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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. It's very clear that they are not the same person (unless it's a case of Dissociative Identity Disorder given that one interviewed the other in length on the Stickman website). If that was your (very obvious) point then maybe that's what you should have written. Instead of "Stickman" and "Not Stickman" are nothing to do with "Stickboy/Mike McKay" which is factually incorrect seeing as Stickboy acquired Stickman so they are intrinsically linked. I was simply correcting you. What was that? Oh, you're welcome.
  2. Surely nobody is really this clueless ????. He built up StickBoy over a period of years and used the revenue from that to acquire Stickman several years later. It's like saying Bill Gates didn't build his empire from nothing because Microsoft acquired Linkedin in 2016 ????.
  3. I'm planning to visit my family in the UK in July. But I won't be booking anything until the last minute. Too much chance of another variant sending the world into mass hysteria again. Best to wait and see the situation a few days before the trip and then deciding whether to go or not. I work here so the last thing I need is to get locked out due to some new strain while I'm overseas. IMHO we are over the worst of it now and things will get easier from here on, but I'm not prepared to put several thousands of pounds on it by booking now and then sweating on it for 6 months.
  4. They need to decide on a policy, make it clear to everyone and then stick to it. All this ambiguity over Test & Go being available, what the insurance requirements are, what the insurance covers, what will be open when you finally get here, what happens if you test positive etc. is a nightmare for tourists. 99% will just book something easier. Ironically, the only tourists who will put up this are the mongers desperate for a bunkup after 2 years without. The very tourists they claim they don't want.
  5. Most of the time it's just a literal translation from Thai. They think how to say it in Thai and then change every word to English without restructuring the sentence which is why they will say close the fan or close the power instead of turn off the fan/power. It's also why they often don't use "the" and will just say Close Door instead of close the door. I get the impression they spend more time in school on vocabulary than grammar/pronunciation as they often know the word for most things but don't know how to use it properly within a sentence or pronounce it properly. They all make the same mistakes so it must be what they are being taught by Thai teachers. Reminds me of when I started work here and the girl I was working with was called Apple. She said I could call her Pun. I asked what Pun meant and she kind of rolled her eyes and said "short for Appun" ????.
  6. Actually that's not correct. Stickboy bought the StickmanBangkok website and then paid the previous owner to continue writing the column for him (until Covid struck and removed all the ad revenue). There was an interview about it between the 2 individuals on the Stickman Website but the last 3 years worth of columns have been deleted from there as well. Anyway, good luck to him. He built something from nothing and had a good run of it. Not even hinting at his departure until he was safely back in the UK (and removing most of the content) does imply that he had some issues with someone but that wouldn't be unusual for someone who was effectively on the payroll of gogobar owners who are often more than a bit shady. Edited for a typo.
  7. Thai is a nationality not a race. Therefore criticising one of Thailand's policies cannot be racist. If I was criticising Asian people in general it might be, but not all Asian countries have such ridiculous policies so it wouldn't make any sense to do that. Just a word of advice, better you learn the meaning of words before you start throwing them around in an attempt to discredit someone - otherwise you end up looking uneducated and ignorant.
  8. Nonsense. I have paid income tax in Thailand for 14 years. Millions and millions of Baht. The reason I have to pay extra to visit a national park is because I am Caucasian. I also paid income tax in my home country. We don't use race to decide the entry price there. We're better than that.
  9. Less customers? Raise the price. I very much doubt anyone would choose not to come here because of this 300 Baht charge. There are plenty of better reasons not to come.
  10. I had my Pfizer booster 2 weeks ago. Since then I've had flu type symptoms for 2 days followed by a sharp intermittent pulsating pain that moved from the injection site to my shoulder blade and is currently at the middle of my back. Think I'd rather have had Covid.
  11. I used to think this was the only (good) thing he'd achieved in 7 years. Seems like I was overrating him.
  12. I quite enjoyed his content. I found some decent restaurants and watering holes based on his posts. But when your income comes primarily from advertising bars that are no longer allowed to open, you're not going to make much money and I guess 2 years was long enough to wait. It's very weird how he disappeared so quickly without warning and a lot of the content on the websites disappeared as well. I guess the full story will come out sooner or later.
  13. Seems like they stopped quite a while ago. Well, the true numbers anyway...
  14. Falcon Motorsports. 086-5722443. They sell GasGas, KTM and Husky motocross bikes. https://www.falconmotorsports.org/price
  15. I live in BKK and can't imagine not having a car, especially now with Covid. I don't want to sit in a taxi with some Somchai opening the door to spit on the floor at the lights, playing a badly wired stereo at 100 decibels, moaning about traffic or complaining if I want the AC turned up. All while potentially getting Covid. What a pain in the <deleted>. At least it's easy to get one at the moment but when things pick up we'll be back to the old "Cannot - too much traffic" or "300 Baht" for a 70 Baht journey nonsense. No thanks, I'd rather sit in my car listening to my choice of music with the climate control at 23 degrees. I have motorbikes but that's not much fun when it's 38 degrees or hammering down with rain. Not much fun turning up at the restaurant sweaty or wet. Not to mention supermarket shopping or driving to our farm in Korat. Or weekend trips to the beaches in Rayong etc. I guess if you live on Soi 8/Soi 11 and never venture past Soi 4/Soi 23 it might be OK not to have one.
  16. Agreed. But maybe Thailand needs to learn to keep it's mouth shut because it has enough reasons not to come here right now without ministers pompously announcing which class of people they would like. If I was considering backpacking here for a while (as I did in 1998) and read that, I'd go elsewhere.
  17. Maybe open the M6 motorway from BKK to Korat before you get too excited about the next mega project.
  18. This is a great scam. Make insurance compulsory. Sell the insurance. Have a clause that doesn't cover asymptomatic cases. Insist that asymptomatic cases go to a private hospital. Insurance company wins. Private hospital wins. Foreigner loses.
  19. Oh dear. Another problem for Thailand. It never rains but it pours. What's coming next I wonder? Typhoons? A Tsunami? Anutin as PM?
  20. I've been wondering if the sky rocketing price of pork could finally be a solution to the problem of over population of stray dogs. I mean they love their Korean soap operas so why not try the cuisine?
  21. Thailand has made it clear that it only wants 'quality' tourists, not sweaty dreadlocked backpackers on a gap year. Add to that the draconian rules on alcohol, fines for smoking on the beach, nightlife shut, parties raided, ever changing entry requirements, the gentrification of places like Koh Sarn Road, it's really no wonder that students and young people generally are avoiding the place. If I didn't have ties to the place (gf, condo, vehicles, job etc.) there would be dozens of places I'd visit before I considered coming here.
  22. I'm sure General Prayut will be 'satisfied' with this purchase. Bringing more happiness to the people. He is the gift that keeps on giving.
  23. Well, agents are well known for being able to 'fix' issues with visas, for example the 800k requirement. So I have no reason to believe they wouldn't be able to sort an issue with passing this new language test for Thai citizenship. The only point of debate would be how much they would charge, probably more than fixing a visa issue but that would depend on the official involved. Feel free to continue doubting the existence of such practices though ????.
  24. I'm guessing it will depend on how well you dress, how politely you Wai, how much the tester likes the cut of your jib etc. Nothing an "agent" won't be able to sort I'd imagine.
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