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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. I live in BKK and can't imagine not having a car, especially now with Covid. I don't want to sit in a taxi with some Somchai opening the door to spit on the floor at the lights, playing a badly wired stereo at 100 decibels, moaning about traffic or complaining if I want the AC turned up. All while potentially getting Covid. What a pain in the <deleted>. At least it's easy to get one at the moment but when things pick up we'll be back to the old "Cannot - too much traffic" or "300 Baht" for a 70 Baht journey nonsense. No thanks, I'd rather sit in my car listening to my choice of music with the climate control at 23 degrees. I have motorbikes but that's not much fun when it's 38 degrees or hammering down with rain. Not much fun turning up at the restaurant sweaty or wet. Not to mention supermarket shopping or driving to our farm in Korat. Or weekend trips to the beaches in Rayong etc. I guess if you live on Soi 8/Soi 11 and never venture past Soi 4/Soi 23 it might be OK not to have one.
  2. Agreed. But maybe Thailand needs to learn to keep it's mouth shut because it has enough reasons not to come here right now without ministers pompously announcing which class of people they would like. If I was considering backpacking here for a while (as I did in 1998) and read that, I'd go elsewhere.
  3. Maybe open the M6 motorway from BKK to Korat before you get too excited about the next mega project.
  4. This is a great scam. Make insurance compulsory. Sell the insurance. Have a clause that doesn't cover asymptomatic cases. Insist that asymptomatic cases go to a private hospital. Insurance company wins. Private hospital wins. Foreigner loses.
  5. Oh dear. Another problem for Thailand. It never rains but it pours. What's coming next I wonder? Typhoons? A Tsunami? Anutin as PM?
  6. I've been wondering if the sky rocketing price of pork could finally be a solution to the problem of over population of stray dogs. I mean they love their Korean soap operas so why not try the cuisine?
  7. Thailand has made it clear that it only wants 'quality' tourists, not sweaty dreadlocked backpackers on a gap year. Add to that the draconian rules on alcohol, fines for smoking on the beach, nightlife shut, parties raided, ever changing entry requirements, the gentrification of places like Koh Sarn Road, it's really no wonder that students and young people generally are avoiding the place. If I didn't have ties to the place (gf, condo, vehicles, job etc.) there would be dozens of places I'd visit before I considered coming here.
  8. I'm sure General Prayut will be 'satisfied' with this purchase. Bringing more happiness to the people. He is the gift that keeps on giving.
  9. Well, agents are well known for being able to 'fix' issues with visas, for example the 800k requirement. So I have no reason to believe they wouldn't be able to sort an issue with passing this new language test for Thai citizenship. The only point of debate would be how much they would charge, probably more than fixing a visa issue but that would depend on the official involved. Feel free to continue doubting the existence of such practices though ????.
  10. I'm guessing it will depend on how well you dress, how politely you Wai, how much the tester likes the cut of your jib etc. Nothing an "agent" won't be able to sort I'd imagine.
  11. Quelle surprise! That's what happens when you take away people's livelihoods via lockdowns/restrictions without providing a support network.
  12. Is he including his mate Anutin in that? He didn't seem to show too much hospitality during his mask/showering rant.
  13. An interesting list. But this isn't about your favourite people to hang out with. It's about who they should be encouraging to stay long term.
  14. I guess it's because the poor that can't afford to eat due to soaring pork prices probably don't want to be told to consume an even more expensive plant based product instead. It's another "let them eat cake" moment.
  15. They should target any group that is prepared to come here. They need all the help they can get. Pretending to have such high standards that you court only specific groups is hubris in the extreme. They should also drop the 50 year minimum age limit for retirees. Plenty of people retire before that. If you can afford to live here and contribute to the economy why have an age limit?
  16. Probably 5000 Baht more than they paid in income tax during the times they were making thousands per day.
  17. Surely Prayut can order one of his underlings to make this project a success. Maybe throw a banana peel at them or spray them with alcohol hand sanitizer to remind them of his absolute authority.
  18. I bought 2 doses back in June for about 4000 baht. Just as an insurance policy against the government's incompetence/racist policies. Every month I get a text message from the unnamed private hospital to say it's been delayed. Currently it's booked for the end of March. Meanwhile I've had 2 AZ and a Pfizer free from my employer. Like most insurance, a total waste of money.
  19. Hey plebs. Keep acting like good little comrades. I'm off for a party at my mansion with all the money I stole from you. Ciao.
  20. Interesting. High enough to justify restrictions and instill a little bit of (but not too much) fear. Well played Prayut. I am guessing 11,xxx tomorrow to keep it linear unlike everywhere else in the world where it is exponential. It’s a shame gambling is banned here (except the government lottery of course) or we could have done some spread betting on the number they make up tomorrow to justify next weeks policies.
  21. Just announced. In BKK they can still serve until 9pm as long as it's a 'restaurant' and SHA approved.
  22. Tedros is worrying that he's about to slip back into obscurity. Gotta keep stoking that fire...
  23. Given the backdrop, and the fact that others in the picture are wearing coats/jackets, holding bags, purses etc. it doesn't really look like your typical living room scene. However, even if that is what his home looks like (an interesting choice of wallpaper), I think it's justified that he's getting so much ill will from the public given his behaviour over the last couple of years. I hope it continues so he realizes just how hated he is by his fellow Thais.
  24. Not quite on the level of fame/talent as Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison though...
  25. No surprise here. Extreme hypocrisy. But ultimately, his gang has the tanks and the guns and the grunts so they can do what they like. They are literally laughing at the population while insulting them at the same time. Hopefully those that supported the coup in 2014 may think differently next time.
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