until strangers have been properly introduced and he knows they're 'with us'. After that, he just wants to play with them but of course you have to be responsible with any breed, especially large or strong ones. We had a few issues with a couple of local teenage boys creeping around our farm at night when I was away working in Bangkok so I feel a lot safer now they know he's inside the house and very protective of my girlfriend. They're not too keen on him so his presence has proved to be enough. He's also good for catching pigeons, mice, snakes, Tookaes, JinJok's etc.
  13. Well we don't know each other but if we did I would let you know why some us like owning and don't regret it at all. I can't think of a better place to have a base in SE Asia than Bangkok. Even if I leave Thailand for another country it would probably be for another SE Asian country so I can rent my place or just leave it empty for my occasional returns/holidays. It's value is not really significant to me. It's a base in a region I love. Same as when I left the UK I didn't sell up, I rented it and the rent in 16 years has pretty much covered the purchase price but that's not the point. I know that if the sheet hits the fan I have somewhere easy to go. It's a much nicer feeling than wondering about the next inspection/rent increase/forced relocation. Also, it's nice to have some money in bricks and mortar. Eggs and baskets and all that...
  14. Given the international coverage of this incident, it would be very wise if his hospital bills disappeared. The last thing Thailand needs is another Daily Mail story about "Brit ripped off by hospital after slashing murder in Thailand" headline. However, they're all in the bubble so expect lots of arguing over a few grand.
  15. Me too. I get it all the time on the elevated Chalong Rat highway from BKK to ChonBuri. They overtake me doing about 160 on the straight and then as soon as the highway curves a bit, they slow right down to about 60 and I cruise past at the same speed I was doing on the straight. As soon as the curve ends they blast past me again. It's scary that someone with so little ability to drive round a mild curve is driving at such high speed on other sections. Don't get me started on slowing down to a virtual standstill before turning off a main road into a sub soi. It's like they're begging to get hit from behind.
  16. I rented for 10 years and finally bought a condo about 5 years ago. No regrets buying and wish I'd done it sooner. I like the stability of having a permanent base here and so far I've recouped over 30% of the price I paid for the condo in rent that I didn't have to pay. I'll be here at least another 5 years so by that time I'll have recouped about 70% of the price I paid. In fact, in all likelihood I'll still be here in 10 years by which time I could give the condo away and still be up. In reality it will still be worth around what I paid so I could sell it and I'll have lived rent free for 15 years. I also brought the money over at 55 to the pound so theoretically I've made 20% on that as well but obviously it depends on the rate if and when I sell it. I doubt I'll ever sell it as I like having a base in Bangkok as I love the city. However for me it wasn't purely a financial decision and I do see some benefits in renting but personally I hated moving condos and I didn't like having a landlord. I like being able to decorate/renovate as I choose, I like not having inspections, worrying that the landlord will kick me out to let a friend move in, hike up the rent, invent damage, not return deposits etc. Fortunately my place is well managed and quiet but I can see the risk of buying somewhere that turns out to be a AirBnb for Chinese hordes or similar.
  17. Exactly. Forced to take a ripoff ATK test and risk being quarantined for a week at your own expense for the privilige of sitting on a beach covered in crude oil. They certainly know how to tempt us.
  18. My god they're all trying to jump on the bandwagon. Typical knee jerk reactions all round to try and appear virtuous. "Quick, say something for god's sake. It doesn't matter if it's ridiculous - just look like we're doing something until this awkward incident blows over". And all because of the status and attractiveness of the victim. As I said on another thread, if this had been some poor, dark skinned, "ugly" cleaner from the same hospital we'd never have even heard of it. It's not like traffic fatalities are rare in Thailand, there have probably been a dozen already today and it's only 10:30am. This is the Thai equivalent of missing white woman syndrome.
  19. I'd say it starts with education, and ends with strict enforcement of laws (irrespective of wealth, connections and social status). Somewhere in the middle you have the issue of over-confidence, arrogance, impatience, selfishness etc. Good luck fixing all that.
  20. I saw a passenger van today with a huge sticker covering the back door/window reminding people of safety and to stop for pedestrians at zebra crossings. I guess it was a recent addition following this 'hot topic' with the pretty young Doctor. I noticed after he aggressively moved into my lane, forcing me to either brake suddenly or swerve to collide with oncoming traffic.
  21. Fortunately for my health I ignored the law on this and switched to e-cigarettes about 5 years ago. I was then able to wean myself off them gradually and haven't smoked at all for about 4 years. They are a great tool for quitting. Which is probably why they will remain illegal in Thailand since the government collects the tax and then gives very little back to help the people who suffer health problems as a result of smoking.
  22. They should probably go after the Grab riders weaving through traffic one handed while checking their phones before they worry about people who are stationary and waiting at a red light.
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